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DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija

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da i apsolutno, jer mi je fps gejmplej za retardinja u odnosu na gejmplej iz frpova

zato i imam stav kad je igra hopa-cupa neka bude jebeno najlepsha i najzogdnija, jer fps i postoji zbog grafike, imerzije, fizike, shejdera, dx10, aax8, afx16 bla bla truc truc (u to je evoluirao i od njega i ne trazim nista vise)

u glavnom mogu iz glave da nabrojim 20 naslova koji su vrhunski u fps-u

q1,q2,q3, q4, unreal, UT, half life 1 i 2, wolfenstain, duke, thief, blood, cs, chronicles of riddick, nolf, avp 1 i 2, cod 1,2,4,5, MOHA 123, battlefield verzija milion, ghost reacon 1,2.. , far cry 1 i2, fear, crysis, bioshock





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  • 2 weeks later...


When the guard happened upon a mass grave dug by this sick fool, a massive, horned, disgusting behemoth was digging itself out. The dying traveler described this loathsome beast – or, as he termed it, the unburied – as being comprised of bloated parts from many fetid, rotting corpses, with a multitude of disfigured heads and slobbering fanged mouths. He was fortunate that day, but when he returned with several men to help him deal with the creature, they found to their horror that the undead spawn was too much for even their combined efforts. They fought valiantly to the last man, sacrificing themselves to keep the beast from rampaging across the countryside and taking who knows how many innocent lives. He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature





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da i apsolutno, jer mi je fps gejmplej za retardinja u odnosu na gejmplej iz frpova

zato i imam stav kad je igra hopa-cupa neka bude jebeno najlepsha i najzogdnija, jer fps i postoji zbog grafike, imerzije, fizike, shejdera, dx10, aax8, afx16 bla bla truc truc (u to je evoluirao i od njega i ne trazim nista vise)

u glavnom mogu iz glave da nabrojim 20 naslova koji su vrhunski u fps-u

q1,q2,q3, q4, unreal, UT, half life 1 i 2, wolfenstain, duke, thief, blood, cs, chronicles of riddick, nolf, avp 1 i 2, cod 1,2,4,5, MOHA 123, battlefield verzija milion, ghost reacon 1,2.. , far cry 1 i2, fear, crysis, bioshock

Za mene je doom3 bolji od pola naslova sto si tu nabrojao a presao sam sve sem bioshocka koji sam stigao do 3/4 i nisam mogao dalje jer me igra izuzetno nervira.


When the guard happened upon a mass grave dug by this sick fool, a massive, horned, disgusting behemoth was digging itself out. The dying traveler described this loathsome beast – or, as he termed it, the unburied – as being comprised of bloated parts from many fetid, rotting corpses, with a multitude of disfigured heads and slobbering fanged mouths. He was fortunate that day, but when he returned with several men to help him deal with the creature, they found to their horror that the undead spawn was too much for even their combined efforts. They fought valiantly to the last man, sacrificing themselves to keep the beast from rampaging across the countryside and taking who knows how many innocent lives. He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature

abomination wanna be :)

btw wizard i barberijan ... ostale klase me neinteresuju posto znam da do expanzije nece biti palamudina ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  • 4 weeks later...

Daj neka kazu neshto novo za ovaj Diablo mrtvi, mesecima nishta konkretno :/

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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MS hoce d3 na njihovoj sledecoj konzoli???


Blizzard's Rob Pardo has confirmed that his company has had talks with Microsoft about the successor to the Xbox 360.

Speaking at the Luminaries Lunch today during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Pardo would only state that Blizzard is actively in discussions with Microsoft, seemingly confirming the development process of new console hardware is under way.

However, other developers at the lunch have not spoken to either Microsoft or Sony about future plans, which has raised concerns that content isn't a priority for format holders as they plan the next-generation of home machines.

"How many designers in the games industry do you think they are rounding up to [talk to], because this is going to make or break them this time around," said Acclaim's David Perry.

"I'm not aware that they are putting a big amount of effort into finding out how to make the games. The people who are actually physically going to make the games are all going to get a surprise," he added.

Warren Spector, boss of Disney's Junction Point Studios and responsible for classic titles such as Deus Ex, said that he believes format holders are too concerned with the wider entertainment market to focus on games.

"I get the impression they're focusing on owning the living room," he said. "One device that lets you watch movies, television and play games and music and all that stuff.

"They're so focused on that that I'm not even sure they're thinking about the games that are going to come out. Which is kind of crazy." he added.

Pardo said that so far there's been a good reason why Blizzard titles such as World of Warcraft haven't appeared on home consoles – the hardware hasn't been specifically designed around some genres.

"There are are so many games like we make at Blizzard that we don't take to consoles because they don't support the input device and you end up with crappy ports. That's why RTS games never do well on consoles," he said.

"If I was them, I'd be sitting around trying to figure out what's a cool input device that supports all types of new kinds of games."





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Blizardove igre su jedan od razloga sto sam zavoleo PC do smrti. Ok i C&C serijal ... i cesar3 pharaon serijal ... i settlers ... i tako u nedogled... konzole su za idiote :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pa, nekako, poenta igranja na konzolama i jeste da se zavališ u fotelju ispred televizora i pičiš preko kontrolera. Miš-tastatura varijanta u startu podrazumeva potrebu za tacnom u krilu i pratećom neudobnošću. Inače, igram se na PC-u od početka 90-ih pa ne smatram da su "konzole za idiote", ima tu predobrih igara, samo što iza njih stoji ta preizražena filozofija "casual igranja".

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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DooM-olike igre NIKADA nisu bile za konzole !!! Dok preko joypada naciljash monstera ovaj te tri puta optrchi, pojebe te zguza i isere ti se u kapuljachu...

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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^^Kako kad ce da izadje, Diablo III pre juna 2010 nece ni beta da bude ^^

Inace sotovi su sjajani! Svidja mi se interfejs.

Edited by CABKE

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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Hahaha sad sam primetio obratite paznju na nove figurice na stubovima stepenica, dakle slusaju fanove :)


У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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