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Hteo bih da kupim nekog 'jaceg' psa za stan. Ne chivave,pudlice i slicno, nego bas nekog 'baju'.

Mislio sam da uzmem dobermana,ali citajuci neke clanke na netu o njemu primetio sam da je vrlo zajeban igrac.

U 7. godini mu raste nekakva kost u glavi i pritiska mozak pa se moze desiti da poludi i izujeda gospodara. U ostlaom,kazu da je kod dobermana frekvencija ujeda najcesca. I jos pise da se od pocetka vlasnik mora nametnuti kao gospodar jer se kasnije opet mogu stvoriti problemi u odnosima. To me je sad malo distanciralo od njega ali opet da vidim ovde, da li neko ima slicnog psa ili bi preporucio nesto na tu foru(a po mogucstvu da moze da se drzi u stanu sa dosta velikom terasom i parkom u blizini).


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Drugar je imao dobermana i u jednom trenutku je napao njegovu sestru i do jaja je sjebo pa su ga posle poklonili ...

Od opasnih pasa hm ishao bi na neku rasu koja je u prirodi jaka, a ne po psihi jer vetjina tih pasa koji su po psihi opasni mogu da prsnu i napadnu random ljude/tebe itd itd ...

Moja preporuka dakle ide na haskija il tako neshto.



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brate sto ne uzmes nekog seldzuka

ali onako jadnog i mrsavog da mu se vide rebra

ja hocu tako nekog da imam i da ga zovem seldzuk i da ga niko ne voli sem mene :)))


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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U 7. godini mu raste nekakva kost u glavi i pritiska mozak pa se moze desiti da poludi i izujeda gospodara.

ma brate mili ... jel to iz iste one edicije gde doga pred smrt pojede svoje vlasnike ili one gde je jedan decko popio dva red bula u diskoteci u austriji i umro?

Sto se odnosa tice, svakom psu se moras postaviti kao gazda, to je prirodno, a za klopu nije tooolika frka, jerbo psi jedu svasta, pa te to ispadne povoljno u prodavnicama (ali je svakako dodatni trosak). A ako zivis u stanu uzmi malamuta, ne laje :))

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  woods_ said:
Jel znaš ti da taj pas jede ko dva odrasla čoveka?

Vudu himself [:)]

Ja imam labrador retrivera npr. Veliki pas, jak, odan, lep k`o slika, nikada nikog nije napao i ne verujem da ce. Nema izlive besa ili shtagod, voli da se mazi itd itd. Mnogo dobar pas u svakom pogledu.

Al` isto jede k`o dva odrasla choveka (izmedju 800 gr i 1kg razne hrane dnevno).

Tako da preporuka za retrivere.

Sad, sa druge strane, ne znam kako mislish u stanu da drzish tolikog psa. Ja sam imao nemachkog ovchara dok sam ziveo u stanu i to je jako zajebano. Prvo, veliki psi se ne osecaju dobro u malom (zatvorenom) prostoru. Drugo, deshavace ti se mnogo puta da neshto srushi. Trece, dlake, necesh moci da zivish od dlaka i na kraju cesh toliko da se smorish da cesh ga pokloniti nekome.

Your choice...

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The Doberman Pinscher is an elegant, muscular and very powerful dog. It has a well proportioned chest, a short back and a lean, muscular neck. Its hard, short-haired, close-fitting coat comes in black, black & tan, blue-gray, red, fawn and white. While white markings are considered a fault in some clubs in others it is accepted. The hair is short, thick, hard and tight to its body. Its teeth are strong and close in a scissors bite. Eyes are dark with a lively, intelligent expression. The ears are usually cropped (cut at the age of about 12 weeks). The pup's ears have to be taped for a couple of months to make them stand up. I believe England has banned the cropping of pup ears and the docking of their tails. Lately, many breeders have left their pups natural. If left natural they develop ears somewhat like a hound. The tail is usually docked at the age of 3 days. If the tail is not docked it grows a tail somewhat like a hound. Its legs are perfectly straight. The Dobermans gait must be elastic, elegant, and cover a lot of ground.


Bred for a century to be an outstanding guard dog, the Doberman Pinscher is intense and energetic with tremendous strength and stamina. Versatile, highly intelligent and very easy to train. Determined, fearless and assertive, but not vicious. Noble, loyal and affectionate with the family. It likes to be physically close to the family members. Devoted and watchful, this is a very people oriented breed. The Doberman needs an owner who is willing and able to discipline the dog without being afraid of him. All family members should learn to handle the dog properly, as Dobermans can be pushy if allowed to have their own way too much. The Doberman is naturally protective and does not need additional "protection" training to be a fine guard dog. In fact he should be thoroughly socialized when young to prevent over-protectiveness. Mental stimulation is important for a truly well-adjusted and happy Dobe. The Doberman must be consistently and thoroughly trained to be a good pet. Training should be through positive reinforcement. Dobes can be good family dogs if of good temperament, well trained and raised with children from early puppyhood. Best with experienced owners. Female Dobes are a little more stubborn to train than the male. Although the Doberman has the reputation of being a very aggressive dog, this is just not the case. For example, Dobes make great therapy dogs. They are sweet and gentle with nursing-home patients - tippy-toeing over IV tubing and walking at the resident's speed (which can be very slow), while at the same time will fiercely defend his master if it becomes necessary. These dogs are like big, protective babies. Doberman Pinschers have many talents including tracking, watchdogging, guarding, police work, military work, search & rescue, therapy work, competitive obedience and schutzhund. Aggression towards other dogs is accepted in the AKC standard. Though generally a dominant breed, Dobermans vary greatly in temperament. Some are even very submissive. Some individuals are family dogs, and some bond only to one person. The Doberman has been bred to work with man, and he needs this interaction often. They must be with family, and not abandoned to the backyard.

Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 26-28 inches (66-71cm.), Bitches 24-26 inches (61-66cm.)

Weight: 66-88 pounds (30-40kg.)

Health Problems

Generally healthy; possible cervical spondylitis (wobbler syndrome) due to fusion of neck vertebrae and compression of spinal cord; possible inherited blood disorder (Von Willebrands disease); obesity in middle age. Also prone to bloat, hip dysplasia, and congenital heart disorders. Veterinary check is advisable before purchasing a puppy. The gene which produces the albino (White) Dobermans is said to be the same gene which produced the famous white tigers and lions owned by Siegfriend & Roy in Las Vegas. Some also believe the gene is a masking gene, meaning it "takes over" and masks the color that the dog would be otherwise. White Dobe fanciers say there is no evidence, that this gene carries with it any deleterious or adverse health concerns that are sometimes associated with all white animals such as deafness, blindness, or unstable minds. Some breeders beg to differ claiming the gene does cause health issues.

Living Conditions

Will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised, but does best with at least an average-sized yard. Dobes are very cold sensitive and are not an outside dog. That is why police in areas where it gets cold are not able to use them.


The Doberman is very energetic and needs thorough frequent exercise.

Life Expectancy

Up to 13 years.


Dobes need little grooming and are average shedders.


This is a breed of relatively recent origin. It was developed in Germany in the 1860's, presumably by crossing among German Pinschers with Rottweilers, Beauceron, Pinschers, Greyhounds and English Greyhound to create the sleek and highly intelligent Doberman Pinscher. The creator of this mixture was a German tax collector named Louis Dobermann. Dobermann had to travel frequently through bandit-infested areas, and decided to "construct" a watchdog and bodyguard capable of handling any situation that might arise. Bearing the name of its originator (shortened by one n), the Doberman was first presented at a dog show in 1876. It was immediately a big success.

ma uzmi ovo kuce sa garnier reklame i ima sve ribe da ti prilaze ;)


u mirin brah?

u mad? come at me bro!

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Nije problem hrana :) Prostor, jebem li ga. Zivim od skora sam u stanu sa 2.5 sobe, dugim hodnikom i terasom, tu je i parkic a imao bi sigurno i vremena da se zezam sa njim.

Nemam ja neke vaze ili slike. A i doberman nije nesto veliki i debeo pas, oko 70 cm maximum tako da ne verujem da moze da pojede vise od mene(...) [:D]

Videcu jos, ali cu najverovatnije uzeti nekog stenca.


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sesha je donela ovo chudo pre neke 2 nedelje u kucu,nazvali smo je Lilu Dalas Multipas,sad ima 2 meseca otprilike

meshanac je samojeda i retrivera

blesava je skroz

da je mushko,barem bi mi se ispunila zelja da je zovem Seldzuk :))


Edited by gruja


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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  gruja said:
sesha je donela ovo chudo pre neke 2 nedelje u kucu,nazvali smo je Lilu Dalas Multipas,sad ima 2 meseca otprilike

meshanac je samojeda i retrivera

blesava je skroz

da je mushko,barem bi mi se ispunila zelja da je zovem Seldzuk :))


Edited by _Gotti_

don't grow up it's a trap

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