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Efforts by overseas film distributors to cut costs by outsourcing subtitle translations to such countries as India and Malaysia have resulted in creating dialog that makes little sense to local audiences, according to today's (Monday) London Times. The newspaper observed that translators with little understanding of the nuances of English are taking the place of British subtitlers, many with long careers in the business. Kenn Nakata Steffenson, who translates English films into Danish and Japanese films into English, cited one film in which the line "Jim is a Vietnam vet" became "Jim is veterinarian from Vietnam" in the farmed-out Danish subtitles. In another film, the words "flying into an asteroid field" became "flying into a steroid field." In yet another, "She died in a freak rugby accident" became "She died in a rugby match for people with deformities." In My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Uma Thurman's line, "We have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment" was translated into Taiwanese as "We hold the highest standards for sexual harassment." The Times said that Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro was so upset with the English subtitles for his 2001 film The Devil's Backbone that he himself worked on the subtitles for last year's award-winning Pan's Labyrinth.

Vest je zanimljiva jer govori da nismo jedini. Sad mi je nekako lakse.


nema vise zezanja


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prison break kao primer prevodjenja? =o) mislim to je zezanje ljudi koji rade titlove u domacoj radinosti i to podrzhavam

takodje ovo su ljudi koji ne znaju i/ili kosriste automatizovane programe za prevodjenje...mislim svako ko je video jedan 99cent shop prilog Jaya Leonoa zna sta su kineski prevodi...

kod nas je problem totalno druge vrste, kod nas ljudi ne uzmu transkript pa prevode nego brate slushaju i to loshe slushaju...znachi "nighty night" kad prevedesh sa "99" ili "we used to be this close" sa "mi smo nekad tukli tog klovna" (ret je chuo "we used to beat up this clown") e to se ne prashta

takodje smeshno mi je kada je nekome trn u oku ne-tako-losh prevod kao za dukes of hazzard, jer oni jesu familija djuk, i zhive pored grada hazzard...lichno bih ja za veceg kretena smatrao nekoga ko taj film prevede sa "vojvode opasnosti"....

zbog opasnosti da njihovi oipisni prevodi pochnu da izgledaju isto kao origianlna imena nekih stranih filmova u nemachku distribuciju ide film u formi [originalni naslov] - <povlaka> [opisni naslov] i frke nema =o))

nemachka medicina najbolja medicina.

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kod nas je problem totalno druge vrste, kod nas ljudi ne uzmu transkript pa prevode nego brate slushaju i to loshe slushaju...znachi "nighty night" kad prevedesh sa "99" ili "we used to be this close" sa "mi smo nekad tukli tog klovna" (ret je chuo "we used to beat up this clown") e to se ne prashta

Ne samo to, nego

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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ne , film se zove 300, samo shto u dodatku pishe bitka kod termopila.

300 se nigde ne pominje ;) a u istom tom katalogu je the departed preveden kao dvostruka igra, happy feet kao ples malog pingvina!? i night at museum - luda noc u muzeju, ne znam odakle im ovo luda, mora da je neka projekcija :)


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