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Iskreno nije mi jasno, ali necu ulaziti u dalju prepisku jer svi imaju svoje favorite itd. Ovo je ocigledno tvoje vidjenje necega sto smatras pijacarskom raspravom i nevaspitanjem. Naravno ti tako vidis posto je ovo tvoja teritorija, a ja sam ovde zalutao, a nevaspitanje je ono sto decurlija pricaju na CS forumima i o wcg-u.

ex-CS player, ex-EVE player, ex-WoW player...

Noob overall! :)

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Svaka cast Kimiju, stvarno mi je iz trke u trku sve drazi kao vozac i lik. Na kraju je izveo i malu pirueticu sa bolidom, a posle se vratio u “cool” mode:-) A kako vreme prolazi, mislim da ce uskoro naci nacin da cugne sampanjac pre nego sto ga i otvore! (za sada samo cugne pre polivanja, pa onda cugne opet, i to je vec postalo his thing...). Ovako ubedljiva pobeda, na ovakvo vozacki zahtevnoj stazi, i tolika razlika u odnosu na isti Ferrari sa nesto povoljnijom taktikom (Masa je isao kasnije u pit), a tek neverovatna razlika u odnosu na McLaren, cist su dokaz onoga sto Ivan_ kaze, tj. da je Kimi naj VOZAC.

@paralela: Hamilton-Sumaher

Ovde se mnogi zale na nesportsko ponasanje Sumahera u pojedinim delovima karijere, i ja se i slazem sa njima, jer takodje mrzim kobasicara. Medjutim, postoje samo dva razloga zbog kojih Hamiltona jos ne bije takav glas, a to su sreca, i cinjenica da je izvezao malo trka. Jednostavno, lik je nekontrolisan u duelima, ako ga neko obilazi, on ide for a kill, i to mu je sve. Jos se secam kako ga je Kimi obilazio na Silverstonu, ali se Hamilton prosto zaleteo u njega, i da ga Kimi nije iskulirao u maniru “pametniji popusta” zavrsili bi obojica van staze. O Hamiltonovim “strejfujucim” startovima da ne govorim! Mislim, za ovih 7-8 god koliko pratim F1, nikad nisam video da neko staje ukoso na startno mesto, niti da se to, je li, sme. Drago mi je sto mu je danas, na startu u Spa, Alonso pokazao ko je gazda.


Jeste skuzili da Bus-Stop sikana vise nije... pa, da vise nema razloga da se tako zove, OMG, jer vise ne lici na autobusku stanicu? Ipak, ovako je zanimljivije za voznju i za gledanje, ali nema vise smisla da ima to ime. Evo slike pa uporedite:






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e, da, ne znam s kim sam ranije pričao oko toga koliko traje odlazak u boks, ali na ovoj trci su prikazivali te podatke. npr. prvi kimijev odlazak 29.x, masin 28.y

Iskreno nije mi jasno, ali necu ulaziti u dalju prepisku jer svi imaju svoje favorite itd. Ovo je ocigledno tvoje vidjenje necega sto smatras pijacarskom raspravom i nevaspitanjem.

nema to veze ni sa favoritima ni sa bilo čim drugim; ako ti uđeš ovde ne znajući nikoga i kreneš da se frljaš sa stavom "nemate vi pojma, ja formulu pratim 50 godina, a vi ne znate ni ko je ejdrijan njui", onda si nevaspitan. pri tom, meni zaista nije bila namera da ti držim bukvicu, mislio sam da ćeš iz citata i mog komentara u prvom postu skontati o čemu pričam. sad, kad već moram da crtam, bolje da nacrtam do kraja. dakle, ti nisi imao pojma s kim ulaziš u raspravu, ali si pretpostavio da mi ovde kolektivno nemamo pojma o formuli i krenuo od starta da nas gađaš sa visine ("sedite, deco, da vam čika objasni"), što je nivo diskusije daleko ispod onog koji se neguje u sportskom forumu (ako izuzmemo priču o fudbalu).

Naravno ti tako vidis posto je ovo tvoja teritorija, a ja sam ovde zalutao, a nevaspitanje je ono sto decurlija pricaju na CS forumima i o wcg-u.

to nije neko moje viđenje, već neke opšte prihvaćene norme u civilizovanom svetu. a cs dečurlija vs. wcg je već flagrantan bezobrazluk na kakav bi se pre samo 30 godina reagovalo bacanjem deteta preko kolena :)

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svakako sam za kaznu meklarena, jesam fan ferarija, al sto je mnogo mnogo je :)

nerealno je da ih preterano kazne jer ce biti monotono prvenstvo, ali ne vidim razlog da se oduzme odredjen broj bodova vozacima, ako su utvrdili da su koristili nesto iz ukradene dokumentacije... to plus neka kazna od 500 milki koja bi otisla u dobrotvorne svrhe, bi bila dovoljna satisfakcija ;)

e da, shumi je tata :P





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FIA releases full WMSC judgement on McLarenCoughlan, De la Rosa, Alonso shared data obtained from Stepney

A number of McLaren employees - including Pedro de la Rosa and Fernando Alonso - knew about the team’s unauthorised possession of confidential Ferrari information, and some intended to use that information in the team’s own testing.

That was among the findings of the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council (WMSC), which published its full judgement on Friday afternoon following its decision to strip McLaren of their 2007 constructors' points and fine the team $100 million.

The findings contradict previous claims from McLaren that the Ferrari data had not spread beyond suspended chief designer Mike Coughlan, who allegedly received it from former Ferrari engineer Nigel Stepney.

In its judgement, the Council cites evidence of ongoing communications between Coughlan and Stepney, as well as between Coughlan and McLaren test driver Pedro de la Rosa, who the FIA claim “requested and received secret Ferrari information from a source which he knew to be illegitimate” and shared that information with world champion Fernando Alonso.

Emails between Coughlan, de la Rosa and Alonso formed part of the new evidence that prompted Thursday’s second hearing into the affair. July’s original hearing had found McLaren in breach of the International Sporting Code, but had not sanctioned the team due to lack of evidence.

The emails covered topics such as the weight distribution and braking system of Ferrari’s car, a flexible rear wing design and a gas used by the Italian team to inflate its tyres. They also suggested that Stepney had fed Coughlan real-time information on Ferrari’s pit stop strategy in this year’s Australian Grand Prix.

According to the Council, “The e-mails show unequivocally that both Mr. Alonso and Mr. de la Rosa received confidential Ferrari information via Coughlan; that both drivers knew that this information was confidential Ferrari information and that both knew that the information was being received by Coughlan from Stepney.”. In submitting their evidence, de la Rosa and Alonso were granted immunity from any personal sanctions.

The other new evidence related to communications between Coughlan and Stepney, which, according to reports from the Italian police, was of a far greater level than the Council had previously thought, leading it to conclude that Coughlan “was in receipt of a flow of confidential Ferrari information from Stepney.”

According to the Council, the new evidence makes clear that:

"...Coughlan had more information than previously appreciated and was receiving information in a systematic manner over a period of months;

- the information has been disseminated, at least to some degree (e.g. to Mr. de la Rosa and Mr. Alonso), within the McLaren team;

- the information being disseminated within the McLaren team included not only highly sensitive technical information but also secret information regarding Ferrari’s sporting strategy;

- Mr de la Rosa, in the performance of his functions at McLaren, requested and received secret Ferrari information from a source which he knew to be illegitimate and expressly stated that the purpose of his request was to run tests in the simulator;

- the secret information in question was shared with Mr. Alonso;

- there was a clear intention on the part of a number of McLaren personnel to use some of the Ferrari confidential information in its own testing. If this was not in fact carried into effect it was only because there were technical reasons not to do so;

- Coughlan’s role within McLaren (as now understood by the WMSC) put him in a position in which his knowledge of the secret Ferrari information would have influenced him in the performance of his duties."

The Council concluded that “some degree of sporting advantage was obtained, though it may forever be impossible to quantify that advantage in concrete terms.”

znao sam da smrdi taj alonso [roflmao]

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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da nije bilo hakinena verovatno bi snimili neku potpuno drugu reklama, ne razuemm te komentare tipa bila bi prosek.

preformulisacu: trka izmedju njih dvojice je prosek... tek kada se uporede sa mikom dolazi se do ekstaze...

jebem se u pedu za sitne pare

javite se mom makrou kaliju

cali = ghettopimp

aleluja barkase, aleluja!

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