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Srbija oslobodjena odgovornosti za genocid


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Court clears Serbia of genocide

Anti-Serbian protesters at The Hague

Bosnians seek a guilty verdict at the court in The Hague

The UN's highest court at The Hague has cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the Bosnian war of the 1990s.

But the International Court of Justice also said Serbia violated international law by failing to prevent the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica.

Bosnia brought the case and would have sought billions of dollars from Serbia in compensation if successful.

The case was the first of a state being charged with genocide.

At least 100,000 people died in the 1992-1995 war, triggered by the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. Bosnia's Muslims and Croats wanted to cut ties with Belgrade, a move opposed by Bosnian Serbs.

The reading of the complex judgement began at 0900GMT and took more than two hours.

The president of the court, Judge Rosalyn Higgins, said: "The court finds that the acts of genocide at Srebrenica cannot be attributed to the respondent's (Serbia) state organs."

Earlier Judge Higgins had rejected Serbia's argument that the court had no jurisdiction.

The court can only rule on disputes between UN member states and as Yugoslavia's membership was suspended in 1992, with Serbia-Montenegro admitted in 2001, Serbia said its actions could not be covered.

Serbia and Montenegro have since split into sovereign states.

Judge Higgins said Serbia was obliged to abide by the 1948 Genocide Convention.

She also said Serbia had assumed the "legal identity" of the former Yugoslavia and that Montenegro was no longer part of the case.

A number of survivors of the Bosnian conflict demonstrated outside the court as the ruling was read out, carrying a banner reading "Serbia is guilty".

One demonstrator, Hedija Krdzic, who lost her husband, father and grandfather in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, said: "A ruling that Serbia committed genocide in Bosnia means everything to me."

The court's ruling that Srebrenica did constitute genocide confirmed an earlier ruling in the UN war crimes tribunal.

Binding ruling

Bosnia said Belgrade incited ethnic hatred, armed Bosnian Serbs and was an active participant in the killings.

A Bosnian Muslim man prays at a memorial near Srebrenica on 25 February 2007

Thousands died during the Bosnian war of the early 1990s

Belgrade said the conflict was an internal war between Bosnia's ethnic groups and denied any state role in genocide.

The case, Bosnia and Herzegovina versus Serbia and Montenegro, began a year ago and a panel of judges has been deliberating since hearings ended in May 2006. Their ruling is binding.

The war crimes tribunal in The Hague has already found individuals guilty of genocide in Bosnia and established the Srebrenica massacre as genocide.

Bosnia, under a 1995 peace accord, is split into a Muslim-Croat federation and a Bosnian Serb state.

The latter's Prime Minister Milorad Dodik has already said it "will not accept the verdict and will not implement it".

The ruling also comes with Serbia still facing challenges linked to the break-up of the former Yugoslavia.

Its passage into the European Union has stalled over its failure to hand over war crimes suspects for trial.

It also faces final talks with the United Nations on the future of Kosovo, with the province heading towards near-statehood despite Serbian opposition.

bbc izvor - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6395791.stm

skinuli smo ogromnu bedu s vrata.

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Beogradska nevladina organizacija Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava ocenila je danas da je Srbija trebalo da bude osuđena za genocid u Srebrenici.

Dragan Popović, iz Inicijative mladih, rekao je za agenciju Beta "da je u šoku zbog presude", i dodao da "presuda nije u interesu ni Srbije ni žrtava".

"Vrlo sam iznenađen sadržajem presude, očekivao sam da Srbija bude osuđenja za genocid ili za saučesništvo u genocidu", kazao je Popović.

Boze, Boze...

Naravno da mi je drago sto smo oslobodjeni, i naravno da nije bilo razloga da se donese drugacija presuda.

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nemam nameru da branim zločince ali da svi stanovnici Srbije budu žigosani kao zločinci zbog Slobinih kriminalnih dilova, neće da može.

Ti stanovnici su glasali za tog slobu vecinski. Thus zhigosanje jedne celine ciji veci deo zasluzuje zig izgleda opravdano zar ne?

Edited by mohican



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Ti stanovnici su glasali za tog slobu vecinski. Thus zhigosanje jedne celine ciji veci deo zasluzuje zig izgleda opravdano zar ne?

ako nemci nisu zigosani kao genocidan narod ne vidim zasto bismo mi trebali da prihvatimo na sebe tu etiketu... ljudi su vecinski glasali za slobu, ali nisu vecinski glasali za cinjenje masovnih ubistava...

jebem se u pedu za sitne pare

javite se mom makrou kaliju

cali = ghettopimp

aleluja barkase, aleluja!

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najjache u celoj priche je to shto je bbc prvo objavio da su srbi optuzeni za genocid(ovo je sigurno neki mudjija javio, jer se sve deshavalo dok presuda josh nije ni prochitan). sat vremena kasnije morali su da pojedu sva govna koja su izasrali:))

shokirani izraz lica voditeljke bbc-a koja izgovara "Serbia is not guilty of genocide..." priceless


No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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Nista drago mi je da je skinuta ljaga .

ALI !!!! daleko od toga da Srbi nisu vrsili genocid i ubijali i ugnjetavali muslimanski narod . ( naravno nacionalisti ) .

Kao i sa druge strane Muslimanski nacionalisti su isto tako ubijali Srbe .

I nemojte molim vas sada da mi neko kaze , ma Srbi nisu mrava zgazili , a njih su ugnjetavali . Rat je jedna uzasna i glupa stvar i tu je sve izopaceno , tako da niko ne zna pravu istinu sta se u Bosni dogodilo i dogadjalo .

Inace Nemci su bre savili toliko Jevreja i drugih naroda , pa za njih nista danas ne kazu , nego kazu Nemac je gospodin covek , a za nas kazu stoka . A u ovom ratu je poginulo nemam pojima 100 000 ljudi lupam sada, a Nemci su pobili 5 miliona Jevreja pa opet smo mi genocidni narod a oni nisu , daj bre molim te koga oni zezaju.

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ja cu samo da dodam svoje laichko mishljenje, a to je:

da je jugoslovenska vlast htela da sprovede genocid u bosni 1992. to ne bi bilo na skali srebrenice. brutalna vojna nadmoc jugoslavije bi mogla da napravi takav pokolj da bi u poredjenju sa njim srebrenica bila jutarnje zagrevanje.

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