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Evo malocas sam dobio tel poziv od provajdera kako su dobili prijavu da sam skidao film koji je pod copyrightom putem torrenta. Prvi takav poziv dobio sam na leto 2006. i sada opet. U medjuvremenu sam skinuo dosta filmova, i nije mi jasno kako/zasto su se sada setili bas da zovu za ovaj file....

Jel neko imao OPET slicne probleme? Postoji li nacin da zastitim/sakrijem svoju DL, ili da li bi pomoglo da koristim neki drugi torrent search site? pojma nemam...

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Bio je skoro tekst o tome da MPAA i RIAA placaju odredjene firme da zasipaju p2p mreze laznim fajlovima koji se zovi isto kao i pravi torrenti ali su samo junk ili ti prekinu dload na 90% da te iznerviraju + zabeleze tvoj ip broj i "copyrighted" fajl koji si probao da skines i to lepo posalju tvom provideru - scare tactics #1 - druga varijanta je da je to deo regularnog ciklusa "suzbijanja potrosnje" koju odredjeni provideri izgleda sprovode povremenim upozorenjima - scare tactics #2 - ako ti je provider ponovio upozorenje, odjebi ih, predji kod nekog drugog a njih najstrasnije iznapusavaj, onako za svoju dushu, seti se psovki od kojih i sam pocrvenis, al obavezno, snimi sve to i okaci na youtube :P

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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Bio je skoro tekst o tome da MPAA i RIAA placaju odredjene firme da zasipaju p2p mreze laznim fajlovima koji se zovi isto kao i pravi torrenti ali su samo junk ili ti prekinu dload na 90% da te iznerviraju

Nisam bas siguran da je to tako jednsotavno izvodljivo kod torenta prekinuti nekome dl na 90%. Moguce je deliti npr neupotrebljiv fail.

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predji na news :)

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Nisam bas siguran da je to tako jednsotavno izvodljivo kod torenta prekinuti nekome dl na 90%. Moguce je deliti npr neupotrebljiv fail.

t is no secret that the MPAA and other anti-piracy organizations track down alleged pirates by uploading fake torrents. Up until now it was always unclear where those files came from, and how to identify them. mpaa-block.gifThe MPAA and other anti-piracy watchdogs try to trap people into downloading fake torrents, so they can collect IP adresses, and send copyright infringement letters to ISPs. They hire a company to put up fake copies of popular movies, music albums, and TV series. They even use pirate like filenames such as “Battlestar Galactica S03E07 REPACK DSR XviD-ORENJi” and “Miami Vice[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo“.

One of the btjunkie admins has found a unique way to identify trackers that host these fake files, which makes it easy to efficiently remove them.

Virtually all the servers that spread these fake files are located in Southern California and Las Vegas. The administrators of these servers follow patterns that make it easy to identify them. The content of the trackers and seed amounts make them stand out. There are more unique characteristics, but we wont reveal all the tricks because they could take counter measures. Here are some examples of servers that host and track fake torrents:

Tracker 1, Tracker 2, Tracker 3 & Tracker 4. (Screenshots: One & Two)

All the information was provided to me by one of the admins of btjunkie, who works together on this with other torrent site admins. He says that the MPAA and friends use a variety of tactics. The tracker will either stall everyone at around 90% or the content will just be a blank monochrome screen.

“I really think this is being done by professionals with a budget, that’s a lot of servers to setup and it takes some expertise to setup in the manner that they did it,” says the btjunkie admin. “I don’t think I really need to say who would spend money on something like this.”

Here are some good examples of how these fake torrents clutter up the search results. Virtually all of those X marked torrents are coming from the ip-ranges we mentioned, and are fake files. The good thing is that Torrentportal’s report system is well used by their users.

The server boxes that host these torrents fall in serveral ip-ranges, and are not yet blocked by blocklist software like peerguardian. Here are a few of the ranges that were discovered recently. You can easily add these to the blocklist of your torrent client (if it supports one), filewall, or blocklist manager.

The anti-piracy servers use hostnames like 101tracker.dhcp.biz, aplustorrents.qhigh.com, bitnova.squirly.info, bittorment.ocry.com, and pirate-trakkrz.leet.la. All these hostnames can be traced back to the same IP Ranges, these ranges contain possibly hundreds of fake trackers, so feel free to block them:

66.172.60.XXX, 66.177.58.XXX, 66.180.205.XXX, 209.204.61.XXX, 216.151.155.XXX

Note that it’s not only MPAA material that is hosted on these fake trackers. It is more likely that the servers are owned and operated by an organization that logs IP addresses for several copyright owners and or anti-piracy organizations. However, I think it is likely that the MPAA is one of them.




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Ovo za manje skidanje je definitivno tacno. kako krenes da srches vise nego stu su oni predvideli na tom flat nalogu kojeg imas, oni ti posalju tako nesto. Doduse, ne secam se da je nekome stiglo dva puta, posebno nakon opste hajke na provajdere zbog tih stvari.

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pa gledano ovako realno, oni mogu samo da te opominju.

mada sa druge strane mogu "slucajno" da te iskljuce pod izgovorom da ne radi mreza i tako da im seva paja jedno 5 dana i onda te ukljuce. i tako u krug ako neces da prestanes.

svi imaju svoje nacine borbe ali kako stvari stoje njihova ispadne poslednja.

moj cimer ovde downloaduje nenormalno, tri filma u isto vreme. igricu i 124 pesme dnevno.

da ne pominjem da je za mesec dana napunio oko 30Gba.

posto on placa taj net, ne daj Boze da ga opomenu, a da ne pricamo o tome da ga iskljuce (slucajno ili namerno). realno, iskesirala bi se kompanija preko suda. :)

(edit: serem, realno Verizon ne bi opominjao jer bi to lako doslo na videlo i skenjalo im imidz)

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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bilo je slučajoova da američki provajderi rade ovo ili ono pod pritiskom mpaa i riaa, ali je pre jedno godinu dana valjda neki od njih došao do vrhovnog suda i tu je postavljeno da ne mogu da daju lične podatke i tako još neka sranja.

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A sta ako poste tih 5 dana stvarno slucajno ne radi mreza.

Ljudi ce promeniti provajdera.Ne mogu ni oni da rade sta oce.

a koji je izbor u Srbiji?

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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