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pa ako ne dodje do totalnog razjebavanja svega hemijskim oruzhjima, kontam da tje posle prioritet biti allgo roboti, neshto tipa spiderwalk-eri, bez elektromotora, pre sa muscle-wire-om, beshumnim projektilima zasnovani na EMP principima i tome sl. da li tje biti kombi sa n daljinaca i n marinaca, ili neki mainframe... ne znam, govorim za period od nekih 10 godina, opushteno

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aj sad jedno po jedno, lagano.

provereno mu se digao dok je pisao taj post [:D]

evo malo vesti iz sadashnjosti, verovatno ste chitali u novinama

US military unveils heat-ray gun


The US military has given the first public display of what it says is a revolutionary heat-ray weapon to repel enemies or disperse hostile crowds.

Called the Active Denial System, it projects an invisible high energy beam that produces a sudden burning feeling.

Military officials, who say the gun is harmless, believe it could be used as a non-lethal way of making enemies surrender their weapons.

Officials said there was wide-ranging military interest in the technology.

How the heat-ray gun works

"This is a breakthrough technology that's going to give our forces a capability they don't now have," defence official Theodore Barna told Reuters news agency.

"We expect the services to add it to their tool kit. And that could happen as early as 2010."

'Blast from an oven'

The prototype weapon was demonstrated at the Moody Air Force Base in Georgia.

A beam was fired from a large rectangular dish mounted on a Humvee vehicle.

The beam has a reach of up to 500m (550 yds), much further than existing non-lethal weapons like rubber bullets.

It can penetrate clothes, suddenly heating up the skin of anyone in its path to 50C.

But it penetrates the skin only to a tiny depth - enough to cause discomfort but no lasting harm, according to the military.

A Reuters journalist who volunteered to be shot with the beam described the sensation as similar to a blast from a very hot oven - too painful to bear without diving for cover.

Crowd control

Military officials said the weapon was one of the key technologies of the future.

"Non-lethal weapons are important for the escalation of force, especially in the environments our forces are operating in," said Marine Col Kirk Hymes, director of the development programme.

The weapon could potentially be used for dispersing hostile crowds in conflict zones such as Iraq or Afghanistan.

It would mean that troops could take effective steps to move people along without resorting to measures such as rubber bullets - bridging the gap between "shouting and shooting", Col Hymes said.

A similar non-lethal weapon, Silent Guardian, is being developed by US company Raytheon.

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shto se avijacije tice koliko sam gledao na te-ve-u definitivno im je pravac razvoja ka bespilotnim letelicama, jer kao avion i mogu da naprave nov ali novog iskusnog pilota teshko s obzirom koliko mu je godina treninga potrebno da postane mega baja...

mada, koji ce im sve to, ako se im se infiltrira par ludaka sa par mini nuklearki...





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pitaj matorce da li njih nervira, ili sačekaj da i sam postaneš roditelj :)

ja bih i dalje voleo da mi neko nekako doturi neki od star trek brodova, pa da bombardujem ameriku iz orbite i da posle u svetu zavlada večni mir.

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još bolje, lagano teleportuješ jednog po jednog (deset po deset, sto po sto) amera u sunce, pa ti ostanu resursi.

onda ne moraš da se ograničiš na ameriku, nego lepo bombarduješ albaniju i arape, a iz civilizovanog sveta teleportuješ kukolj.

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