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ma kenjate svi. Serija je dobra kao dobar dan :).

Istina malo su preterali sa "all-american dream - even after nuclear war!" ali u svakom slucaju je gotiva.

Bolja od 90% krsha koji trenutno izlazi....

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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  • 1 month later...

voleo bih da onako moćna TV produkcija postoji u zemlji gde prosečan IQ nije 75, ma koliko to nemoguće bilo. nije jericho sad tu neki neponovljivi biser, ali je nadprosečna serija, a ukinuta je dok reality govna dobijaju milionske budžete i traju po deset godina.

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voleo bih da onako moćna TV produkcija postoji u zemlji gde prosečan IQ nije 75, ma koliko to nemoguće bilo. nije jericho sad tu neki neponovljivi biser, ali je nadprosečna serija, a ukinuta je dok reality govna dobijaju milionske budžete i traju po deset godina.

ako ti je za utehu, reality emisije su u celom svetu u silaznoj putanji, pogotovu u evropi (civilizovanom delu)

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reality nema visoke budzhete, popularni su zato sto se ljudi primaju i gledaju i onda ovi imaju i cheapass programming i skupe reklamne termine = win/win situation za tv kompanije

nadam se da je ovo sto kali kazhe tachno ali sumnjam

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  • 3 weeks later...

The response of fans to Jericho's cancellation has been impressive, and has included sending 50,000 pounds of protest peanuts to the office of CBS. Because of this CBS announced that they will renew the canceled post-apocalyptic television show for seven additional episodes, and begin a drive to increase the viewing audience. They also count on the fans to help them in this area. Obviously this wouldn't have happened if not for the passionate response of the Jericho fanbase. The first season will also be released on DVD this coming September 25th.

A smaller, older note of interest, not only is Fallout well thought of, but Tim Cain is mentioned by name in a Ask the Producers feature.

I'm a huge fan of the post-apocalyptic movies and books, all thanks to a PC game series entitled "Fallout" (and I'm sure there are a lot of fans of these games watching "Jericho"). Has any of you played the game? If so, can we count on some (even subtle) references to these games?

Producer's Response: We love "Fallout." Tim Cain is a genius. Look for our answer to The Hub in episode 13, entitled "Black Jack." You can watch a short preview for that episode on Innertube right now. Also, the rabbit is reduced to a thin red paste.

rofl, fallout pwnz





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  • 7 months later...

Zadnja epizoda koju sam gledao je sa tom "Nuts" forom kad su poceli da se peglaju, valjda su tu prekinuli seriju prvi put pa sam pobrisao sve epizode koje sam skinuo i sad ne znam koju treba sledecu da skinem a bash bi hteo da vidim shta se deshava dalje :P. Moze li pomoc prijatelja? :)

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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