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The Burning Crusade topik


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sta znash...mozda chovek oce da bude dreani...ili blelf...mada...smaraju me polako ludi stalno sa istim pitanjima...ima da editujem osnovni post u ovom topicu i stavim 3-4 servisne informacije =o))

a nobina za orca u dstalkeru...samo chekaj da vidish taurena ;o) (mada warr izuva patike samo tako =o))

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Kada bude izashla expanzija nekoliko dana pre toga ce blizard izbaciti veeeeliki patch u kome ce biti izgledi novih oruzja / itema novi talenti itd itd ... dakle mocicete da nastavite da igrate sasvim normalno vi koji necete da kupite igru , jedino sto necete moci da uradite jeste da necete moci da idete preko 300 skill preko lvl 60 i da idete u OutLand ... to je sve manje vishe .

da takodje necesh verovatno moci da uzmesh nove rase ... ali opet ponavljam imaces nova talent stabla sto je prilichno lepo ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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- Arena team ranking system: As it uses a rating system that can punish you for losing to teams worse than you, most players are going to play their minimum 10 games, see how they stand, and decide whether they're feeling lucky and want to gamble being at a worse standing by fighting another team, and so on and so forth. It's a system that actually discourages grinding, so again, please feel free to locate information on something before commenting.

- Week: At the end of each week (maintenance day) your team's standing is calculated and arena points are distributed. The arena points can then be saved or spent on rewards.

- Season: Each season lasts three months, and at the end of a season cool status/cosmetic-only prizes are handed out to the top teams, and if needed we can add new rewards so that the arena is keeping up with any new PvE items we've released.

That's it, arena points aren't wiped, the season is simply a time for us to recognize the top performing teams and also possibly add some new rewards.

- Arena rankings level requirement: Rated arena matches are only available at level 70. Pre-70 you can play in arena skirmishes which only reward you with honor points as you're just killing doodz. You can also enter skirmish matches at 70 for practice, or if you just aren't on a team.

- Teams are matched based on their standing, so in general the best teams are going to be match against other 'best teams'. However, the system still allows for everyone else to work towards high-end rewards at the pace their abilities allow them to. Will you work at your PvP skill and move up in rank week after week, or will you flounder about at the bottom?

The arenas are a place for those that want to use their PvP abilities to gain high-end rewards to do so, and while everyone can participate and work towards their goals, everyone should be working on improving their skill and earning those rewards.

- There are no individual player ranks in the arena system that the rewards could even be limited by, if such a thing existed. The only thing I can think of that could even be mistaken for a player rank is that you'll earn titles at the end of a season for being in one of the top teams, but it's simply a title and has no bearing on anything but your ability to show off how much of a bad ass you are.

Even if you're consistently in the worst arena team on your realm you'll still be able to accumulate arena points and eventually be able to purchase rewards, it's just going to take you a really long time.

- You get an equal portion of the team's arena points at the end of the week as long as you participated in at least 30% of the games the team played. If you really want to participate in the arena system and work towards the rewards then you're probably not going to want to sit on a team charter as an alternate. The alternate spots are really just there so the team doesn't have to kick anyone if someone isn't able to play for a week; they can just invite someone to fill in for a short time.

Q: Also, if there are only 2 people in my 2v2 team roster, and one disconnects/afk's, do i forfeit the game and get a mark against me?

A: If both players die or leave the game world you would lose the match. You can't hot swap members into the match regardless of who's on the roster.

Q: Also, do different level brackets have their own fighting systems? you said that the 'best teams' will play against other 'best teams', so does this mean a good lvl 30 team would be playing against a bad lvl 40 team?

A: What I was referring to were ranked teams at level 70 being paired up based on their team's standing. In the case of skirmishes there are level brackets players will be paired up by similar to the battlegrounds. The arena skirmish level brackets are actually divided by every five levels as opposed to every 10 like in the battlegrounds (60-64, 65-69, 70, and of course all the levels below those).

IMBA IMBA IMBA ... ajde kladjenje ... storm i josh neki pala vs nekih nabova ... nema sanse da izgubimo :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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IMBA IMBA IMBA ... ajde kladjenje ... storm i josh neki pala vs nekih nabova ... nema sanse da izgubimo :)

Pa protiv nabova nemate.. protiv nekih normalnih, imate... [:D]

Dobro su se setili NAPOKON da urade ovako neshto... a ne da najveci 'baja' (rank 14) moze da bude retard koji igra 24/7

Edited by TeacH

Craziness is directly related to having a vagina.


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jbg sada vishe i nema poenete sve budale tipa kili su vec uzele rank 14 ... tako da ostaje update oruzja i onda klanje nabova koji nikad nece dobiti nista lololol ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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