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-imate Hrvatsku i Hrvatska ima vas!!!

-da vam neko nije podmetnuo neku tableticu?

-da niste vi banda crvena sa tom majicom?


Miiiiigsaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! DAJ TU BOMBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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Koji ocaj , nisam mogao nid a pogledam do kraja clip koliko iritira lik :O

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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jebote... ma ne moze da bude ovoliko retardiran, ovo je neka sprdacina 100%

Niije sprdachina, ja sam to gledao na HRT-u, to je bilo pre jedno 10 meseci...

edit: Shta znachi EMO ?

Edited by Dushan_

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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Niije sprdachina, ja sam to gledao na HRT-u, to je bilo pre jedno 10 meseci...

edit: Shta znachi EMO ?

Emo - emotional

Hardcore punk music. Since its inception, emo has come to describe several independent variations, linked loosely but with common ancestry. As such, use of the term (and which musicians should be so classified) has been the subject of much debate.

In its original incarnation, the term emo was used to describe the music of the mid-1980s Washington, DC scene and its associated bands. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore", was also used to describe the DC scene and some of the regional scenes that spawned from it.

Ovaj je cist produkt americke emo kulture za napaljene tinejdzere, ja slusam par "emo" bendova ali oni svakako nisu u ovom fazonu...

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