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tshirthell !!1

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ima kod nas sajt neki samo da se setim kako idem...shaljive majce su oko 450 din,ne treba ti kreditna ali kada ti je oni donesu placash 650 din...valjda poshtarina ili porez... seticu se sutra sada je kasno vidi koliko je sati...sutra editujem post...



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ima kod nas sajt neki samo da se setim kako idem...shaljive majce su oko 450 din,ne treba ti kreditna ali kada ti je oni donesu placash 650 din...valjda poshtarina ili porez... seticu se sutra sada je kasno vidi koliko je sati...sutra editujem post...

Ta reklama je bila u jednom broju CKM. Ali ubedljivo najjaca: velika zastava Amerike i iznad pise Italia :)

pwnz0r za sve danasnje majice sa smor Italia natpisima :P

BTW, meni su jace majice i ostalo na http://www.thinkgeek.com/

P.S. Kapa sa natpisom +3 INT je zakon :)

Edited by neverm1nd

Roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you.

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sjajno sjajno sjajno sjajno!!!

zhelim! :) posebno ove tri!






If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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ja bi onu pregonta me lo que dice na ovoj majci ili kako vec :)

ali od toga nista, jer ne isporucuju u srbiju :(

ololo bs pazi ovu :))


Edited by dvnityCker

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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