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Ko nije gledao ovu odlicnu animiranu seriju, obavezno da je nabavi i pogleda, seriju je napravio isti lik koji je stvorio i Simpsonove, tako da je nacin crtanja isti.

Fry, luzer iz New Yorka, slucajno se na novogodisnju noc (31.12.1999) zamrzava. Budi se 1000 godina kasnije u New New Yorku, i nevidjena zajebancija krece.

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poslednja sezona nije ni emitovana, da bi je na osnovu nje ukinuli.

A kole ce vas kao i uvek uputiti u detalje, ali ako se lepo secam, ukinuta je zbog slabe gledanosti jer je isla u isto vreme kada i NHL, ili nesto na taj fazon, ili posle toga, pa je kasnila stalno, dza bu, tako nesto. Tek, nisu je ugasili zato sto je bila losha. Al' to je tako u americi, dobre serije umeju da propadnu iako su dobre.

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Pa bio je Family Guy ukinut posle 3. sezone pa su ih onda vratili, zato je tu ova scena na početku prve epizode 4. sezone:

Peter: Everybody I've got bad news. We've been cancelled.

Lois: Oh no Peter! How could they do that?

Peter: Well unfortuantely Lois, there's just no more room on the schedule. We just gotta accept the fact that FOX has to make room for terrific shows like Dark Angel, Titus, Undeclared, Action, That 80's Show, Wonder Falls, Fast Lane, Andy Richter Controls The Universe, Skin, Girl's Club, Cracking Up, The Pitts, Firefly, Get Real, Freaky Links, Wanda At Large, Costello, The Lone Gunman, A Minute with Stan Hooper, Normal Ohio, Pasadena, Harsh Realm, Keen Eddy, The Street, American Embassy, Cedric The Entertainer, The Tick, Louie, And Greg The Bunny....

Lois: Is there no hope?

Peter: Well I suppose if ALL those shows go down the tubes we might have a shot.

A istina da 5. sezona futurame nije dobra koliko i ostale, mo

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ima futurama svoje bisere (nisam stajao sa smehom po 5 minuta:))... kao i bash krsh epizode (the route of all evil je prva koja mi pada na pamet kao jedina epizoda posle koje sam zevao... ili anthology of interest iz chetvrte sezone kao najgori krsh od svih epizoda koju nisam ni odgledao do kraja [:(] )

mada ja nisam odgledao sve epizode... mozhda sam skinuo nekih 40-ak.

i hvala na preporuci za robot chickena... upravo skidam da vidim valja li :P

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Ne mogu da cekam vise ove velike poznavaoce da vam otkruju veliku istinu. Nikada nije postojala 5 sezona Futurame. U stvari, 5 sezona su epizode koje Fox iz ovih ili onih razloga nije hteo da pusti kao regularne epizode u prva 4 serijala. Kada su ugasili Futuramu, ovi su odlucili da naprave "5 sezonu" samo na DVD-u sto su u stvari neprikazane epizode. Tako da ima neke logike to sto je ta sezona najlosija, ali generalno gledano, Futurama ima najsofisticiraniji humor od svih serija koje su nabrojane u ovom topiku.


nema vise zezanja


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imam ja sve epizode (71 cini mi se ili tako nesto) na 2 dvd-a , jedan dvd sa prevodom drugi bez

kvalitet je odlican za divno cudo

meni je serija extra, i fora sa tim filmovima je u tome sto kad se to izbaci ako bude dobra prodaja mozda ce serija i da se nastavi

inace jedna od najjacih epizoda mi je ona na planeti amazonki

zapp - ladies, i need a little rest, the spirit is willing but the body is weak... :)


amazonka > every man who came to this planet died

fry > how?!

amazonka > crushed (medjunozje neznam da spelujem)

fry > i never thought i would die like this, but somehow i always hoped :)

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Ohoho, spika oko futurame....

Serija je rulala do trece sezone, u cetvrtoj mi je malo posustala, a peta (neobjavljena?) vec nije sadrzala onu istu dozu humora, sve se nekako vrtelo oko frajevog jurenja za lejlom.

Ovo ste me odusevili za filmove, nadam se samo da ce skoro biti. Dva puta pregledah seriju, i treci cu ako treba, neponovljivi su.

spirit is willing, but the body is weak - jedna od najjacih izjava zappa branigana, hvala sto me podseti :)))

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fry - i heard you single handedly defeated a horde of rampaging somethings in the something something system

zapp - the killbots? a trifle. it was simple the matter of outsmarting them.

fry - waay, i never would have thought of that.

zapp - you see, killbots have a preset kill limit. knowing their weakness i sent wave after wave of my own man at them... untill they reached their limit and shut down!

... neshto kasnije u epizodi ...

leela - captain, we realy need to talk to you about our mission.

zapp - whatever it is, i m willing to put wave after wave of man at your disposal. (to men) right men?

"men" - ... (tishina:).... you suck! ...

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kif - sir, remember your course correction?

zapp - nooo...

kif - well, it s proving some more suicidal then we have initialy hoped.

zapp - kif, old friend, i dont know which disgust me more... your cowardice, or your stupidity. we ll simply set a new course, for that empty region over there. (pokazujutji na crnu rupu) near that blackish, holish thing.

... posle par minuta brod krene da pada u crnu rupu i opet se vratjamo sceni sa zappom i kifom na mostu...

zapp - dont blame your self kif, we were doomed from the start. nothing remains now, but for the captain to go down with the ship.

kif - why, thats suprisingly noble of you sir!

zapp - nooo, its noble of you kif... as of now you are in command (skida kapetansko "sranje" sa uniforme i kachi kifu). congratulations captain. (kamera ostaje fixirana na kifu dok se u pozadini chuje zapp kako trchi i ulazi u kapsulu za spasavanje... i par sekundi kasnije, na prozoru iza kifa, vidimo zappa u kapsuli kako odmiche od broda)

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Jaka je epizoda iz 1. serijala kada Fry trazi stan, i Bender mu ponudi da zivi kod njega. Kada su "legli" da spavaju Bender pocinje da prica u snu "Kill all humans. Kill all humans." Fry ga gleda izbezumljeno i Bender se budi recima:

"I was having a most wonderful dream, I think you was in it."

kasnije Bender u snu opet prica

"Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans"


'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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bender:i had a nightmare...there were ones and zeroes, and then I thought I saw 2!

fry:there, there bender...there is no such thing as 2 :)

ili zoidberg:I took a liberty of fertilizing your caviar :))

a dobra je i ona epizoda kad fry popije 100 kafa:)

ali jedna od najjacih epizoda je ona kad parodiraju star trek


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Jaka je epizoda iz 1. serijala kada Fry trazi stan, i Bender mu ponudi da zivi kod njega. Kada su "legli" da spavaju Bender pocinje da prica u snu "Kill all humans. Kill all humans." Fry ga gleda izbezumljeno i Bender se budi recima:

"I was having a most wonderful dream, I think you was in it."

kasnije Bender u snu opet prica

"Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans"


da, ovo je takav jebeni vrh

tu sam pishao od smeha

takodje scena kada fry-a odvedu u ludnicu zajedno sa benderom

i kad dodju da ga posete i svi sednu za sto

i onda onaj robot uzvikne "CHANGE PLACES!"

znachi to se pokidam kad chujem

neka osoba glupak hehe

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