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moram da iznesem neko svoje zapazanje... sad mi vi recite dal' sam u pravu.

cini mi se da ranije nije bilo toliko postova o shkoli, uchenju i tako to... nove generacije se okrecu knjizi :)

Jes , jes :) , samo da i moja keva to misli i da ocene i izostanci pocnu da pokazuju to ;) , ma shalim se , moram da pritegnem jer sam sve sjebao..

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Instalirali chat na informatici,znači koje je bilo prozivanje :)) a najveća divota je što ima zilion raznih smajlija

chat je odvratan... [:(]

iz razloga sto nema op na kanalu..znaci server ne moze da kikuje itd...

btw..polozio sam psp.. do jaja :)

malo pre mi bio roditeljski,medju boljima sam...do jaja :)

sutra idem u skc na trens da se iskacem kao lud.. do jaja:)

sve je do jaja [^]

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Evo sad bas citam nesto vesti po netu, ovo mi deluje kao krukov zec,


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LONDON (AFP) - In a tale reminiscent of the last Wallace and Gromit movie, furious villagers in northeast England have hired armed guards to protect their beloved communal vegetable gardens from a suspected monster rabbit.


Leeks, Japanese onions, parsnips and spring carrots have all been ripped up and devoured by the mystery were-rabbit -- prompting the 12 allotment holders in Felton, north of Newcastle, to hire two marksmen with air rifles and orders to shoot to kill.

"It is a massive thing. It is a monster. The first time I saw it, I said: 'What the hell is that?'" the Northumberland Gazette newspaper quoted local resident Jeff Smith, 63, as saying on its website (www.northumberlandtoday.co.uk).

He claims to have seen the black and brown rabbit -- with one ear bigger than the other -- about two months ago, and at least three fellow allotment holders say they have seen it as well.

"I have seen it and it is bigger than a normal rabbit. It's eating all our crops and we grow the best stuff here," said retired miner George Brown, 76, quoted by the domestic Press Association news agency.

Smith could not be reached for comment Friday, but his mother told AFP that the hare-raising story is true -- and no less an authority than the British Rabbit Council said it was credible.

"Certain breeds do grow very big, like the Continental Giant" which can be 66 centimetres (26 inches) in length or more, a spokesman for the Nottinghamshire-based council, which represent rabbit breeders, told AFP.

In the last hit movie featuring Wallace and his dog Gromit, the two cartoon characters battled a monster rabbit that was cutting a swathe of destruction through locals' prize vegetable plots.

al' nisam siguran, pa mozhda mozhe jos neko da proveri :>

Naspavah se konacno dobrano, jedno 10ak sati, trebalo mi je tog sna. Sad idem po neki projektor, kao test, pa da vidim kako to radi i dal' valja cemu uopste, a mogu i neki film da pogledam kad sam vec tu, necu se buniti :) A posle cemo videti, sad za vikend krecu udarni dani posla i obaveza ... huh.

E da bre, bila juche 3000. slagalica \o/ Milka FTW!!!! Jos bili oni segmenti iz "making of" ... necete verovati, al' milka je ziva! Znachi zhiva zhena, sve, pricha, ovo ono ... neverovatno. :))

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sinoć palo fino cirkanjei dogovor za ro
Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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ja ne znam dal zato shto sanjam neke mega snove ili shto ne popijem dovoljno vode pred spavanje, a cirkao sam ili shto spavam duze .. al budim se ko da sam trchao maraton dok sam spremao neki ispit .. znachi totalno isavijan. al dobro i treba da se nahrchem jel danas ne znam kako cu sve da stignem i da prezivim za sutra :)

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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jbt istripovao sam fircanje :)

sramota me je sta sam procitala umesto reci "kupac" [:I] 

kad se smorim, osedlam ga, i malo jashem krajem :)

Pa moj ima 70, a kunitj je :))


smorio sam se, bas sam se gadno smorio... Uzeo ruter i ne mogu da ga nateram da radi lepo... grrrrr.

Forum neprikladan za signaturu!


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Bio do Tasha da uzmem neku svesku od ortaka i oni me nagovarali da odem sa njima na zenba...mene mrzelo...

izblejao u kgb-u,igrao cs1.5 :)

i malo pre me zovu da je Prof. Engleskog sa njima...a ta prof. nas kara kao lude :))

sad mi zao sto nisam otisao :(

Novi forum smrdi



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Nishta juche mi bilo vrhunski sa cicom, sad idem da se shisham i da me obriju (moram da vidim kako je to kad te neko brije onim berberskim brijachem [:)]) Onda idem da se slikam.

Sledi navatavanje ortaka da vidim shta ima (doshao iz shpanije) i kolko sam chuo riba ga ostavila na najgori mogutji nachin (jeb ga, long distance relationship)

Pa onda na zurku na splavu (gde tju dotji chamcem) pa na drugu zuruku u centru gde tju da se prekinem...

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