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Imam i ja jednu dobru, peva neki crnac.

Masni Attack - I against I

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I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

My images reflect in the enemies eye,

And his images reflect in in mine the same time,

I-ya, I-ya,

I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

Right here is where the end gon' start at,

Conflict, Contact, Combat,

Fighters stand where the land is marked at,

Settle the dispute about who the livest,

3 word answer,

Whoever survive this,

Only one of us can ride forever,

So you and I cant ride together,

Can't live or cant die together,

All we can do is collide together,

So I skillfully apply the pressure,

Won't stop until I'm forever... One!

A doorstep where death never come,

Spread across time til my time never done,

And I'm never done,

Walk tall, why ever run?

When they move if I ever come?

Bad man never fret the war, tell'em come

General we have the stock, the mad fire burn


I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

My images reflect in the enemies eye,

And his images is reflect'in mine the same time,

I-ya, I-ya,

I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

Survive (x16)

Reign supreme in your U-N-I,

V-E-R-S-E with the sharpness,

Narrow row building no space for partners,

No space for drivers, no space for walkers,

No space regardless,

Your on my path then get off it,

Hardheaded and unresponsive,

Get they lives put on target with harshness,

Come with the canons sparkin' they darken,

Who am iI One man squadron,

Ma stir the fire this time that'd snatch your tomorrow,

The thousand yard stare that'll pierce through your armor,

You can get it on right now if you want to,

But when ya front lines get marched through,

I warned you,

You know who forever belong to,

I-ya, I-ya

I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

My images reflect in the enemies eye,

And his images reflect in mine the same time,

I-ya, I-ya,

I against I,

Flesh of my flesh,

And mind of my mind,

Two of a kind but one won't survive,

My images reflect in the enemies eye,

And his images reflect in mine, survive

Survive (x16)

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Street's like a jungle

So call the police

Following the herd

Down to Greece

On holiday

Love in the 90's

Is paranoid

On sunny beaches

Take your chances looking for







Avoiding all work

Because there's none available

Like battery thinkers

Count your thoughts on 1 2 3 4 5 fingers

Nothing is wasted

Only reproduced

Get nasty blisters

Du bist sehr schon

But we haven't been introduced


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A Ivane, bravo, bravo [:D]

Lauryn Hill - To Zion

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Unsure of what the balance held

I touched my belly overwhelmed

By what I had been chosen to perform

But then an angel came one day

Told me to kneel down and pray

For unto me a man child would be born

Woe this crazy circumstance

I knew his life deserved a chance

But everybody told me to be smart

Look at your career they said,

"Lauryn, baby use your head"

But instead I chose to use my heart

Now the joy of my world is in Zion

Now the joy of my world is in Zion

How beautiful if nothing more

Than to wait at Zion's door

I've never been in love like this before

Now let me pray to keep you from

The perils that will surely come

See life for you my prince has just begun

And I thank you for choosing me

To come through unto life to be

A beautiful reflection of his grace

For I know that a gift so great

Is only one God could create

And I'm reminded every time I see your face

That the joy of my world is in Zion

Now the joy of my world is in Zion

Now the joy of my world is in Zion

Now the joy of my world is in Zion

Marching, marching, marching to Zion

Marching, marching

Marching, marching, marching to Zion

Beautiful, beautiful Zion

[repeat to end of song]

Life is gistro...

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Flogging Molly - The Devil's Dance Floor ( Irish Punk - boles')

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I quick began to speak,

As she stood right in front of me,

The color of her eyes,

Were the color of insanity,

Crushed beneath her wave,

Like a ship, I could not reach the shore,

We're all just dancers on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, little more next to me,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Pressed against her face,

I could feel her insecurity,

Her mother'd been a drunk,

And her father was obscurity,

Nothing ever came from her life,

That was a simple one,

Pull yourself together girl,

And have a little fun,

Well she took me by the hand,

I could see she was a flirty one,

Her legs ran all the way,

Up to heaven and past Avalon,

Tell me something girl,

What it is you have in store,

She said, "Come with me now,

On the Devil's dance floor!"

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, little more next to me,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, little more next to me,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

The apple, now, was sweet,

So much sweeter than it ought to be,

Another little bite,

And I don't think there is much hope for me,

The sweat beneath her brow,

Travels all the way, and headin' south,

Bleeding hearts crying,

'Cause there's no way out!

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, little more next to me,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, little more next to me,

Swing a little more, little more, o'er the merry-o,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor,

Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor!


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ne kvari topic...glupa ideja

Edited by gruja


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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omg koji hejt

elem, od mene danas dve "domaće" pesmice, jedna je po mom mišljenju među najboljim ex yu pesmama (a napisao ju je bajaga, kralj glupih tekstova), a druga je samo zabavna :)

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Vecer ne mirise na rakove i skoljke

Mesec je bleda fleka boje cimeta

Uzimas cipele za setanje kroz snove

Ulica voli ritam tvojih koraka

Vetar se provlaci kroz nepoznate reci

Asfalt se miluje sa tvojim stiklama

Suvise mekan da bi mogao da spreci

Ovo je vece puno tvojih tragova

Kad hodas ne zastajkujes

I zemlju ne dodirujes

A mene ne primecujes

I uporno se trudis

Da me prode pozuda

Jos drhtim od tvog pogleda

Iz nekih starih razloga

Ne mogu da se sredim

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Tamne mrlje prošlosti

Na tvojoj bijeloj košulji

Veš-mašina budućnosti

Nikad neće oprati

Ja ne gutam pilule

Da bi mi bilo bolje

Ja ne trebam žene

Da me zadovolje

Ja volim samo sebe

Svog predivnog sebe

Ja volim samo sebe

Svog jedinog sebe

Oči bojim zeleno

Usne žarko crveno

Uvijek sam izgledao

Kao što sam volio

Druge ne primjećujem

Ni u prolazu

Sebe uvijek pozdravljam

U ogledalu

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Mobyja ja bas volem,njegova svaka stvar mi dodje ko neki emotion amplifier :)))


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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ja necu cele tekstove samo neko kvotove koji su mi kul, a koji mi mogu pasti na pamet oma...

The grass was greener

The light was brighter

The taste was sweeter

The nights of wonder

With friends surrounded

The dawn mist glowing

The water flowing

The endless river

Forever and ever

-haj houps, pink flojd

nijedna suza, nimalo volje,

nijedna slutnja, ni glas


a moglo je bolje

-sve ce to o mila moja blabla, bijelo dugme

uvijek su bile tako nevine

te tvoje crne oci ko da nikad nece proci

ljubavne igre one ne vide

i nikad nece moci sve dok samo strah ne ostane

+ prijava 'uzalud pitas ko ide'

-uzalud pitas, haustor

how i wish, how i wish you were here

we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year

running over the same old ground what have we found

the same old fears

wish you were here

-vis ju vr hir, pink flojd

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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ladno sam se smorio i procito sve:)

ovo 'doesn't remind me' od audioslejva mi se vecma dojmilo, jel moze neko da nakaci pesmu, posto nisam cuo?

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Before you slip into unconsciousness

Id like to have another kiss

Another flashing chance at bliss

Another kiss, another kiss

The days are bright and filled with pain

Enclose me in your gentle rain

The time you ran was too insane

Well meet again, well meet again

Oh tell me where your freedom lies

The streets are fields that never die

Deliver me from reasons why

Youd rather cry, Id rather fly

The crystal ship is being filled

A thousand girls, a thousand thrills

A million ways to spend your time

When we get back, Ill drop a line

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omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

omg omg omg omg

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Slipknot - Circle

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Give me the dust of my father

Stand on the face of the ancients

Bare the secret flesh of time itself

Follow me (Follow me)

I've come so far, I'm behind again

Follow me (Follow me)

I wish so hard I'm there again

Follow me (Follow me)

Follow me (Follow me)

All that I wanted were things I had before

All that I needed I never needed more

All of my questions are answers to my sins

All of my endings waiting to begin

I know the way but I falter

Can't be afraid of my patience

There's a sacred place Razel keeps safe

Follow me (Follow me)

I've seen so much I'm blind again

Follow me (Follow me)

I feel so bad I'm alive again

Follow me (Follow me)

All that I wanted were things I had before

All that I needed I never needed more

All of my questions are answers to my sins

All of my endings waiting to begin

Edited by Nemesis

Life is gistro...

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Angra, brazilski progresiv-power... polubogovi koji su uspeli od metala da naprave plemeniti zvuk rame uz rame sa najkvalitetnijom klasikom. God bless them.

Angra - Rebirth

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Cooling breeze from a summer day

Hearing echoes from your heart

Learning how to recompose the words

Let time just fly

Joyfull sea-gulls roaming on the shore

Not a single note would sound

Raise my head after I dry my face

Let time just fly

Recalling, retreating

Returning, retreaving

A small talk your missing

More clever but older now

A leader, a learner

A lawful beginer

A lodger of lunacy

So lucid in a jungle

A helper, a sinner

A scarecroow's agonyzing smile

Oh! Minutes go round and round

Inside my head

Oh! My chest will now explode

Falling into pieces

Rain breaks on the ground-blood!

One minute forever

A sinner regreting

My vulgar misery ends

(And I) ride the winds of a brand new day

High where mountain's stand

Found my hope and pride again

Rebirth of a man

Time to fly...

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^ uh, ta kaseta ("Narodno pozorište") mi se izlizala od slušanja pre nekih desetak godina :)

Sandi Thom - I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

In '77 and '69 revolution was in the air

I was born too late to a world that doesn't care

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When the head of state didn't play guitar,

Not everybody drove a car,

When music really mattered and radio was king,

When accountants didn't have control

And the media couldn't buy your soul

And computers were still scary and we didn't know everything

When pop stars still remained a myth

And ignorance could still be bliss

And when God Save the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale

When my mom and dad were in their teens

and anarchy was still a dream

and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail

When record shops was still top

and vinyl was all that they stocked

and the super info highway was still drifting out in space

kids were wearing hand me downs,

and playing games meant kick arounds

and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face

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Le dragon sommeille

by IAM

Un dragon je viens de voir un dragon vous me croyez pas hein !

Le dragon le dragon... {3x}


Le dragon le dragon appara

Edited by [oveRk1nd]
...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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Ja sam nesto depresivna ovih dana :(

Fade To Black - Metallica

Life it seems, will fade away

Drifting further every day

Getting lost within myself

Nothing matters, no one else

I have lost the will to live

Simply nothing more to give

There is nothing more for me

Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be

Missing one inside of me

Deathly lost, this can't be real

Cannot stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me

To the point of agony

Growing darkness taking dawn

I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late

Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed

Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

For what I’ve done

I start again

And whatever pain may come

Today this ends

I’m forgiving what I’ve done

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