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isto ispadoh koala ali problem sa testom je sto nije gender specific i uzima "genaralizovanu percepciju zhivotnije" a ne stvarne bioloshke chinjenice...a chinjenica jeste da muske koale uvek "siluju" zhenke tj da je odnos nasilan i bez pristanka...mislite o tome ;oP

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You are a Swan!

Very committed, you know how to treat your partner well. You look after their best interests and have complete respect for them. Easy going, you like to be sociable but enjoy your partner's company. You're at your happiest when tucked up in bed with your loved one. You prefer sensual, sexy love making rather than a quick romp, that's the only way to find true pleasure and reach sexual nirvana!

kul [^]

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You are a Tiger!

Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!. Email this to a friend or Take quiz again

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mislim sta reci... [8D]

samo hrabro

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You are a Tiger!

Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!.

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-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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