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exit 06

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i spit on fools who dont bring Depeche Mode...

mada iako slusam elektroniku,Franz Ferdinand i Cardigansi mi onako deluju bas superishka...

i jebem mu misha jel previse trazim da vise dovedu Tigu???Ili pak Anthony Rothera?Ili mozda Marco G-a,Trentemollera,Royksopp...;))))?


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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cuo sam franz ferdinand, cardigans i pet shop boys na exitu

..i josh Suzanne Vega, Manu Chao, Billy Idol, Enya od tih shto sam video u novinama.

zasad mi je neinteresantno.

Edited by cali
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Exit in Serbia

Sarah Turner

Sunday February 5, 2006

The Observer

With Glastonbury off the map in 2006, Serbia's Exit Festival is set to fill the gap. Some of Exit's elements - face paint as formal wear, for instance - are in keeping with the grand tradition of music festivals, but Exit, founded in 2000 as a student protest against President Milosevic, has a stronger rationale than most when it comes to the partying-with-a-conscience element.

Last year, when Fatboy Slim headlined, with back-up from the White Stripes and Carl Cox, 150,000 revellers took in everything from extreme sports to extremely avant garde cinema. Beer is cheap (as are tickets), the backdrop - the medieval fortress of Novi Sad - is unique and the climate cheerfully Mediterranean.

As Annie Mac of Radio 1 put it: 'The setting is spectacular, the line-up massive and the people completely inspiring. It's a truly special festival.'

top 25 travel exp

Edited by urgh

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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ja bih voleo da dodje Depeche Mode i neki dobar rok bend ( ne metal nego neki mainstream rock). Za dj mi je svejedno, nisam neki ljubitelj elektronske muzike. Barem ne toliko da bi mi izbor dj-va nesto znachio u odluci da li cu ici ili ne

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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Nadam se da ce biti o5 siddharta da bih mogao konacno da ih gledam, a bilo bi lepo kada bi dosao neki metal...

know what ya know and not what ya hear!

smorrioR @ Last.fmmusic.gif | smorrioR @ deviantART dev_love.gif

I see through beheaded faith the other side…

Times without hate, new children kill the fears, sorrow mother deliver no tears


Feed your soul and mind

And disya spiritual wickedness we override

... The power of mind!

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...i dire straits, majls dejvisa, leftfild...

...ehhh.... i tata bi sine... al nema :)

...nego, prvo da se pomolimo bogu da nece biti nikakvih fegetskih pljuskova,

a onda datriperishemo organizatorima do jula svaki dan da dovedu

Beastie Boy-se dok se josh nisu raspali od starosti, ili bar onog mrshavog

Snoopp Dogg-a, taj ce doneti jointa za celu main arenu...

Zatim, ne prihvatam cinjenicu da na dance areni nece zavrteti Sven Vath,

to nikako! Od sladunjave elektrike voleo bih da cujem kako Mylo vrti,

ovo sto sam kuci slushao je mega. A na nekom manjem stageu bi mogao

i Legowelt da vrti. I mogao bi neki reel house DJ, ne neka shablonska

iseravanja, nego neki bash reel Chicago MF house DJ...

Na mainu bi mogli da dovuku i Moby-a ili Depeche... ili Pendulum da divljaju :D

I da, na onom "domacim" stageu voleo bih da slusam

boru dugicha u sestoj brzini, preterano savijen sa Kjotom i Draletom [8D]

Edited by nigger

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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