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Srboljub - da li treba objashnjavati shta znachi? :)

Šta? :-)


Tumacenje imena:

Starosrpska imena. Naslanjaju se na prastari sveslovenski koren "mil, mio, mili" vrlo

produktivan u slovenskim imenima. Smatra se da su u dalekoj prošlosti izvedena iz

prastarih složenih imena tipa Miloslav, Milomir i dr. Ime Milan je posvedočeno u mnogim

pisanim istorijskim izvorima još u prednemanjićko doba. Pretpostavlja se da su ga od nas

preuzeli drugi slovenski narodi, naročito Hrvati, Slovenci, Česi i Slovaci

I da dodam da ne verujem da ima neki strani ekvivalent (škotsko McMilan je, rekao bih, samo slučajnost:-)


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Andrej od ... neceg od cega je poteklo moje ime

know what ya know and not what ya hear!

smorrioR @ Last.fmmusic.gif | smorrioR @ deviantART dev_love.gif

I see through beheaded faith the other side…

Times without hate, new children kill the fears, sorrow mother deliver no tears


Feed your soul and mind

And disya spiritual wickedness we override

... The power of mind!

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pfff...nikad o tome nisam razmisljala...

sad sam malo provrtela po netu, al nema nista specijalno...


English translation/equivalent: Ivana

Origin: Derived from the Hebrew Yohanan and means "God is gracious."

i jos sam nasla da se ivana ovako pise na japanskom


ne, ne pise se tako.../


po crkvi Sv. Marka/

brandstack.com/users/portfolio/logos/gligorov \\ behance.net/gligorov

99designs.com/people/gligorov \\ twitter.com/MarkoGligorov \\ upstack.com/

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Lazar-prvi covek koga je Isus krstio,ao se nevaram(tako sam cuo)...Btw Car Lazar...

ako se ne varam on ga je vaskrsao :>


Vukasin... staro srpsko-crnogorsko (nije politichka koreknost vetj spominjem crnogorsko zato shto se u tom geografskom kraju dosta koriste imena koja pochinju sa Vuk...) ime koje ima korene verovatno u zhivotinji vuku i prema tome verovatno se koristilo i kod starih slovena... mada nisam siguran samo nagadjam :O

inache ja sam lichno trebao da dobijem ime Vuk po Karadzitju (da sam bio zhensko, Mina) ali se tjale neshto istripovao pa sam Vukasin... bole me paja iskreno, svi me zovu Vule.

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Djordje :)


From the Greek name Γεωργιος (Georgios) which was derived from the Greek word γεωργος (georgos) meaning "farmer, earthworker", itself derived from the elements γη (ge) "earth" and εργον (ergon) "work". Saint George was a legendary dragon slayer who was supposedly martyred in Palestine.

yeah, seljak sveti ubica zmajeva ...[roflmao]





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Gender: Masculine

Usage: English, French, Scandinavian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Slovene

Other Scripts: Роберт (Russian)

Pronounced: RAH-burt (English), ro-BER (French)

Means "bright fame", derived from the Germanic elements hrod "fame" and beraht "bright". The Normans introduced this name to Britain. It belonged to three kings of Scotland, including Robert the Bruce who restored the independence of Scotland from England in the 14th century. The author Robert Browning and poets Robert Burns and Robert Frost are famous literary bearers of this name. Also, Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Confederate army during the American Civil War.

Cool, ain't it? :)

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