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sva pitanja....


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ne kaze se shadowstrike nego vendorstrike ... icebarbed spear je bolji od tog oruzja :)

btw isplati se ... hunter imba :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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U rukama Mandushica Vukva svaka puska je ubojita !

e sad ne znam zasto sam ovo rekao ali ono ne moze da skodi ... znaci da ... korisno jeste ... valjda

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Edited by Neo...

Hteo je da kaze da mu je dosao adsl i pita koji paket da uzme...


Pazi imas dosta warna vec, koji ti nisam ja dodelio...


preko BeotelNet-a cu da uplatim i zanima me koji paket da uzmem


jel dovoljno ?

pojasni nam malo ovaj deo


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Edited by Neo...

Hteo je da kaze da mu je dosao adsl i pita koji paket da uzme...


Pazi imas dosta warna vec, koji ti nisam ja dodelio...


preko BeotelNet-a cu da uplatim i zanima me koji paket da uzmem


jel dovoljno ?

ovaj deo

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kad sam chuo da je dosho adsl kod mene

nastala je burna reakcija, malo sam se izduvao and......

then it happened [:0]


jel mogu da doplatim josh 250 kinte pa da imam ogranichenje od 2gb

i tad da skinem jedno 4-5 filmica od po 20 mb ?


Edited by deGrasso
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