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Movies TOP-20 2005-2007

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1. X-Men 3

2. King Kong

3. Superman Returns

4. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

6. Dreamgirls

7. Hostel

8. Memoirs of a Geisha

9. Brokeback Mountain

10. Terminator 4

11. Happy Feet

12. Spider-man 3

13. Ghost Rider

14. Rocky Balboa

15. Rush Hour 3

16. Mission: Impossible 3

17. Underworld: Evolution

18. Lady In the Water

19. Munich

20. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - chuo sam da je mnogo jak film.

X-Men 3 ce naravno da se gleda, kao i Superman i Spiderman 3. King Kong krece u bioskopima sledece nedelje u Moskvi, tako da cu ga overiti za vreme novogodishnjih praznika. Underworld takodje. Realno najvishe ochekujem od Ice Age 2, poshto mi je prvi jedan od najboljih crtaca u poslednje vreme.

А в чем сила, брат?

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2. King Kong

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

20. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

King Kong,ko klinac sam stvarno gotivio ou prastaru verziju

Pirates,prvi deo mi nije bio los,pa cu pogledati i drugi

Ice Age,tu se svi slazemo,obavezno

btw. nisi uvrstio ekranizaciju do jaja anime.Neon Genesis Evangelion krajem sl. godine,takodje obavezno pogledati


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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Ali Rocky Balboa???


Anywayz...cheka sa Ice Age 2, Narnia a i zanima me kako ce Superman da ispadne.

FZ: I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...


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rocky balboa je rocky 6 zar ne ? :)

terminator 4 ocekujem da ce biti isti kao i 3 u prevodu krs :D

spiderman 3 ce da previse natrpaju kao sto su uradili i kod 2ojke.. to je moje neko misljenje ;)

ice age 2 i ja ocekujem da ce biti extra

underworld jeste film sa vukodlacima i vampirima i prvi deo je meni bio extra iako ne gotivim takve filmove... od drugog dela ocekujem barem da isto toliko bude dobar; mada po obicaju americkih filmova.. ima da ga ukake :P

ostalo manje vise ce biti krs...

e da i zanima me ko ce glumiti Supermana ? :) da ne zna neko

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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wtf? gde je prljavi hari!?!?!?!?!?!?!

joooj kako je dobar ovaj ol'skul muvi....

istetoviracu ga na guzici  sa sve cevi od pistolja dugom 20 cm :P

istina jedan od boljih je...

al sry. greshka je bila u pitanju nikad se nisam zagledao sha je tacno...

izgleda da je...

Comments: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Clint Eastwood have agreed to develop a game based on the film.


( [;)] )...

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heheeh ja nisam ni prvi ice age gledao, ne gotivim te holivud crtatje.. a ono shto se jedva cheka iz ove liste je ofc underworld: evolution!

da nema shane brolly-a underworld bi mi bio naj film ikada =(

lagisha shto mrzish toliko shaneta? nishta posebno nije odradio ulogu u uw-du ali nije bio tooolikoo losh.

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