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Serenity...mooozda bude nastavak filma!


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c/p sa IGN FilmForce-a

December 1, 2005 - IGN FilmForce has heard that, although it was very disappointed in the poor boxoffice showing for Serenity, Universal may not have retired Captain Malcolm Reynolds and his renegade crew just yet.

Sources said that, given the strong sales of the TV series Firefly on DVD, Universal is planning a sequel film to Serenity that will be produced with and to broadcast premiere on the Sci Fi Channel, which is part of the NBC Universal family.

The project is said to be a lower budget undertaking streamlined for the small-screen.

IGN FilmForce checked with Joss Whedon's camp who denied the claim; Universal did not comment.

Time will tell if this rumor pans out.

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Sources said that, given the strong sales of the TV series Firefly on DVD, Universal is planning a sequel film to Serenity that will be produced with and to broadcast premiere on the Sci Fi Channel, which is part of the NBC Universal family.

I onda bude kao Starship Troopers 2 :)

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Komentariso si one-line-hateom (jer pominjanje ST2 ne mozhe biti nista drugo). Sram da ti se vidi i da ti udje i lepo te je Bolke opomenuJo...

SciFi je jako lepo radio miniserije po Herboertovim Dune knjigama, nema razloga da ovo bude loshe ako Whedon sedne na chelo...

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Nista, ja cu onda da odem u postu moju lokalnu gde ima govornica, i onda cu odatle da te pozovem. Znaci ukljucili smo i postu u pricu, i sve je pod kontrolom. Jedino sto ne znam bas kakve veze ovo ima sa serenity filmom, ali sam siguran da ces ti izvuci neku paralelu u sledecem odgovoru.

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i evo paralela se sama javila!

tj kao u fireflyju/serenity i mi imamo zajednichkog prijatelja koji nije bash sav svoj, ali mi pokushavamo da zastitimo i okolinu od njega i njega od drugih koji zhele da ga povrede i, naravno najbitnije, njega samog od sebe...

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