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Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic thereof) to host world's largest WLAN

That'll be great, Alexander

By Jan Libbenga

Published Thursday 24th November 2005 11:40 GMT

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The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is to host the world's largest WLAN. The wireless mesh network will cover the entire country. Within a year more than 90 per cent of the population will be able to go online and make telephone calls via the WLAN from their home.

The mesh network, supplied by US company Strix Systems, is the first nationwide wireless broadband system in the world. Although there are only 2m people living in the former Yugoslav Republic, which was spared the inter-ethnic violence in the Balkans of the 1990s, the deployment will still be a huge task. The country is known for its mountainous terrain and deep valleys. For this reason, Strix will run separate radio channels for the mesh backbone and client access.

Click Here

Strix has already deployed a WLAN for the Macedonian capital Skopje, where about 1m people live. All of the country's 460 schools already have broadband connections. How many people in Macedonia can afford to buy a PC and go online is not known. In 2003 only 40 per cent of the population owned a computer.

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Ovde realno najvetji je cigan telekom i sam zakon o telekomunikacijama. Nadali smo se padu monopola Telekoma, dobili ga i sad ne mozemo nishta jer jedino on drzi spoljni link [verat ima neki slabiji link, dok sbb josh cheka dozvolu da dobije link iz inostranstva]. Ameri su videli free trzishte u makedoniji i iskorisitili ga. Ovde relno kad bi imali ljudski zakon o telekomunikacijama mozda bi i moglo neshto da se radi. Ovako ce nas svako zaobilaziti dok telekom josh uvek bude jedini drzao spoljashnji link ka svetu. Mada prichaju o nekim megabitima sledetje godine, ce se vidi [:)]

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40% stanovništva ima kompjuter a autor članka napiše "samo".. pa kod nas je taj procenat ispod 10%..

Nisam siguran da je to bas tako precizna informacija. Imam tamo dosta poznanika i sve, i ne bih se bas kladio da 40% ima kompjuter. Posebno ne ako su im prosecne plate cak i nize od nasih, sto nije bas lako razumeti :)

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Aj dont nou ... ono, jeste lakse imati milion kompova od pet miliona, u odnosu broja zitelja, ali je i tamo, kao i ovde, sve van skoplja selo, plus albanci na fazon 1 kuca - 30 ljudi ... pa osim ako ovi ne racunaju taj jedan komp koji eventualno imaju pa da kao pripada svima od tih 30 ljudi, definitivno bih glasao da je nula viska.

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Ma sve je krs ima da se nacekamo dobrog i kvalitetnog net-a

Gaming Is Not A Crime!!!

Hey Bon Jovi ko si ti

Hey Bon Jovi druze moj,

Ti si Bon Jovi iz Amerike ,

Ja sam Bon Jovi sa Cvetkove pijace,

Tebe voli omladina mlade zene,

Mene voli omladina mlade zene,

Ti si nekad bio faca, faca,

A onda sam dosao JA!

Nisi Bon Jovi izgubiJo,

Nisi Bon Jovi izgubiJo,

Nisi Bon Jovi izgubiJo!!!

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Majkemi niste normalni! Zavidite nekome ko placa ovakav OVAKAV  adsl

Ono ne znam o cemu pricate?

512/128 Kb/s  10 GB mesecni protok

pristupna tax-a  7500,00 MKD

mesecno placanje  6990,00 MKD

1 Euro = ~61.8 MKD

Od tudjega tatka pogolema patka!!!!!

Ahhahaha ma pusti ih, srpska posla, pazi molim te i makedonci bolji od nas??? Aj ne lupajte. Pa bolje dobiti adsl dve i po godine kasnije nego placati 110 jura i to za OGRANICEN protok...i plus 120 e za pristupnu taxu????

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