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Final Fantasy XII


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Sori :)

Nego jel ima ovo negde?


to je bash prica o zaku :)

Misliš DL ?


Ili http://www.seedler.org/en/

pa ga potraži pod final fantasy, ili last order

Nisam još DL-ovao, još dl-ujem A.C.

btw, VII deo je 4 diska a ne 5

(instalacioni + 3 data).

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za lagov nacin citanja knjiga, jedan veliki rofl. bananerija.

pa eto vidish, a ja sam iz prve pokopchao stvari.....

btw, shto niko ne pominje vincenta? on je meni ubedljivo najbolji karakter koji sam video u filmu

posle njega cloud pa reno

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Kome se svidi film, OBAVEZNO neka nabavi igru, jer ja rpg sa boljom pricom nisam igrao NIKAD. Lepse i od gospodara prstenova.

A kad se setim kad je dandy forsirao da se FFVII poklanja za rodjendane ljudima na tada jos uvek solidno skupim diskovima. Eto, bilo je razloga, hvala ti dandy, FFVII je stvarno legendarna igra :)

A kako izlazi nastavak FFVII za PSP, vidim da ga necu vratiti jos neko vreme :)

Inace nisam odgledao jos film, samo sam bacio pogled na neke sekvence, cekiracu ga veceras najverovatnije, kod kutje mi je bolji zvuchni sistem, mada loshiji ekran.

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Odgledao sam danas i ko sto Krule rece radnja mi je bila totalno sporedna jer kapiram da ima neku pricu ali kako nisam igrao igru onda se nisam nesto trudio (dakle, nisam skapirao nista, ili bolje reci skapirao sam nesto, ali necu da se brukam). Ono sto se meni najvise dopalo je muzika, ne znam zasto, ali me je odusevilo kako je uklopljena sa radnjom. Animacija mi se dopala, ali nesto mi je smetalo, ne mogu tacno da odredim sta. Naravno lik Vinsent mi je odmah postao omiljen (valjda zato sto podseca na Alukarda) i krivo mi je sto ga je tako malo bilo, ali kada njegov plast leprsa nema nista lepse. Sve u svemu odlicna stvar, ali se cini kao da je nesto iz cega tek treba da se izrodi svasta.


nema vise zezanja


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Brate, oni te platinum, goty, gold i slicne tagove stavljaju na igre lakshe nego sto se ja ujutru odlucim za cerealije koje cu da jedem. Neosporno je da se FFVII zaista prodao u brdo primeraka, ali "platinum" pored imena cesto ne mora to da potvrdjuje.

Moguće je da na taj način prodaju igre u većem broju,

ali sam to za FFVII rekao zato što sam pre dosta godina pročitao u nekom časopisu

za video igre da je FFVII tada bila jedna od najprodavanijih igara sa nekoliko miliona

prodatih kopija (valjda je tada bilo oko 2 miliona).

I baš tu sam pročitao za platinum status.

Do tada nisam ni znao da igre dobijaju platinum, gold i ostale statuse.

A posle toga nisam ni obraćao pažnju na taj status.

Edited by lomai
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treba mi neki mangac gde je glavni lik apsolutno nepobediv, dakle, jednostavno mu niko ne moze nista, jel ima takav?

The highest ranking title given to a caster


Mikalo [ mee- kah- low ]

Height: 187 cm (6'2)

Colour of hair: White

Colour of eyes: Very pale grey/blue

Colour of skin: Caramel

Race: Seyohan



[ *the highest ranking title given to a caster ]

Despite youthful appearances he is an elder of the vanishing Seyohan race.


Even though he has really high status, he HATES being addressed formally. Should you do so he will politely remind you NOT to call him Sempai, Sama or Dono [ formal ways of addressing someone higher ranked and/or older ]. If you keep on doing it, the chances are that he will probably just ignore you all together !

Mikalo has a kind and likable personality with an acute wisdom gained through out the years. At times [ especially if you get on his wrong side ] he can come across as being harsh and inconsiderate. However he cares deeply for those around him to the extent of finding himself feeling responsible for them!

He is very intelligent and quick to the point, knows most of the ancient tongues, speaking the common speech with a bit of an accent… LOVES reading and Beko [ Beko is a kind of wild mushroom cooked inside crunchy bread dough ]. A powerful summoner, the current infamous undefeated Hikoden, his skills in combat are exceptional.

Has a very mischievous side to him that only surfaces when he is comfortable around someone [ usually it only shows around Anoren ] .

Overall there is an element of mystery surrounding Mikalo. Behind the smile, he sometimes appears sad and troubled. Prefers to live alone bearing a lot of really deep scars from the past of which he never talks about…

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treba mi neki mangac gde je glavni lik apsolutno nepobediv, dakle, jednostavno mu niko ne moze nista, jel ima takav?


ne postoji niko ko ga mozhe savladati.

jebo te mangac :P

btw ako trazhish bash mangu, a ne anime, uzmi Blade the immortal

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