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O APM-u,SKILL-u,Replayevima,mapama

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kako se to meri?????

jel postoji neki programcic????

ne verujem da se broji  =]

Pa to ti je ko u tablicu, lepo pre nego sto pocnes da igras otvoris notepad, onda kad god napravis neku akciju ti lepo alt+tab i upises recku, tako kad napravis 3 akcije ti prekrizis i onda kucas nove crtice...

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samo me ovo zanima?:partija scg.malfurion vs panda traje 1:08:36 za to vreme scg.malfurion ima APM 144 a panda 103,

a partija grubby vs 64amd.winner traje 0:15:54 ,grubby AMP 199 a winner 367!

a ti znaj sta spada a sta ne i sta ti ljudi rade?

duzina partije nema veze sa apm-om, ili jos bolje sto je duze moze samo da ti opadne apm pogotvo u toj partiji gde je human pola partije kampovao na fontani, a i o5 taj apm neznaci mnogo grubby sa 180-200 pobedi opusteno, a ja sam video igraca na evropi koji ima 480 pa o5 nemoze ni 50 lvl da ubode tt

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duzina partije nema veze sa apm-om, ili jos bolje sto je duze moze samo da ti opadne apm pogotvo u toj partiji gde je human pola partije kampovao na fontani, a i o5 taj apm neznaci mnogo grubby sa 180-200 pobedi opusteno, a ja sam video igraca na evropi koji ima 480 pa o5 nemoze ni 50 lvl da ubode tt

pa mali goga ima 320, mozda je on reinkarnacija super mr.grubstera ..

Edited by FATA

prevelik ti avatar m8

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samo me ovo zanima?:partija scg.malfurion vs panda traje 1:08:36 za to vreme scg.malfurion ima APM 144 a panda 103,

a partija grubby vs 64amd.winner traje 0:15:54 ,grubby AMP 199 a winner 367!

a ti znaj sta spada a sta ne i sta ti ljudi rade?

APM = akcija po minutu, a ne po partiji... onda bi se zvalo APP ili APG ( game )... znachi oni prave toliko akcija po minuti... 367, 199 etc

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dota alealeale!!!!!

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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ma opusteno uci se polako

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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a sad sam shavtio znaci po minuti a ja sam utripovo po mechu

pa naprimer 220-APM je prosek:u 1 minuti imas apm 360 a u drugom naprimer 80 (to je prosek iz 2 min, e sad zavisi koliko je partija trajala)

ako je partija 15min vade se svi proseci iz 1.,2.,3.,4....min


I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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a sad sam shavtio znaci po minuti a ja sam utripovo po mechu

pa naprimer 220-APM je prosek:u 1 minuti imas apm 360 a u drugom naprimer 80 (to je prosek iz 2 min, e sad zavisi koliko je partija trajala)

ako je partija 15min vade se svi proseci iz 1.,2.,3.,4....min


ne vade se proseci nego ti igras i radis akcije, te na kraju partije kad vise nemas sta da klikces zakljuci ti actions, tu je rec o nekih par hiljada.onda uzmes tih par hiljada i podelis sa minutazom i dobijes apm

Edited by FATA

prevelik ti avatar m8

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pa tako sam i mislio samo malo na drugi nacin!

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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neverujem!!! nisam se usudio da do sad nesto postujem, ali sad kad vidim da neki ljudi neznaju sta je apm!!! BEZ UVREDE... TT.. sta da kazem... apm ako ga koristis pravilno moze da znaci dosta... ako ne... kao naprimer obelezis heroja pod hotkey[1], a neku jedinicu pod [2], zatim ide baraka[3]... i samo mlatis imaces apm 500 samo da li ti to nesto znaci...????.... Znam likove kojima je apm 100 do 150 konstantno... a dobri su igraci.... sad da li je apm... merilo da li si ti dobar igrac ili ne.... neznam sta da kazem vise... Ako nemogu da budem dobar u warcraftu...igracu dotu!!!!!

PS: otkad to ti vladice igras modove... prvenstveno mislim da dotu... neki lik te je spomenuo da igras...


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mislim da je dovoljno receno...

ali ja i zaba smo uspeli da napravimo po 20 apm-a u at partiji :P

i sto je najgore dobili.. i to ne neke retarde nego ono prosek :P

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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Koliko nab koncentracije na tako malom prostoru , izgleda da ce doci do neke vrste kataklizme .... samo nam treba prekidac i ode sve u k

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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da slushajte mishu , daleko cete dogurati ... prestacete da igrate war ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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