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GM Sequel: Reinvented Automobile

No Longer Just a Dream

Improves Upon First 100 Years

GM Sequel at the 2005 International Auto Show

DETROIT (Jan. 10, 2005) ? The bold push from General Motors Corp. to reinvent the automobile, first revealed in the AUTOnomy and Hy-wire concept cars, became that much more real today with the unveiling of the GM Sequel.

The technologies embodied in Sequel, such as fuel cells, by-wire and wheel hub motors, have developed so fast that GM has been able to double the range and halve the 0-60 mph acceleration time, compared to current fuel cell vehicles, in less than three years, according to Larry Burns, GM vice president of research and development and planning.

?Three years ago, our chairman and CEO, Rick Wagoner, challenged us to completely rethink the automobile,? Burns said. ?The Autonomy and Hy-wire concepts were the outgrowth of that challenge ? a revolution in how vehicles would be designed, built and used in the future. But, they were concepts. Today, with Sequel, the vision is real ? not yet affordable, but doable.?

Sequel embodies GM?s vision of reinventing the automobile with a fusion of technologies that includes advanced materials, electronic controls, computer software and advanced propulsion. According to Burns, it?s an exclamation point for GM?s comprehensive global advanced technology strategy that is addressing efficiency and emissions, from today?s engine and transmission technology to hybrids and, eventually, fuel cells as the ultimate answer.

?GM?s goal,? Burns explained, ?is to design and validate a fuel cell propulsion system by 2010 that is competitive with current internal combustion systems on durability and performance, and that ultimately can be built at scale affordably. ?

What excites Burns is that Sequel?s performance is achieved with technology available today and does not depend upon some science yet to be invented.

?We?ve achieved remarkable gains in range and acceleration by using our fuel cell system technology that exists today,? Burns said. ?That?s a real breakthrough. For anyone tracking the viability of fuel cell vehicles, this is encouraging news.?

Sequel, about the size of a Cadillac SRX, travels up to 300 miles on its hydrogen supply, and accelerates to 60 mph in less than 10 seconds. Current-generation fuel cell vehicles have a range of between 170 and 250 miles and cover 0-60 mph in between 12-16 seconds, depending upon whether a battery is used.

?With Sequel,? Burns said, ?virtually everything is packaged in an 11-inch ?skateboard? chassis, building on what we first showed the world in the AUTOnomy and Hy-wire. Sequel points to a vehicle that, in the future, will be better in nearly every way ? quicker, surer-footed, easier to handle, easier to build, better looking, safer and only emits water vapor.?

Other benefits include:

Unequaled control on snow and ice, or uneven terrain

42-percent more torque for unparalleled acceleration

Shorter braking distances

While Sequel should excite customers, it also should encourage world governments, Burns added, because of its potential to address societal concerns.

?Sequel helps address major societal issues, from eliminating auto emissions, to helping the world transition to renewable and stable energy supplies, to reducing the chance for crashes and traffic congestion,? Burns said.




Edited by Ignis Dei


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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Problem je u tome sto lektricna energija se moze dobijati iz raznih prirodnih resursa koji se za sada ne iskoriscavaju kako bi trebalo.Recimo kad bi iskoristili samo 60% energije vetra i sunca.Mogle bi se pozatvarati skoro sve termo ili nuklearne elektrane.

Edited by Cell


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Pa vec postoje one Toyote, doduse hibridi, ali i oni eksperimentisu sa gorivnim celijama...

BMW je bese prosle godine postigao brzinski rekord sa automobilom koji koristi vodonik kao gorivo, isao je ~180mph cini mi se

ili ovo http://www.rsportscars.com/eng/cars/venturi_fetish.asp

elektricni motor, sa baterijama tezak svega 1100kg, autonomija 350km, max brzina oko 170kph, 240KS, od 0-100 4.5s, jedino je cena nezgodna :) !540K

Edited by manson
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Sve termoelektrane ima filtrere koji sqpljaju i do 99.99% zagadjenja dok na auspuhu ne postoje filteri.. ako me kapiras sta ocu da ti kazem....

Dream of it. Mo

You're all gonna die. Then you'll be dead for way longer than you're alive; like, that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet...

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- lepo rekoste nista od svega ovoga dok ne nestane nafte, neke procene su 2050-2070 da su rezerve mada neki tvrde da postoje zalihe u dubljim slojevima koje bi stavile na ovo josh jedno 100god min...

- vetj par desetina godina unazad (pa i sada naravno) naftashi i nuklearci imaju patente na SVE non polutive izvore energije, sunce, hemija, vetar, SVE! ovo je otishlo dotle da su najvetji research centri u njhivom vlasnishtvu, a kako se nesto novo nezavisno pojavi oma ga kupe...

- solarna energana povrshine Nevade (aka nekog tako pustinjsi neiskoristenog regiona) bi namirila sve potrebe za strujom zemaljske kugle, jedina frka je sto je mlogo skupo da se pravi tj lakshe je napraviti nuklearku...samim tim mi hocemo pretji sa ICE automobila na nesto novo kad nestane nafte, ali sa nuklearki jako teshko =o)

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ne slazem se sa vama...

naftni sokovi u poslednjih 30 god su naterali Zapad da postane mnogo efikasniji, i ako nafta dodje do prognozirane cifre od 80 $/b, ekonomski uslovi moderne automobilske industrije sa stanovista potrosaca zahtevace dramaticno smanjenje potrosnje goriva, ukoliko se zeli da transportna sredstva ostanu dostupna skoro svoma. smanjenje potrosnje klasicnih SUS motora je vec doslo do tehnoloske granice i neophodna su radikalno nova resenja.

Lexus je izbacio prvi SUV hibrid koji trosi samo 2 l/100 km.

ekoloska elektricna tehnologija vec sada moze da podmiri ukupne svetske potrebe el. energije zauvek, a vise nije ni toliko skupa. jedni od lidera u ovoj tehnologiji - Australijanci, osmislili su projekat "nebeskih vetrenjaca" (zmajeva-vetrenjaca na visini od nekoliko kilometara od tla gde neprekidno duvaju vetrovi nekoliko puta jaci neko pri zemlji), koji savrseno funkcionise na papiru i koji ce Nemci da finansiraju. 900 ovih jedinica (sadasnja okvirna cena od oko 1 mil$ po jedinici) proizvodi struju kao najveca nuklearna elektrana u SAD. ovo se smatra prekretnicom, jer bi ovaj 1Kw/h bio daleko jeftiniji od konvencionalnog. time je prevazidjena poslednja prepreka, jer je do sada najveci problem bio skupoca tzv. "zelenih" kilovata. a ako ovo zazivi, konkurencija ce odraditi svoje na daljem obaranju cene i poboljsanju kvaliteta. zamislite milione ovih vetrenjaca sirom sveta.

jedini problem je jos uvek zastarela tehnologija skladistenja el. energije, zasnovana na galvanskim elementima. proboj na tom polju bi resio sve energetske probleme covecanstva zauvek, jer je primena el. energije gotovo potpuno pokrila gotovo sve energetske potrebe od transporta do industrije.

licno mislim da ce energetska revolucija gotovo besplatne nepotrosive ekoloske elektricne energije, sa svim primenama na zivot ljudi, ukoliko zazivi, promeniti svet kakav danas poznajemo.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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Vala ne vredi im to ni prebijenu paru...

Imaju dug od oko 200 milijardi dolara, neka korporacija (glavna) ih tagirala da svako ko oce da im uzajmi pare debelo obrati paznju na shta tachno radi.

Dodushe jedan od najvecih akcionara je kupio valjda 1 milijardu akcija...tako u prevodu ovo je sve ili nishta...ako uspeju da prodaju ovaj auto -> bitje super, ako ne... bankrot. Samo neznam kako ce da ga prodaju...

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ne radi se ovde o GM-u, vec o proboju u tehnologiji. licno mi seva paja ako GM sutra prestane da postoji, ali se mnogo lozim na tehnoloske proboje koji mi ulivaju nadu u svetliju buducnost covecanstva.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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