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Fallout 3


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Lol, provalio sam zashto nema slika. Zenimax media inc. can suck my tiny little balls!

btw ti se kitoljube zakachi na msn chaskom, treba neshto da mi potrazish na svom premocnom NJUZU!!11!1 [:D]

zanimljivo meni otvara okej





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hahaha, slike su stvarno sve debilnije i debilnije, prosto mi sve izgleda ko da se neko zajebava i parodira sve sto mu padne na pamet:)

a ovo vudu vs ostali mi je i dalje super, mislim, vudu koji je u fazonu 'vidi, magicni dvorac koji crpi manu iz govneta brahmina, pa nije to lose nego ste vi zatucani' i vi koji ste u fazonu 'okrecite beograd, okrecite beograd':)


Mislim da bi -zatucani- bio kompliment, ovako bih rekao da mnogo serete. ;)))

Baaa ne valja, baa debili, baaa sranje, baaa necu da se igram, itd. ;))

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aj kam vit bozar end bring ju mejhem, aj min...love end pis! [:D]

eeehej... vidi vidi raspisali ste se, od kad nestadoh u akciji... vi tu piskarate o ko zna chemu...

nadam se da je o fallout`u... a ne o nvn`u il oblivionu /me looks at voodoo through his crosshair :))

hehe, ae kad budem imao vremena procitacu sve shta ste ispiskarali

/me salutes majti G d grejt vorzor!:)

( [;)] )...

“The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire...”

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ko zna nemachki neka baci pogled na


"I'm still not quite sure, what I should think of Fallout 3. The atmosphere reminds me of Bioshock, the beginning in the Vault101 is great and very atmospheric. However, what I saw of the outside world until now didn't impress me: monotonous landscapes, dull rooms, lots of mindless shoot-ups. Bethesda stays still tight-lipped about the RPG-elements, the Quests and the dialogs."

u glavnom spominje se da ghoulovi imaju radiation attack :(( dakle potvrdjeno je ono sto su na gejspotu http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/ne...tml?sid=6189021 pomenuli... zombiji ce imati radiaktivnu magiju :(((

tuga i jad... spremite pljuvachne zlezde za ovu jesen narode





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/spit once


Realno, osim ako ne gajiš nadu da će biti igrivo, možeš slobodno da zaključavaš topic i da pustiš da deca otvore novi kad bude release ili da postuješ neki bashing review čisto preventivno :)

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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E jebem ti govno od bethesde. A zahtevnost ce naravno biti milion milijardi...jel ima negde neka zahtevnost, barem otprilike navedena?

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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u glavnom spominje se da ghoulovi imaju radiation attack :(( dakle potvrdjeno je ono sto su na gejspotu http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/ne...tml?sid=6189021 pomenuli... zombiji ce imati radiaktivnu magiju :(((

kad sam pisao to za magije ovde, hteo sam da lozim ljude, a ono stvarno...


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Ahahaha, da, i da mogu perorezom da se prave kockice za bacanje od krompira....

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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E jebem ti govno od bethesde. A zahtevnost ce naravno biti milion milijardi...jel ima negde neka zahtevnost, barem otprilike navedena?

Pa verujem da ce biti malo veca od obliviona

sine nikita, postao si nik kejv
Vagine 90 posto zena sveta su ti otvorene 
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grafika ne spada u vrhunsku tako da ne verujem da ce biti nesto prezahtevno...

da je neko drugi u pitanju, nenaglashavanje grafike bi bila super stvar za jedan rpg, steta sto tu ustedu u vremenu i resursima ne iskoristishe na mnogo pametniji nachin...





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Al-Qaeda urges use of WMD

May 29, 2008 12:00pm

Article from: The Australian

* Jihadists 'urged to use nukes against West'

* FBI issues alert on expected new Islamist video

* Biological and chemical weapons also touted



bethesda zapravo podrzava terorizam??? bethesda je u stvari teroristichka islamska organizacija? to bi svakako objasnilo ovu vest


A failed restaurant bombing in England last week has raised concerns among U.S. and European counterterrorism officials that Al Qaeda and other radical Islamic groups are recruiting mentally disabled people to carry out suicide attacks.






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