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Fallout 3


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wow... ovo je genijalno. Nisam ovo video do sada.

P.S. Poslao sam link jednom prijatelju iz Grčke, a njegov komentar je ''vi Srbi ne možete ni kućište da napravite bez utoke :)''.

Edited by Myst

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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fallout 3 ce imati 200 endingsa

One of the biggest and perhaps most impressive pieces of information is that the game has far surpassed the dozen or so endings it was originally set to have. "Being that we are Bethesda, everything gets a bit big, so as of last week we were over 200 endings," said Howard. However he does acknowledge that figures like these do tend to get tossed around a lot for the sake of PR, "…that is not an exaggeration, but it deserves some description. Yeah…200 endings…that's a lie of some kind! So originally when we started there were various iterations of the endings, and the ending is kind of cinematic that's dynamic based on the things you've done. Well there's at least 9 maybe 12 [original endings] but we kept adding things to it," Howard said whenever somebody pitched a good idea for an ending to the team, the team would be very excited about the proposition, and would expand and build upon that ending, which would only lead to more alternate endings. Sounds crazy? Howard agrees, "It gets kind of stupid."

Bethesda seems to be very open to new ideas, "The games… when they start on paper, are a lot smaller, and we can't stop ourselves… If we think they're good [ideas] and they fit the tone, we're going to jam in as much as possible… Fallout is probably twice the size that we originally had on paper."

Even with all of this taken into consideration, 200 endings? Bethesda is trying to make the ending (and the game does have a definite ending) as tailored to your journey as it possibly can be. In addition, Howard said your decisions and karma would affect scenes you see throughout the game.

The podcast went on to talk about "Dog Meat", your artificial dog ally. The game allows you to team up with Dog Meat and one humanoid ally of your choosing. Any more allies and the game would get too hectic, asserts Howard.

It is possible to give Dog Meat fetch commands, but players shouldn't be too brash ordering Dog Meat around, as giving him careless orders could lead to his demise. "He has health and can die," said Howard. Bethesda is still tweaking Dog Meat's game play mechanics however, "We're playing with how much health does he actually have? How does he heal on his own? Do you have to heal him?" The team decided it didn't want to constrain players into constantly protecting Dog Meat, so Bethesda decided you had to be a real reckless player for him to die.

The podcast then went on to talk about the game's length. Originally set to be around 20 to 40 hours, but in staying true to the Bethesda theme, the game just got "bigger, bigger, and bigger." Howard went on to say that gamers could easily spend over 100 hours in the game's world. Although not quite as big as Oblivion, it's definitely approaching it, said Howard.

With this lofty and ambitious game in the works, will the team be able to meet its projected fall release? "We are absolutely looking at fall…I'd be shocked if it were not out then honestly," said Howard.

However, Howard did share a main concern he had with the game, "I always worry that somebody reads about it [Fallout 3] and they get excited, whether they are an old Fallout fan or a newer fan of ours, my concern is usually… I want them to know as much about it so when they go to buy the game they know what they're getting. It really bothers me…when the people who bought Oblivion…[might say] I don't like it, this isn't what I thought I was getting."

Howard said the team is getting a lot of feedback, both good and bad, and that Bethesda is earnestly listening to the criticisms.



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U svetlu toga da je to 9-12 original endingsa koji će da se kombinuju i da niko živ neće imati živaca da baca magije na ogre-ove u PA okruženju i to sve u realtime-u, relevantost te informacije je tu negde između "we'll enable easy uninstall" i "we use shaders", ali hvala :)

jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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Plus dodas na to da "F3 je velika igra ali manja od Obliviona" i mozes da racunas na 3-4 sata igranja posle cega krene ponavljanje okruzenja i ostalog. U jeee. Ako hocemo o velicini samog sveta meni je i dalje od njihovih igara Morrowind ubedljivo prvi. A imao je i letenje i skakanje i svasta-nesto zar ne ? Kako ce ovde da opravdaju prelazenje velikih razdaljina? NEce jer ih i nema.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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howard dumbfuck objashnjava kako sada ima ghoulova koji ne samo sto svetle u mraku ili sto se ponashaju kao najgori zombiji vec i emituju radijaciju i time leche druge ghoulove ????

zombiji radijacija koja svetli i lechi... ima li tome kraja ili je ovo samo pocetak...





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Jebiga, očigledno su iz Betsede prodali mozgove na kilo nekome demonu da plate šejdere za Obljivon. Mislim... ne ne mislim... to jest... ONI NE MISLE! :( Alo to stvarno samo može da se objasni sa "amerski retardi prave igru za male debele amerske retarde".

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pa da slavis ti svoj rodjendan tako pocinje igra i kreiranje lika i kroz te neke decije menije ti birash svoje perkove lul? ima gore linkova i fotki za sve

u glavnom sigurno neces kreirati likao ni blizu kao sto si to radio u starim delovima





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Jel moze neko da mi objasni sta je ovo!? Sta, slave neciji rodjendan ili sta vec, a zemlja propada [:(!]

Tom logikom, kod nas niko u periodu '93-'00 nije smeo ni da pomisli na rođendane i slično... mislim, jel pratiš šta pričaš? Zemlja je ionako propala, mogli su kolektivno da se poubijaju onda i reše stvar.

Ima na ovim shotovima konkretnijih stvari za hejtovanje, npr. grafika je prebloomovana, onaj zombi je c/p iz Obliviona, mutanti izgledaju sve lošije, a ti se uvatio za decu koja slave rođendan...

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Tom logikom, kod nas niko u periodu '93-'00 nije smeo ni da pomisli na rođendane i slično... mislim, jel pratiš šta pričaš? Zemlja je ionako propala, mogli su kolektivno da se poubijaju onda i reše stvar.

Ima na ovim shotovima konkretnijih stvari za hejtovanje, npr. grafika je prebloomovana, onaj zombi je c/p iz Obliviona, mutanti izgledaju sve lošije, a ti se uvatio za decu koja slave rođendan...

Nema rodjendana i tacka [:D] Kakve bre proslave, radioaktivni lilihipi i ostale gluposti. [bday]

A to biranje perkova kada si kids, ne spominjem od muke. [zvajz]

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