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Fallout 3


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Ma da, na kraju sam ga ovnovao jer sam budzio unarmed i imao super power fist, KAPLAU, i on lezi dole, onda ga je moja ekipa samo dokrajcila. Inace, deluje mi da taj novi patch ima dosta bugova, nekako imam utisak da je igra bila suvise laka. Jedino sto mi je glupo sto kad nabudzis unarmed, ownujes sve sem glavnog bosa kome ne mogu da uzmem nijedan hitpoen iako nonstop pravim kritikale. To me je smorilo jer sam onda morao da ga ubijem gausom, a celu igru sam poceo bas zbog toga da glavnog batoricu iznabadam pesnajama.

Nisam nikada ovo probao.

Dodge perkovi i Jinx trait mozda upali.

Od promasaja sam ce sebe da ubije [cutout] Mozda?!

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Ma ja sam se zajebao, budzio sam tamo neki extra critical, a u stvari na 24. lvlu dobijes perk Slayer (za ove koji vole da prcaju iz daljine se zove nekako drugacije) koji ti za unarmed combat daje uvek critical. Tu sam izgubio nekoliko perkova i ispizdeo jer nisam uspeo i pored svog truda da budem porno star (odnosno porno starlet posto uvek igram sa zenskim likom), a mogao sam lepo te perkove da utrosim na kama sutru i jos neke slicne. Ali sam zato ovog puta tako dobro nabudzio auto da mi je potrosio ja mislim, tri kante benzina.


nema vise zezanja


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pa da onaj Per-ov walk je oduvek bio najkompletniji samo sto je sada veci 30% od one verzije od pre godinu dana :)

kao sto rekoshe sve je lepo i mirno dok behesda ne pochne da prdi po falloutu :|

a sada nesto sasvim drugacije



sta je ovo ? teletabis?

gde je ovde human tank? zasto moraju da redizajniraju sve sto je dobro :( koliko zapravo chovechkuljak moze da stane u ovu limenku?

chak i otvor cevi lichi na anus??!??

good job bethesda


primer kako to moze da izgleda sasvim normalno KLINK


Todd Howard:

"I agree, and I don't think the cover shows him well. It all has to do with the FOV of the character when he got rendered for the cover image (it's not in-game), it makes his head look huge and his torso look skinny. I assure you in-game, the armor looks much bulkier. See the other screenshots we released. Also, this power armor is specifically not the T-51b."

nadamo se da je tako :) kao sluchajno su pustili losh render za naslovnu stranicu nekog magazina :))) opasno nema sta





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"Not everyone’s happy, though. Particularly the hardcore Fallout fans who lament the “consolization” of a franchise that originated on PC. They expect Bethesda to “dumb down” the game for the masses on multiple levels, whether it be through gameplay or even story.

Writing for a franchise that has such an outspoken core fanbase puts writers in a precarious position: how much do you listen to that core fanbase, and how much do you ignore them?

“…That’s always the toughest question,” says Pagliarulo. “You listen to the fans and respect their ideas, but once you start designing a game that they want to make specifically, then you can get yourself into trouble. One of the things that I love about Bethesda, and that we all love about working here, is we’re all pretty hardcore gamers and we know what we want, we know what’s fun, we know what we like and so we design for each other. We’re our own best audience.

“So with Fallout in particular, we’re comfortable that the game is coming out this year—we can finally say that. The game is coming out this year, fall 2008. Knowing where we are in the project and all the work that is finished and all the work we still have to do, I think we’re all so wrapped up in the game that we’re creating, that there just comes a point where you just can’t worry what the hardcore fanbase is going to scream at you about on the forums, you know? You have to make the game that you’re making and know that it’s a good one and continue with that.”


“[story] definitely does matter,” Pagliarulo says emphatically. “Look at some of the writing in Mass Effect or BioShock—games that are recognized as being story-heavy and having good stories. Look at Overlord, with that evil comedic wit.

“…It sometimes seems like a good idea to attract a big name writer or an established writer in either the comic book field or some other medium [to work on your game], but the fact is, writing for a videogame is a very specific beast. You have to understand how to compliment the gameplay with your fiction, and the best writer in the world, if he doesn’t understand videogames, can’t make that happen.

“So I think with games like BioShock, we can have really great writing and great gameplay to compliment each other. I think hopefully we’ll be seeing more of that as people understand the medium more and understand how to create for it. I think that’s the only way the writing is really going to get to a level it needs to be at.”


jbte prave nastavak fallouta a o novom gameplayu se samo spominje bioshock (najprecenjenija igra 2007), cod4, halo, mass effect (pffff) i oblivion [:(!]





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To im je sada postao jedini argument: "mi pravimo igru kako mi hocemo i kako se nama svidja"

Sto ste onda uzeli Fallout mater vam raspalu, napravite svoju igru i nazovite je Govno iz Bethsede, da bog da vam se seme utrlo

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Sto ste onda uzeli Fallout mater vam raspalu, napravite svoju igru i nazovite je Govno iz Bethsede, da bog da vam se seme utrlo


We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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