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i ja sam za...

mada bi vishe ishao neki iscepani kozhnjak, i kozhne pantalone... dobije se dobar miris :)

i josh po vrelom asfaltu...

mada kul bi bilo da napravimo take majce ko iz vaulta:)


( [;)] )...

Edited by M!!!

Everybody's got a right to be a sucker once.

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i ja sam za...

mada kul bi bilo da napravimo take majce ko iz vaulta:)


( [;)] )...

cool ideja:)dakle ko ce da organizuje?:)a da se ne ugradjuje 100% u cenu;) neko posten

inace bas bi bio extra dobar Fallout online(kao MMO igra) :)

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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cool ideja:)dakle ko ce da organizuje?:)a da se ne ugradjuje 100% u cenu;) neko posten

inace bas bi bio extra dobar Fallout online(kao MMO igra) :)

aj ozbiljno, ono leader je u tim vodama printanje majci i ostalih chuda, pitatju ja majku dal ona zna nekog ko se time bavi... bash me inteeresuje kako bi ljudi koji su igrali fallout reagovali kad bi videli majcu iste... :)))

preuzeto sa nma`a...



( [;)] )...

Edited by M!!!

Everybody's got a right to be a sucker once.

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kad smo vec spomenuli quotove ;)

"War... War never changes.

The end of the world occured pretty much as we'd predicted.

Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around, the details are trivial and pointless, the reasons -as always- ,purely human ones."

"Take the pain, motherfucker"

"I wonder if Texas survived the wall" - Cassidy

"You won't have to bring a light to take a midnight piss" - Harold

"There is a bad place where the bad mutants come from. It is bad. Vault is good. Please, go destroy bad place."

--The Overseer

"-I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by watermelon. When I was seven, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet rat. When I was eight, my dog Spike got hit by a tractor. When I was nine, my mother lost her arm to a rabid brahmin. When I was ten, my sister was torn to bits by a pack of dogs. When I was eleven, my grandfather killed himself, because I was ugly. When I was twelve, my grandmother killed herself, because I was ugly. When I was thirteen, my father poked out his eyes with a pitchfork in a drunken stupor. When I was fourteen, my brother lost his hand to a wallaby. When I was fifteen, my aunt choked to death on a chicken bone. When I was sixteen, I lost my cousin to a badger. When I was seventeen, I cut off my left big toe with a hoe. When I was eighteen, my father lost his right leg to the same tractor, that killed my dog. When I was nineteen...

-Oh, I get the picture. What's currently bothering you?

-Well, there I was, traveling through the desert, when suddenly my brahmin falls over dead. About then I relized I was low on water and hadn't had a drink in quite a while. Later, my bones began to ache, my head started to hurt. Well, there I was sitting in the desert, waiting for the world to swallow my musterable existence, when a pack of deathclaws shous up. Well, I'm thinking to myself, this is it. Now I can die. I can wind up as a pile od deathclaw shit in the middle of the desert. But no... fate had yet another cruel card to play against me. You see, the deathclaws didn't kill me. Instead they gave me water, brought me herem gave me this room, gave me food, cleaned me up, and now they won't me leave. I know they're fattening me uo for some unknown, horrible fate. I keep telling them that I would probably taste better if i was leaner but it does no good. They just smile -- if you can call it that -- and pat me on head and say 'don't worry human, thinks will be better.' Ha! We both know what that means. Anyway, to make matters worse, then they started giving me some sort of medication. It was making me gassy, so I stopped taking it -- and it's a good think I did. I think it was some sort of 'mind control' pill, because I started to feel, like things weren't actually bad as I thought! Anyway, that's about it. I'm just waiting for the dinner bell to chime, so that they can feast on my bloated body.

-Please tell me that you don't have any children.

-Nope. When I turned twenty-two this strange fungus started to grow on my test...

-Stop! I don't want to know!

"I'll feed you to my pet iguana"

"Some Mutant: Hey! You not look like ghoul. How come?

me: Uh?

Mutant: Huh?

me: Huh?

Mutant: Whuh?

me: Mom? "

(In Necropolis, playing with 2 Intelligence ...)

"Overseer: Have you found the chip?

- Nuh-huh!

O: Oh, that's great! Can I have the chip, please?

- Nungh.

O: No, not that. I want the com-pu-ter-chip.

- Nungh.

O: No. The Chip

- Nungh.

O: Just-give-me-the-chip!

- Nungh.

O: Thank you. Now, go to the library and rest for a while, ok?

- Nuh-huh, uh-nuh?

O: ..Yes, you can touch things."

"Enemy, meet gun, gun, meet enemy" Marcus

"-Is that a tree growing from your head?

-Jealous? His name's Herbert. I talk to him when i get lonely...Heh Heh. Just kiddin'...His name's Bob."

"May the water you find in the desert not shine at you in the dark." - Aradesh

"- How do you pee-pee in that thing?

: Heh-heh. Actually, I just urinate in the armour and it recycles everything. Isn't that interesting? Do you know what recycling means, little one?

- Yes, recycling means you drink pee!

: Uh, heh-heh... No actually it means....

- You drink pee-pee! You drink pee-pee!

:Uh, heh-heh... keep your voice down, little one.... recycling doesn't mean that I drink p... well, not exactly...look.."

Dr. Troy: "Oh my. It seems that someone has accidentally set the autodoc to inject you with [compound which I can't remember the name of]"

Player: "What does that mean?"

Dr. Troy: "It means that you have 9 seconds to live. Really, blackmail someone and then place your life in their hands. Reather stupid, if you ask me."

Player: "Now I have to reload! This is so shitty! I'll get you in my next save game!"

-It's fun hitting other people's balls.

"Be vewy, vewy, quiet, I'm hunting wabbits."





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Ne da je ideja, nego count me in!!!

Ajde raspitajte se koliko bi ta stampa iznosila, pa ako je nesto prihvatljivo da krenemo da se dogovaramo oko izgleda, logoa, quoteova itd itd... Racunam da bi otprilike trebalo 10-20 komada da se uradi (osim ako migsa nece za sebe pet maja da uzima ;)

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matori... treba da se menjaju majce kad idem na posao...

za ponedeljak mi ide vault suit

utorak bos`ova majca

sreda falloutboy majca

cetvrtak bozar majca

petak videtjemo :D

al ono, kad se bude proshirilo, kontam da tje ljudi trazhiti :)))

al da mi sredimo za nas kvalitetne, da se ne skida posle par pranja itd:)

( [;)] )...

Everybody's got a right to be a sucker once.

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matori... treba da se menjaju majce kad idem na posao...

za ponedeljak mi ide vault suit

utorak bos`ova majca

sreda falloutboy majca

cetvrtak bozar majca

petak videtjemo :D

al ono, kad se bude proshirilo, kontam da tje ljudi trazhiti :)))

al da mi sredimo za nas kvalitetne, da se ne skida posle par pranja itd:)

( [;)] )...

ovo za kvalitet je stvarno bitno,bezveze da bude nesto sto ce trajati 2 nedelje....jos malo pa da pokrenemo i serijsku proizvodnju:)

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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ovde bi umesto "war.." teksta moglo i "Wasteland's Finest" ili neka BOS parola.


jebeno je shto su loshe boje - a zbog razumne cene ne mozhe se kombinovati vishe boja da pipboy bude u punom sjaju =/

Edited by Jose Jimenez
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ja prichao sa likom koji radi majice

elem, pitao sam da bude bodi i kad ide bodi onda ide sechenje, ne farbanje

dakle ne mozhe da se ispere boja

stim shto onda taj jedan bodi ne bude ispod 10e

e sad, shto je veci broj primeraka koje naruchimo to je manja cena

jedino je sranje shto bodi ako ne nabodesh svoju velichinu (naruchish m a treba ti l recimo) - zajebao si se

jeste li za hardcore varijantu (bodi) ili gay varijantu (t-shirt)?

neka osoba glupak hehe

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