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Ode papa

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Konachno siroma uspeo da umre. A stvarno mu nisu dali jbt.

A celi dan svi hrvatski kanali svaki sat kenjaju o njegovom kritichnom stanju i kao svi da se mole da papa pozivi i "odradi svoj posao/duznost" (pa shtagod to bilo). Pa chicha nakupio 85 banki i komplet zajebanih boljki, garant je goreo od zelje za zivotom [xx(] . RIP u svakom sluchaju, spaso se.

... ukusi su razlichiti... reche djavo i sede u trnje...

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rip i ako ga nisam katolik ,mada uopste ni neki vernik,a cak ga nisam ni poznavao .....

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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Ja sam cuo da je pao u komu... a ne umro... jeste da nije velika razlika ali...

Nekako mi je svejedno iako nisam ateista ali bi se vise potresao da je Patrijarh Pavle kvekn'o...

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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ima li iko mozga ovde ili vise od pet godina... i malo svesti o tome u kakvom svetu zivi i da nije sve televizija, majku mu!!!!!!!



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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