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Ali brate kako nema gamblera :))

Pa nocas smo igrali 3 partije i bilo je gamblera...upravo 6.03b verzija

Ma vidis da je decko igrao 5.84B ocigledno...

-E ali imam primedbu na iteme..Znaci ne da mi se ne svidjaju SANGE i YASHA,nego ono raspad.Ne po item statsu vec po izgledu...Onaj jedan izgleda ko noz za puter znaci,a drugi ko onaj svetleci mac sto mozes da kupis na pijaci za 50din.I kad se spoje opet su sranje.. uopste kad pogledam u inventory nekog drugog heroja i vidim npr burizu ili mkb ono izgleda zastrasujuce.Mogli su malo bolje model da urade...

Bjukenon Mitch

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al cini mi se da to i nije neki ajtem, za jedan sange mozes da kupis dve sekirice ili ako dodas jos 1000 kupos mesershmit, a onaj malm i ne radi bas mnogo dobro ili mi se cini? sve u svemu prilicno skup ajtem s'tim sto je dobro sto se pravi od jeftinih stvari, steta je sto se mehanizam vise ne pravi isto, pa sad nemas gde da utopis onolike talismane

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Ma bice ok nova dota ... samo da je srede josh malo ...

Lepo sam rekao smorio me 584 , necu da ga igram iz principa dok ne izadje sredjena 6ica [:D][8D][:D]

Ne znam za vas ali sada guinso kosa je odlicna ... i Boots su ok ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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A niko ne pominje heardress of rejuvenation IMBA item sada:)

igarli smo vec 2 noci 6.03b ima jos bagova (imali smo 2 snipera u ekipi) ali je prilicno ok sa HoR su anulirani int heroji a strenght je mnog jaci na pocetku

nas dvojca strenghta smo pushovali zevsa bez problema dva Hor po 150 HP lece u cugu plus daju 2 HP u sec i cao, ili da se koncentrise na jendog od nas da me sjebe a i ako me ne ubije brzo cu se izleciti

bukvalno ce svi heroji imate Hor kod sebe

ili da ga poskupe malo ili da smanje taj heal na recomo nezam 100HP desi se da ovostimo protivnike i onda padne mas hor i oni opet na pola ili vise helta

Rikicmaru je sada mozda i gorui nego pre

Onaj smoke screen je sketa bacis ga ispred kule i nemogu da je udaraju ni kripovi ni protivnici


Sand king mi se cini oslbaljen

Gambler je sranje

Drijada je sekturina najgora:))))))))))

Ali novi Chen je keva!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Mi smo ubli jadnog gula 3 puta daog ga nsimo permantno upokojili

BTW gul je sada totlano lud jer se ne razlikuje od ostalih kripova strasnooooooooooooooooooooooooo

gore od bon klinkza ni ne provaljujes da te bije:)

NIje losa 6.03

Porno Ikona 90-tih:)

dve najmocnije grupacije na svetu: Deijevi rodjaci, Mohijevi Ortaci

(Ivan_ @ May 27 2009, 10:33)

da se kojim čudom nađem na čelu plejboja, promenio bih fazon totalno.

jebao bih vrlo mnogo, drogirao se jos vise i vodio kojota kao maskotu na zlatnom lancu okolo, a on bi vikao HARRRRSACU DAT E JBEEM NAMATSIO SAM KARU KOAKINOM

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ima bagcina sa mantom.

sastavis je recimo sa mallisom ili zeusom(za ta dva znam) i kad napravis iluzije tvoji itemi su u njihovom inventaru normalno,ali nije normalno sto svi ti itemi posle padnu na zemlju kad se one istrose.znaci svii tvoji itemi i jos 2xtoliko.mogu da se prodaju i sl.bagcina!ako se bude igrala 603b manta da se banuje.


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Ja nisam siguran da je pametno igrati tu dotu koja nije oficijelna. Jer sad vi banujete lepo sve sto vam padne napamet, covek ode na net i pronadje neke novitete ili cak sam ih izvali dok igra, i iskoristi ih.

Ne mozes da mu kazes nista jer ih nisi prethodno banovao, a mozda to uopste nije fer. Reci samo "ne smeju da se koriste bagovi" opet nije dovoljno, jer se onda moze povesti polemika oko toga sta ti smatras bagom.

Itd, itd ... No kojot organizuje, pa kako on kaze.

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Hor nije toliki imba , sto vreme odmice sve je slabiji ( logicno ) , mozda treba malo da mu povecaju cenu ... to je sve ... ali ne mislim da je to imba ...

Gambler ... hmmm volim heroja , iako nije najbolji , jako je zabavno igrati sa njim to je cinjenica ... :))) [}:)][}:)][}:)]

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Gamblera mrzim jer izgleda nemam nikakve srece sa kockanjem, 3 puta za redom kad sam bacao ultimate sam sav kes izgubio i naravno poludeo sam i vise mi ne pada na pamet da ga biram/ na -ar ako dobijem odma -repick!

E da bug.... znaci na donjoj putanji se nekada desava da se u redovnom sentinel creep spawnu stvori jedan druid koji ima invulnerable armor.... znaci posle 40 min igranja 5 neunistivih druida mi je cepalo kulu :/ !!!!

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DotA-Allstars v6.04

Many thanks to TheRandomDude for his help in improving the terrain.

Bugs Fixed:

Gambler does not instant kill roshan

Gambler does not recieve wood

Deathmatch spawn location fixed.

Fix razor attack animation with desolator

Allow item TP on invulnerable allied building

Tweaked sprout

Fixed allowed targets for Rabid

Fixed etheral bonus to the intended bonus of 1.4x instead of 1.66

Fxed middle sent rax killing no upgrade bug

Counterhelix does not trigger take wards attacks into account of chance.

Fixed hexed chicken move speed

Fixed aura animation on tiny

Blinkstrike/swap delay in action tweaked

Omnislash delay action tweaked

Refresher orb properly refreshes

AM mana void animation restored

Chip stack can only target heroes

Bear with green orb issue resolved

The GS/GA bug resolved

Mana Leak fixed

Scoreboad + techie fixed.

Pudge can no longer get first blood for rotting at start

Clarity potion and Mekansm no longer share cooldown

Fountains now have true sight

Learn lvl 2 enchant before lvl 3

Sandking burrow attack bug.


Lucky stars now 5/6/7/8 %

BoT recipe costs 1850

Casting delay on BoT changed from 3->4

Stout shield now 50% chance to reduce 20 dmg (min 5 dmg)

Increased Impetus cost to 40/45/50/55 from 40/40/40/40

Reduced max range on soul steal to 600, from 800.(confirm this)

Terrorblade meta range 575 from 600

March of the Machines now costs slightly more at 145/150/165/190

Removed Chen for now, pending proper hero remaking.

Clarity potions now regen 100 mana from 150

Removed Phantom Lancer banish after spirit lance

Spirit lance now cripples for 3 seconds,(10/20/30/40 speed reduction)

Dopplewalk ww duration now 12 seconds

Enchantress Nature's Attendants now summons 3/5/7/9 wisps to heal from 4/6/8/10

Lich nova now costs 125/150/170/190 from 100/125/155/180

Lich attack range changed from 570 to 600

SA smoke screen is now -20% move all lvls

Smokescreen now causes 50/60/70/80% miss instead of disabling attack.

Hand of Midas cannot be dropped.

Scourge and Sent Fountains same range (check this)

Mekansm recipe now 700 gold

Removed Bloodseeker for now, pending proper hero remaking.

Headdress now only self heal, 300 gold recipe

Change crystalys to 1000 recipe gold

Time stop reduced to 2.5 seconds, mana cost now 180/250/300

Removed attack from world tree

Wraith costs 250 from 275

Bracer costs 250 from 275

Null costs 165 from 150

Heart has +35 now, up from +30

Guardian angel mana cost now 125/150/200

Coup de gras now 2/3/4 crit at 15/15/15 % chance

Howl given 10 second cooldown from 0.

Chakra % dmg increase now lasts 30 seconds, from 10. Self castable again.

Medusa gets purge back, loses gaze.

Splitshot now does 35/45/55/65%

Stat change replaces his ultimate.

Morph no longer has spell steal

Morph gains 4 more stat points for a total of 14 usable. (2/2-agi/str)

Morph blink becomes 700/800/900/1000 range with 9/8/7/6 cooldown

Reverse polarity now 120/160/160 cooldown

Chaos knight base str reduced to 21 from 23

DK frost does not freeze towers

DK frost duration nerfed from 10 to 3 seconds

Monkey King Bar recipe now 1650 from 1600

AllIn has 30 sec cooldown now

Drunken Brawler now 1.8x crit from 1.7x

Drunken Haze slow improved from 5/8/11/14 to 10/12/15/17

Stone Giant Grow! now has +1/2/3 armor per lvl.

Terror AOE now 700 from 500 and Armor reduction now 2/3/4/5 from 3/4/5/6 but now learns at 3/6/9/12

Naga Siren starting str change from 17 to 19.

Omnislash now 3/5/8 from 4/6/9

Rain of Chaos cooldown now 100 seconds down from 120 seconds. Does not damage structures on impact.

Phantom Lancer cripple duration 2.5 seconds from 3 seconds.

Echo slam dmg per target reduced from 35/45/65 to 27/37/57

True form now gains 250/400/600 bonus hp

Eul cyclone cooldown now 3 sec, up from 0.

Necronomicon 1st upgrade: extra 3 int/str stronger creeps

Necronomicon 2st upgrade: extra 3 int/str even stronger creeps

Lucy now 300 base speed, up from 280.

Blink Dagger range changed from 1300 to 1000

Magic Immune no longer resists leech.

Potion of Healing now 150 up from 100 gold.

Flask of Sapphire Water now costs 95 from 80

Aegis of the Immortal requires RoH isntead of Persv, but with a recipe cost of 2500 instead of 1900 (overall 300 cheaper)

Avalanche now stuns for 2 seconds instead of 1

March of the machines cooldown now 40 seconds, from 35.

Hand Of Midas cooldown changed from 123 to 105


Added Evasion % in tooltip

Fixed radiance typo

Fixed QoP tooltip

Fix tooltip on tp item to tp on any structure, not just towers.

Fixed range typo on sniper

Fixed location of tiny ult

Fix track hotkey

Fix bane/bloodseeker same hotkey

Fix ck buying tooltip

Added Critical Strike information

Fixed naga siren critical tooltip.

Removed disallow sk from bkb tooltip

Eclipse tooltip fixed

BoT now has the cooldown listed.

Sange typo.

Many other misc typos (too many to list)

New hero descriptions from fan fiction for:

Drow (King Fear), Techies (TrixR4Kidz), Night Stalker (Doragon), Visage (wcil), and Slardar (Shadow Penguin)


New Terrain

Replaced eye of the forest animation

Remove headdress armor animation

Observer Wards returned.

Sand king can now buy desolator again

Gambler Remade

Major changes to necronomicon. Now upgradable.

KOTL restored old version.

Reworked epicenter

Increase naix size a bit

Cannot drop necronomicon

Restore old ck model

Zeus icon fixed

Fixed track animation

Allowed tinker to use manta, as it kills previous images.

Add vulnerable tower to list of allowed targets for item tp.

Medusa cannot create scepter

Tinker cannot carry necronomicon

Refresher now 150% mana regen, like its components.

New model for viper

Changed neutral creep chase mechanics a bit

Moved vitality booster to old location in shop.

Moved consumable shop closer to other shops

Range to eat trees increased from 32 to 100

Dagon can no longer target and waste cooldown on an item in your inventory

Gave naix his aura back

Neichus Says:

Bloodseeker: we've temporarily removed Bloodseeker due to our inability to iron out a bug associated with his uncontrollability after dying during morphing. This probably sounds unnecessarily harsh, but we're on a deadline, trying to get a version ready for IGS and right now bugs/balance take priority. Hopefully Bloodseeker will get re-added in a version soon.

Chen: bugs weren't an issue so much as lack of originality + annoyance. His ultimate had to be one of the least-liked spells ever introduced.

Morphling: yeah, I'm really sad but we ended up removing Spellsteal. It afforded a lot of troubles, and we decided that it was just too much trouble to cope with. We actually are at a complete loss as to a 4th skill for him; right now he can just get 4 more levels of stats because he cannot reasonably use anything else: attack bonuses he doesn't need, defense bonuses he doesn't need since he keeps Blink, more nuking he doesn't need, superior farming he doesn't need...etc etc. We decided 4 more levels of stats is all he wants anyway.


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Da budem iskren, sad vise ni ne citam promene, poceli su da smaraju. A i taman kad nesto pomislis da je ok promena, oni vrate na staro ili dodatno sjebu/poprave.

Mis'im, stvarno preteruju. Dajte bre taj 5.85 i napravite stabilnu 6.0 final pa da se igramo kao ljudi.

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Iako nisam igrao dotu duze vremena,svratio sam ove nedelje na eurobattle.net.Naravno ista situacija kao i uvek...bolji igraci se drze 84,dok turci i brazucas uvek imaju hostove sa 6.x.

Poslednja verzija koju sam probao bila je ona prva 6,imala je neki odvratan teren.

Ps:Lexe,ovim postom te obavezujem da me cimnes na neko buduce igranje dote ;) i pm me ako svratis na bnet.

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Od 5.85 nema nichega...

6.xx je ono shto tje se igrati, mada i 04b ima par idiotskih bagova.

Na jurobetlu je sve vishe upravo ove mape i to je ql. Treba se navitji.

Ovaj najnoviji teren mi je odvratan, ali ajde.. Tje se naviknemo.

Raki, kada DotA bude igriva po igraonicama zovem te, a za net tjemo lako. :)


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Ma nemam ja problem sa terenom i slicnim stvarima ... neka bude onakav kakvim su ga napravili, i super ... jedino sto treba da isprave sve te glupave bagove i izdaju jednu "finalnu" verziju ...

Ne mora ni da bude nista od 5.85 ako ce 6.xx final izdati uskoro.

A sto se igranja tice, ajd' kad izadje ova nova, ako ce skoro, da organizujemo neki preRHH :)

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A puskice obavezno, i to sad da uradis neke fluorescentne da ti lepo svetle u mraku da ne moras da se bechis ;)

Sto se verzije tice, slazhem se da je ispeglanija i manje vise ok, ali ce nam se neki igraci buniti dok ne dodje 6.xx final. Mozemo da probamo da igramo jednu 5 a drugu 6 verziju pa kao da svi budu zadovoljni :)

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DotA All-Stars 6.05

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* Rewrote scoreboard system

* Morph changed significantly

* Lucifer lost rain of fire and gained a new ability

* New command, -recreate added for tb/naix/lycan wc3 control loss issue (200 sec casting time, fountain range required)

* Naix Lifesteal now orb effect

* Sandking gained a new passive.

* Sent base now same shape as scourge

* Recoded illuminate

* Gave Lich Icy Hands back

* Rebased Shadowraze to not cancel previous action

* Recoded Spirit Lance

* Tweaked timing of dmg on blink strike


* Chaos Knight: Critical strike changed from 3.67 to 3.33

* Medusa: Splitshot from 35/45/55/65 to 40/50/60/70%

* Gambler: AllIn now uses a random number from 1 to gold with a MAX of 2500 to bound the odds.

* Bone Fletcher: WW lvl 4 changed from 40% to 35%

* Bone Fletcher: Strafe changed from 40/70/95/110 to 55/70/85/100

* Faceless Void: Timestop lvl 3 cooldown is 110 seconds up from 90

* Skeleton King: Crit changed from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1.25/1.75/2.25/2.75

* Sandking: Epicenter casting time at lvl 3 changed from 1.25 to 1.5 seconds

* Stone Giant: Area of effect of avalanche slightly increase

* Furion: Force of Nature (furion treants) cooldown increased from 30 to 37.

* Satyr Hellcaster mana burn ranged reduced

* Move speed bonuses no longer stack

* Neutral Centaurs no longer ressurect


* Sandking: Can no longer cast epicenter or burrow strike underground. You can but it won't do anything.

* Sandking: Epicenter conditional bug fixed

* Morphling: Instead of 2/2/0 stats on morph he now gains 2/2/1

* Crystal Maiden: Control loss via reflecting frostbite fixed.

* Stone Giant: Fast Grow fixed

* Phantom Assassin: Refresh restored for PA

* Visage: Fixed extra range due to Visage Soul Assumption

* Techies: Remote mines dealing proper damage type.

* Doombringer: Doom cooldown icon properly reflects actual cooldown.

* Duplicate heroes resolved (probably, hard to confirm with 100% certainty due its nature)

* Revival buyback bug fixed

* Global Hex bug fixed


* Items reorganized in a better fashion

* New item - Maelstrom

* Fixed the shop levels (so they don't all say lvl 3)

* Monkey King Bar now has 30% chance to deal 90 damage

* Necronomicon cooldown decreased by 5 seconds all levels.

* Linken Mirror Shield recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 800

* Blademail gives +15 dmg up from +9

* Corrected resale prices on all of the combo items

* Bracer and Wraith recipe now cost 230 from 250

* Staff of Negation aoe changed from 200 to 300 and is now properly perishable

* Staff of Negation changed from 5 charges to 3

* Headdress no longer has active heal, recipe cost from 300->225

* Mekansm cannot be dropped

* Treads no longer clickable

* Dominate cooldown now 5 minutes


* Few map optimizations (smaller map too)

* Leshrac Hero Description changed (fan fiction contest)

* Centaur Hero Description added

* More hero descriptions added

* Slardar uses his old voice

* Fixed a typo in which Shukuchi was spelled "Shukuci"

* Queen of Pain's "Scream of Pain" no longer has the word "knife" in it.

* Dopplewalk Duration tooltip typo

* Removed backstab text

* Smokescreen typo

* Minor Terrain doodad tweaks

* Fixed Terror tooltip

* Rabbit model size increased a bit

* Bounty Hunter model slightly bigger

* Orb effect added to soul assumption tooltip

* Improved the backswing timing of techies attack

Quick notes:

A new loading screen picture will be included in the next version (contest in graphics center now)

Morph is still considered to be under development, he will most likely get tweaked a bit next version .

I'd like to give my personal thanks to ki-hunterkiller his extensive beta testing support along with all the other beta testers, As well as naz and zetta for their input on various ideas.

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imam jedno do jaja pametno pitanje(ili mozda ne:()

u 5.xx verzijama prajmari skil je davao po jedan zeleni i jedan beli demidj,sad samo beli.mene se cini da je to onda golema promena.medjutim imao sam pre nekih mesec dana raspravu u kgbu sa nekim gosu igracima koji su me ubedjivali da daje samo jedan demidz(kao sto i pise) a da ova zeleni u stvari nista ne znaci(valjda ako su od prajmaria)...

nisam bio dugo na forumu ali eto,vratio sam se,gluplji nego ikad:)

unapred se izvinjavam ako je neko o ovome pisao

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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