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DotA 6.0 release info

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Guinsoo je pre neki dan najavio v6.0 za 28. feb, tj. danas, ali dosad verzija josh nije izashla (pritom je sajt bio down vechi deo dana zbog zilion hitova papaka zheljnih nove verzije, ukljuchujuchi i mene).

Poslednji info je da Ginsu i Pendragon pokushavaju da srede neke sitne stvari a pre svega smanje loading time (koji je prema tvrdnji testera brutalan zbog milijardu skriptova i gluposti).

Pendragon kazhe da je u poslednjih par sati uspeo dvostruko da smanji loadtime te je pretpostavka da chemo zaigrati ochekivani v6.0 vech vecheras/sutra.

Dosad nema nikakvog novog infoa o konachnim promenama u odnosu na 5.84b osim onoga shto znamo iz famozne 6.0bete.

Na bnetu i jurobetlu su se pojavile igre tipa "6.0 official come in download" sa verzijom od pre hiljadu godina, stoga se pazite :)

BTW, u trenutku pisanja ovog posta DotA Allstars official forum je opet "pozdravi je pozdravi"..

Dodushe, poshto je Guinsoo, ako se ne varam, u -7 vremenskoj zoni (Mountain time US/Canada) ima josh fore da ispuni release date :)

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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u linku ka forumu ti fali jedno "s" na kraju.. i ondak rade.. ali nova verzija i dalje nije okačena :(

p.s. aj se skupimo večeras u recimo 20h na rurovom serveru i da pikamo ovu novu dotu... nije bitno ko će pobedi.. čisto da se zezamo organizovano... može?

SKG | Prokka

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Ja skinuo novu verziju. Utisci nakon igranja i tako toga... :)

Ali svi kazhu da je imba do jaja zato shto je Guinsoo mnogo toga menja u poslednjih 24h, kao i da je load time ochajan kod nekih ljudi... Enivejz 6.01 se mozhe ochekivati uskoro.



-Re-adjusted all of the casting, attacking, and movement animations so that they should more fully match the hero models.

-Added Earthshaker

-Added Shadow Fiend (thanks Wikid on ultimate)

-Added Mogul Kahn

-Added Tiny

-Added Engima

-Finished Phantom Lancer

-Fixed hotkeys for Sunrise Tavern

-Moved Taverns around a little

-Began implimenting a Spellcaster system

-Deleted misc unused skills and units

-Fixed some misc bugs where skills could be gotten at earlier levels than advertized

-Made it so that Blink Strike makes the unit face the target

-Increased selection range on shops

-Can no longer attack allies while spell immune

-Tried to fix whatever typos I came across

-Attempted to reduce the number of custom objects used in various skills


-All items now have their icons in the shops

-Reduced mana cost on BoT from 150 to 75

-Added %Bash numbers to Cranium Basher tooltip

-Added %dodge numbers to Radiance tooltip

-Added %cleave to Battle Fury tooltip

-Added damage/second numbers on Radiance

-Added duration numbers to Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

-Added multiplier numbers to Crysalis and Burize

-Morphling can no longer use Refresher

-Added Stygian reduction numbers to tooltip

-Modified Mask of Madess to 75% IAS (down from 97%), 10% move speed (down from 15%), lifesteal reduced to 10% from 12%, and added a mana cost of 50.

-Mask of Madness recipe now costs 1250

-Fixed Diffusal and Blink Dagger sharing cooldown

-Morphling can no longer copy Sapphire Water

-Changed Vitality Booster to 1100 gold

-Changed Point Booster to 1200 gold

-Added Bracer recipe

-Added Wraith Band recipe

-Added Blade Mail recipe

-Added Disposables Shop and moved some of the charged items over

-Added Sturdy Shield item

-Removed the +300 Mana from Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse, added 900 gold cost to recipe, and now gives +25 Intelligence

-Eul's Scepter now gives +18 Intelligence (up from 10)

-Removed +1 armor from Null Talisman, lowered recipe to 150 gold

-Nerzheim Buckler recipe changed, along with effects

-Ring of Basilius now gives +3 damage

-Aegis of the Immortal recipe changed, along with effects

-Cloak of the Magus no longer gives 50% mana regen. Cost reduced to 450.

-Satanic now takes Messer in place of Demon Edge

Sand King

-Replaced Dust Trail with Sand Storm

-Made Entrench multi-instance

-Made Epicenter multi-instance

-Fixed some Burrowstrike bugs

-Fixed Burrowstrike so it can no longer be cast while silenced/ensnared

Pudge 2.0

-Fixed Meat Hook bug that caused it to become erratic at long range

-Meat Hook should fire perfectly strait with no arcingnow

-Lowered time during which Pudge is uncommandable on Meat Hook from .5 to .4 seconds

-Made it so that Pudge should no longer hook invisible mines or hidden units (if he has detection, he will hit them again)

-Slightly modified Flesh Heap's tooltip

-Fixed Flesh Heap so it no longer gives invulnerability to Piercing attacks

-Rot slows opponents by 20%

-Flesh Heap now gives .3/.6/.9/1.2 Str per hero killed (still gives .03/.06/.09/.12 Str per non-hero).


-Shockwave no longer hits buildings


-Str/level up to 2.2 from 2

-Whirly-thing costs less mana, lower cooldown

-Omnislash got +1 slash at all levels

Drow Ranger

-Slightly modified Marksmanship's tooltip

-Frost Arrows slow for 10/20/30/40% movement speed, down from 15/30/40/50%


-Reduced duration of Overpower to 15 seconds

-Increased cooldown of Overpower to 15 seconds

-Fixed some bugs involved with multi-instancing, and short-changing you when you died with Overpower on

-Modified Fury Swipe's tooltip to clarify


-Reduced mana costs for Pulse Nova at all levels by 30-40/second

-Added .5 second cooldown to prevent "flickering"

-Increased cooldown on Diabolic Edict from 15 to 30 seconds

-Increased mana cost on Diabolic Edict by 20 at all levels


-Reduced AoE on War Stomp to 275/300/325/350

-Made move type Amphibious

-War Stomp has cooldown of 8 seconds with 2/2.5/3/3.25 second stun


-Reduced AoE on Hoof Stomp to 275/300/325/350

-Hoofstomp cooldown increased from 8.5 to 10.5 seconds

-Duration lowered to .75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds


-Made move type Foot (formerly Amphibious)

-Hopefully fixed Meta bonus damage bug

-Images now deal 25/35/45/55% damage (down 10% all levels)


-Added attack sound

-Crit at level 4 does 1.5 as advertized

-Made move type Amphibious


-Added attack sound


-Made move type Amphibious

-Removed Purge

-Split Shot is now an activated skill that fires 3 arrows at all levels but arrows only deal 20/30/40/50% of Medusa's damage

-Mana Shield is now a 4-level base ability that blocks 50% of incoming damage with a .75/1.25/1.5/2 mana/HP ratio

-Ultimate is now Gaze

-She deals her full advertised damage

Faceless Void

-Time Stop now stuns for 3.5 seconds at all levels, with decreasing cooldown. Can use Refresher Orb again.

-Time Stop now affects buildings, and will graphically freeze the units in place


-Reduced movement speed from 300 to 290

-Attack type is now Instant (no graphic)

-Re-did Scattershot (Wikid)


-Reduced damage on ult from 50/75/100 to 40/55/85

-Reduced slow on Incapacitating Bite by 5% at all levels

-Reduced miss effect on Incapactitating bite from .15/.25/.35/.45 to .1/.15/.2/.25

-Increased Str/level from 2 to 2.5

-Gave Insatiable Hunger a new icon


-Reduced damage, cooldown, and mana cost on Heat Seeking Missile

-Adjusted the Rearm time to 3/2/1 seconds

-Replaced March of the Machines with Gattling Gun (Wikid)


-Fixed small time lapse between attack and Silence effect

-Infernals no longer affect buildings


-Got new graphics for hero


-Fixed learning hotkey on Living Armor

Bounty Hunter

-Received new icon

-Got Disarm as new ultimate


-Changed Heartstopper from a castable skill to an aura. Now drains 1% of their maximum life per second; AoE of 200/400/600/800

-Changed projectile graphic

Phantom Assassin

-Changed "Coup de Gras" to "Coup de Gra


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Poslednji info je da Ginsu i Pendragon pokushavaju da srede neke sitne stvari a pre svega smanje loading time (koji je prema tvrdnji testera brutalan zbog milijardu skriptova i gluposti).

Pendragon kazhe da je u poslednjih par sati uspeo dvostruko da smanji loadtime te je pretpostavka da chemo zaigrati ochekivani v6.0 vech vecheras/sutra.

Dobro su se setili da smanje loadtime, ona alfa se loadirala brutalno dugo ...

Generalno je 6.0 ok verzija i cini mi se da bi bila potpuno kul samo kada srede bugove koji su se pojavljivali ... tipa 2 heroja ti se pojave, pa onda fejsles vojd kojem stun traje duplo duzhe i slicne stvari. Ovako mi se cini da je krajnje ok, samo ce naravno dodatno da povecaju manu za neke magije, neke malo "osakate", tinyju "zabrane" da baca roshketa i ta ekipa ...

btw, pokvarenjaci te teraju da se registrujes da bi gledao sajt ... bezveze ...

Ja sam za igranje na serveru, samo jos da se pojavi ta nova verzija.

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btw ... nabacio sam "novu verziju" (ako jeste jos nisam probao) na RUR, cisto ako se zagushi zvanicni link. Samo nemojte nigde da kachite direktan link, ne bih da se navadi gomila likova bez potrebe ... ovo je samo za nas u lokalu :)

veveve . adresasajta /~rhhftp/lucky/war/dota.w3x

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-Changed Vitality Booster to 1100 gold

-Changed Point Booster to 1200 gold

-Modified Mask of Madess to 75% IAS (down from 97%), 10% move speed (down from 15%), lifesteal reduced to 10% from 12%, and added a mana cost of 50.

-Mask of Madness recipe now costs 1250

Sand King

-Replaced Dust Trail with Sand Storm

-Made Entrench multi-instance

-Made Epicenter multi-instance

-Fixed some Burrowstrike bugs

-Fixed Burrowstrike so it can no longer be cast while silenced/ensnared

Drow Ranger

-Slightly modified Marksmanship's tooltip

-Frost Arrows slow for 10/20/30/40% movement speed, down from 15/30/40/50%

-Split Shot is now an activated skill that fires 3 arrows at all levels but arrows only deal 20/30/40/50% of Medusa's damage

Faceless Void

-Time Stop now stuns for 3.5 seconds at all levels, with decreasing cooldown. Can use Refresher Orb again.

-Time Stop now affects buildings, and will graphically freeze the units in place

Bounty Hunter

-Received new icon

-Got Disarm as new ultimate


-Entirely reworked Visage. Removed Frenzy, Blink, and Mana Burn; replaced with Grave Chill, Soul Assumption, and Anonymous Dead. Revamped Progenerate Gargoyles a little; now called Raise Revenants. Revenants are the same as Gargoyles except that they have an Incinerate variant that lends 1/2/3 bonus damage per attack.

Stealth Assassin

-Replaced Blink with Blink Strike

-Replaced Critical with Backstab

-Made Permanent Invisibility his ultimate

-Removed Death Ward

-Added Smoke Screen

Dragon Knight

-replaced Dragon Tail with Stone Form

-replaced Dragon's Blood with Roar

Ima tu zanimljivih stvari ... nadao sam se da ce mozda promeniti jos stogod ali nije ... nema ni veze toliko. Ipak ...

- Ne znam zasto su poskupeli boostere

- Ok za masku, stvarno je bila bolesna pre

- Dobro je sto su sredili Sand Kinga

- Fejsles Void sada ima zanimljive opcije ... ako mu je smanjen cooldown, pa jos moze da koristi refresher ...

- Nije mi jasno sto je Rikimaru ovako osakacen. On u lategame fazi nije apsolutno nizasta.

- Rendzerka i Medusa su malo sredjene, mislim da to nije loshe ...

- Visage je potpuno promenjen, i oni mali gargojlici koje pravi nisu uopste loshi.

A naravno, veliki test u petak :)

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Koja je adresa za download od ovih nijedna ne radi.

Ova koju sam ja okacio sigurno radi, samo da znas lepo da je ukucas u browser :)

.to RHHERS - Nemam pojma ... mozemo da probamo 6.0, a i ne moramo, mozemo da pikamo samo 5.84b dok se ne pojavi neka nova 6.x ... Dogovoricemo se veceras.

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Izashla je i 6.01 verzija, ali nigde nema ni changeloga, niti infoa kako radi sa TFT 1.18...

Pa daj link za Dl bre :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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