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Heroes of Might & Magic V


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Combat: expect a hex grid, stacks, dragons, upgrades and other basic concepts from the previous games. Combat is tactical, with some real-time elements included, such as a time-limit

Heroes: will not participate in combat as in Heroes IV, but will cast spells. All heroes from the previous games are gone

(ovo josh nije sigurno)

za ostatak


neke informacije su out of date, s obzirom na to da je izashlo josh nekoliko Q&A sa developerima, ali nishta krucijalno - ipak che creaturea biti manje nego 130 (kolko otprilike ima u trojci sa expanzijama)

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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quantity doesn't guarantee quality

pogotovo sto si stavio 9 kao broj gradova u trojci, a svi znamo kakav je konflux...

da tu si upravu...mada predpostavljam da ce biti stapanja rasa kao u cetvorci...a tek to nije bas idealno resenje...

...hopes need smashing!_

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A jeste gledali filmitje?

Bitka je ql iako se grid ne vidi. (mada verovatno mozhe da se ukljuchi)

Grad deluje zanimljivo, ali mislim da tje biti potreban period navikavanja.

A kretanje po mapi je impresivno izdetaljisano, ali nisam siguran da HOMM treba da bude bash toliko zahtevan.


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