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Može to da se desi zato što su odlagali igru - fizičke kopije su već morale da budu u proizvodnji kad su ga poslednji put pomerili pa je na njima verzija koja je u tom momentu aktuelna. A svakako računaju na Day1 patch koji menja fazon pola igre i mora da se skida 100GB kad zvanično bude izašla. Tako radi i svaki noviji Call of Duty :)

Sad kako su im "pobegle" neke kopije jeste malo čudno jer je to moralo da se desi negde iz proizvodnje ili samog Ubisofta pošto sigurno još nisu stigle do distributera...

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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Nisam ovo očekivao od EA, ono jesu matore igre, ali opet, nešto i pozitivno da urade 🙂



EA just released source code for a bunch of old Command and Conquer games, and added Steam Workshop support to bangers like C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

The games getting a source code release are Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn), Red Alert, C&C Renegade, and C&C Generals and Zero Hour. They're being released under the GPL license, meaning folks can mix, match, and redistribute them to their hearts' content without EA lawyers smashing down the door. You can find them all on EA's Github page.

As for the Steam Workshop? That's getting switched on for C&C Renegade, C&C Generals and Zero Hour, C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath, and C&C 4 Tiberium Twilight (they can't all be winners). EA's also gone and "updated all the Mission Editor and World Builder tools so you can publish maps directly to the Steam Workshop."


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On 2/26/2025 at 8:18 PM, manson said:

Ovo Ubi namerno likovao igru, da mogu da okrive pirate što je loša prodaja, šta drugo može da bude 🙂 

nek propadnu više :)) daj da ih zatvore ili nek ih kupi neko normalan i pootpušta 3/4 studija :))

1 hour ago, manson said:

Nisam ovo očekivao od EA, ono jesu matore igre, ali opet, nešto i pozitivno da urade 🙂


videli od Valvea sa Team Fortress 2 pa kao hajde i mi to da uradimo :)))

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On 1/26/2025 at 9:20 PM, cali said:

Probao najzad Forever Winter.

Igra je Early Access, ali se vidi ogroman potencijal.

Kratak tutorijal i odmah si bačen u veliki okrutni svet. I odmah u prvoj misiji, gde bukvalno samo treba da stignem do extraction pointa, sam umro 15 puta. Toliko si kao pojedinac beznačajan na bojnom polju, da su me jednom čak slučajno ubili - džinovski mech je opalio topom po odredu, promašio njih i pogodio mene skrivenog u zaklonu.

Igra je predviđena kao coop looter tako da je teško igrati je solo, i ima jako strm learning curve. Ali već sad ima neku draž zbog koje hoćeš mazohistički da probaš još jednom da pređeš misiju (i umreš 16. put)

Na popustu do 13. marta https://store.steampowered.com/app/2828860/The_Forever_Winter/

Ima i demo, stavio da se skida.

Vidim da je dosta skorašnjih ocena negativno, za recent je mixed ocena.

Igrao skoro, šta je to toliko loše?

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Највећа објективна замерка је што не можеш да је играш по мало повремено. Постоји механизам снабдевања водом, и ако ти у склоништу нестане воде, губиш доста.

Поред тога игри треба још годину дана развоја и балансирања да би се рекло да је уживање за игру.

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25 minutes ago, manson said:

Ček, tipa igram danas, ne mogu da napravim pauzu 10tak dana ili koliko god, bez da gubim nešto? Uf... sumnjam da tako nešto mogu da igram.

da si igrao dark seed ne bi postavljao takva pitanja!

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3 hours ago, manson said:

To je ono sa početka 90tih? Ih kada je to bilo, druga vremena, sada igram igre za kežuale 🙂 

pa da kažemo sa sredine devedesetih!

za kežuale te razumem!

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5 hours ago, manson said:

Ček, tipa igram danas, ne mogu da napravim pauzu 10tak dana ili koliko god, bez da gubim nešto? Uf... sumnjam da tako nešto mogu da igram.

Tako je, plus nema pauze u toku misije.

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Verovatno da ima i nešto istine 😞 https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/analyst-thinks-take-two-will-sell-grand-theft-auto-6-at-an-unprecedented-100-price-point/


Take-Two could be planning to sell Grand Theft Auto 6 at an unprecedented price point of “$100 or more” per copy.

That’s according to Michael Pachter, the managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities.

The analyst discussed Rockstar owner Take-Two’s plans for the blockbuster release in a research note distributed this week.

“We think the company has plans to sell the game at a previously unheard of price point, and suspect that management can offer consumers an incentive to pay $100 or more per unit by rewarding them with a large amount of in-game currency to be spent in GTA Online,” he wrote.

“There is precedent for integrating an online game experience with a premium game, as Activision did so with both Call of Duty Warzone and Call of Duty Mobile content prior to the release of its annual Call of Duty premium installment,” Pachter continued.

“In Activision’s case, the integration led to a 40% increase in sales of Call of Duty premium; in Take-Two’s case, we think a successful integration of GTA Online and GTA VI can lead to a $100 price point for the premium game.”

It’s not the first time that a $100 price point for Rockstar’s upcoming game has been mooted.

It’s previously been suggested that other developers and publishers are hoping GTA 6 will be priced between $80 and $100, in a move which would allow more companies to raise their software prices too.

100 im majki... svima.

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Zato sam bunario po kolekciji igara koje je Epic besplatno delio, i izbunario biser - Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Pošto su dvojku baš nahvalili, probao sam keca pošto je i on dobio dobre ocene.

TL;DR još jedan biser evropske gejming industrije koji odskače od američkog šablona RPG igara. Potpun sandbox, moralno siva igra (upravo sam tražio mito da obezbedim čoveku pa preživi, i ne postoje nikakve reperkusije), kompleksne mehanike, i centralnoevropski setting.

Što se mene tiče, War Horseov KCD ide rame uz rame sa CDPR ovim Witcherom i CP, i GSC Game Worldovim Stalker serijalom.

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On 3/10/2025 at 10:29 PM, manson said:

uopšte nisam iznenađen, ne bi trebalo ni ostali da budu 🙂 već smo sada na 70$ cenama, uz inflaciju i sve, 100$ je rln cena za nove igre, posebno kad pretenduju da budu hit.

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CS:Legacy is a fully standalone remake of Counter-Strike 1.6, built from the ground up with 100% custom game code and game assets. After the exciting Global Offensive transition to CS2, we wanted to bring Classic Counter-Strike back to life more than ever to keep the Classic CS Legacy alive. Not as a mod, but as a full game. The game is built on Valve's official 2013 Source Engine SDK codebase, with our own major rewrites to the renderer, shaders and various systems.


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