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Može to da se desi zato što su odlagali igru - fizičke kopije su već morale da budu u proizvodnji kad su ga poslednji put pomerili pa je na njima verzija koja je u tom momentu aktuelna. A svakako računaju na Day1 patch koji menja fazon pola igre i mora da se skida 100GB kad zvanično bude izašla. Tako radi i svaki noviji Call of Duty :)

Sad kako su im "pobegle" neke kopije jeste malo čudno jer je to moralo da se desi negde iz proizvodnje ili samog Ubisofta pošto sigurno još nisu stigle do distributera...

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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Nisam ovo očekivao od EA, ono jesu matore igre, ali opet, nešto i pozitivno da urade 🙂



EA just released source code for a bunch of old Command and Conquer games, and added Steam Workshop support to bangers like C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

The games getting a source code release are Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn), Red Alert, C&C Renegade, and C&C Generals and Zero Hour. They're being released under the GPL license, meaning folks can mix, match, and redistribute them to their hearts' content without EA lawyers smashing down the door. You can find them all on EA's Github page.

As for the Steam Workshop? That's getting switched on for C&C Renegade, C&C Generals and Zero Hour, C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath, and C&C 4 Tiberium Twilight (they can't all be winners). EA's also gone and "updated all the Mission Editor and World Builder tools so you can publish maps directly to the Steam Workshop."


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On 2/26/2025 at 8:18 PM, manson said:

Ovo Ubi namerno likovao igru, da mogu da okrive pirate što je loša prodaja, šta drugo može da bude 🙂 

nek propadnu više :)) daj da ih zatvore ili nek ih kupi neko normalan i pootpušta 3/4 studija :))

1 hour ago, manson said:

Nisam ovo očekivao od EA, ono jesu matore igre, ali opet, nešto i pozitivno da urade 🙂


videli od Valvea sa Team Fortress 2 pa kao hajde i mi to da uradimo :)))

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