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Eo stigao i odgovor:


Hello Dusan,
Thank you for reaching out regarding DOGA.
In the world of cryptocurrencies, and especially when it comes to tokens with lower market capitalization, such incidents can occasionally occur due to the limited liquidity they offer.
Liquidity means how easily you can buy or sell an asset without affecting its price. Low market capitalisation tokens often have less trading activity, so their prices can change suddenly, and executing trades can be tough, especially when lots of people are trading.
In this case, the trading delay might be due to a lack of liquidity, which can contribute to the delay in executing a trade order at the desired price. Remember, trading lower market capitalisation tokens can be riskier because their prices can go up and down very quickly.
To protect our users and ourselves from making costly mistakes, we stop trading temporarily when the market is moving too fast in one direction.
We're working on solutions to reduce these trade stops, but they might still happen during big events. Our goal is to keep things safe for our users.
Unfortunately, as this is an accepted risk for these lower capitalization tokens, a refund cannot be issued. 
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Team Bitpanda (Andy)‍


u prevodu, slobodno trziste nigde ne postoji, pa ni ovde, duvajte ga pezanti!


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Šta radimo dule, jel kupujemo, prodajemo? :))

Цене криптовалута су ПАЛЕ. Bitkoin је на најнижем нивоу у последње три недеље, а етар је на најнижем нивоу од почетка септембра. Инвеститори се повлаче из ризичне имовине због могућег глобалног трговинског рата.

Биткоин, највећа и најпознатија криптовалута на свету, јутрос је у Азији пао на 94.476 долара и у једном тренутку достигао тронедељни минимум од око 91.441 долара.

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