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Mislim da kod nas nema nikakvog zakona koji to niti dozvoljava, niti zabranjuje, dakle moze neko da te drka, a i ne mora :) Kao i mnogo stvari ovde. Pritom to ne pricam napamet nego mi je to rekao ovaj lik http://helivideo.rs/koji je snimao dronom sve i svasta kod nas (od Dinkiceve "jaki regioni, jaka Srbija", preko Survivora, pa do majskih poplava). Osim ako se nesto nije promenilo u proteklih par meseci posle incidenta s utakmice, fakat je ta prica bila pre godinu dana. 


Edit: Inace s njim sam nesto pricao oko snimanja nekih reklama u Rusiji za Sberbanku (koja je povezana s drzavom 100%) i ovi Rusi su se tamo raspitivali oko dozvola i odgovor je bio "ma da, vazi, sigurno cemo nekome da dozvolimo da leti s nekim sranjem iznad grada" [:D]

Edited by Zwerko
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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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imam ovo gajbi. Sranjce indeed ali je gotivno da trolujes svog psa recimo. Previse je slabasan i nestabilan da bi nosio bilo sta sto je i blizu tezine jedne kamerice

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Nezgodacija sas dron:



TGI Fridays' mistletoe delivery drone draws blood

If you think a crowded restaurant is one of the worst places to fly a drone in, photographer Georgine Benvenuto will most likely agree with you. After all, the mistletoe drone TGI Fridays unleashed in its Sheepshead Bay, New York location didn't lead to a kiss -- instead, it took a small chunk off her nose and clipped her chin. According to Courier Life's Brooklyn Daily (where she worked), the operator encouraged the reporter with Benvenuto to land a 10-inch drone on her hand during a demo on December 4th. While it was the smaller of the two drones on site, and the propellers were only five inches in length, their blades were both sharp and uncovered.
The operator, David Quiones, claims the accident wouldn't have happened if the reporter didn't flinch when the flying contraption landed on her hand, sending the drone hurtling towards her companion. Despite drawing blood from someone's face, he doesn't believe the incident will affect business: "If people get hurt, they're going to come regardless. People get hurt in airplanes, they still fly. There is a risk involved -- anything flying, there is risk." As for TGIF, well, a spokesperson told Brooklyn Daily that the company isn't worried about more customers getting injured. People generally steer clear of the drones on their own, she said, adding that they do not let consumers touch them. We just hope they've now forbidden their operators from attempting to land on people's body parts, as well.



Edited by Zwerko

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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U stvari to na utakmici je bila jako ozbiljna stvar i veliki fejl nasih bezbednjaka. Mogli su lagano prici nekom politicaru a uopste nije tesko staviti nesto na dron sto moze da ubije, recimo pola kile plasticnog eksploziva. U francuskoj se poslednjih meseci neki idioti igraju sa dronovima oko nuklearnih elektrana, mada sa consumer dronovima pa ih je lako ometati. Inace dronovi ce biti ozbiljan bezbednosni problem.

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