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Nisam igrao nijedan kompetitivni FPS jos od UT-a naseg, jel ti deluje da ce ovo ikako izaci na nesto dobro? Vec sam preorderovao igru, no cisto da cujem sta mislis.

Nisam siguran :( Čitam komentare drugih, ujedno i Silencera i onda sam pokoleban da kažem da se ovo meni i dalje ne dopada previše. 

Po meni je gameplay nepostojeći, uključujući tu i balans likova, balans timova, balans mapa, mehanika mi je bulja, previše specijalnih efekata i zauzimanja prostora na ekranu modelima oružja i sličnim nepotrebnostima. Ujedno se vidi da je igra pravljena i za konzole. Nije baš za poređenje potpuno, ali TF2 po meni šije Overwatch - ne samo što je bedža, nego imaš bolji osećaj igranja, da tvoje oružje ili mogućnosti daju neki impact i tako, Ne kažem, možda je doteraju još do releasea.

Moje trenutno misljenje je da dominiraju dva heroja ATM. Bastion i Patuljak.
Ceo dan sedim pijem kafu i udaram turret.

Inace igra je zabavna, ja sam matori igrac Quake III Arene, i CS-a. Isto vise ne igram, a jedina zamena eto Overwatch, ne sto je napraivo Blizzard, nego sto su se stvarno lepo potrudili da naprave igru.

Tru dat, bastion u timu ako iole zna da igra uvek dominira. play of the game zagarantovan :)

ah da:

Which Member Of Overwatch Are You?

You got: Tracer
Tracer is the poster child of the Overwatch and still fights to uphold the values that the original group was known for. With a plucky attitude and an infectious laugh, Tracer definitely doesn’t take herself too seriously, but thanks to her time-jumping abilities and pulse pistols, you probably should.


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Gledam ove promene i razmišljam kako su patch totalno napravili u skladu sa onim o čemu sam mozgao ovih dana.

Junkratov ulti je cepao svako malo po mapi, sredili su to, plus sekundarno na Mei je toliko sporo bilo da nisam siguran da ga je iko i koristio.

Ultimate charge cost increased by 25%

Developer comments: After last patch’s improvements to RIP-Tire, the speed at which Junkrat could activate his Ultimate was too frequent in comparison. Since RIP-Tire now has a much higher impact, we’ve adjusted the cost of his Ultimate to reflect that. 

Health increased from 150 to 200
Sonic Amplifier
Damage reduced by 20%
Projectile size slightly reduced
Sound Barrier
Ultimate charge cost increased by 25%

Developer comments: We’ve been listening to feedback from all sources and decided to try some alternate changes to Lúcio, taking a different approach from the last patch. The goal here is to let Lúcio to be a difficult support to kill, but reduce his combat effectiveness and make him less of a good duelist. We also felt Lúcio could also activate his Sound Barrier too frequently considering its impact, so the cost of his Ultimate has been adjusted as a result. 

Endothermic Blaster
Alternative Fire Projectile speed increased by 50%
Fire rate increased by 25%
Ammunition cost reduced from 40 to 25

Developer comments: In an ideal world, Mei is selected for her control and resilience, rather than her damage output. That said, we felt that there was still room to give her more consistent damage without compromising these goals. These changes are pretty significant, so we’ll be watching their impact closely.

Orb of Harmony and Orb of Discord will no longer stack with each other
Ultimate charge cost increased by 25%

Developer comments: Zenyatta’s “orb stacking” could cause some degenerate situations—such as a player becoming nearly un-killable if he or she had several Orbs of Harmony buffs active at the same time. Also, much like Lúcio, we felt like Zenyatta could activate Transcendence too frequently considering its impact on a game, so his Ultimate cost has been scaled up to accommodate. 


I konačno su se setili da na Temple of Anubis rašire onaj ulaz do drugog pointa i da otvore dodatni path, ono je bilo nemoguće zauzeti ako protivnički tim iole zna šta radi i "parkira autobus".

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Ova Mei je gotivna ali su joj nešto uradili sa primary modom na pištolju, imam utisak kao da manje dmga radi ili su makar promenili trajanje freeza na liku, nešto tu ne štima.

A imam utisak i da je Tracerka nešto modifikovana, čudno mi se ponaša, a nisam je igrao neko vreme.

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koliko sam gotivno brainfartovao sinoć - igram kao Trejserka na Lijiang toweru i dolazim sa strane BlackWidowki koja snajpuje. I sa gornje platforme hoću da blinkujem na dole bliže njoj i da joj zalepim ulti. Na papiru jednostavno i uspešno.

Međutim, kako sam skočio na dole umesto blinka bacim ulti sebi pravo pod noge i u trenutku kad sam pao dole eksplodira bomba i ubije me, dok 10 metara dalje BW i dalje snajpuje, nije ni izvalila da sam bio tu. Da imam montažerski skill, napravio bih neki kadar gde je BW u prvom planu a ja iza sa svojim neuspelim pokušajem, scena kao iz neke parodije.

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Evo konačno satisfakcije za supporte koji nikad nisu mogli da budu play of the game :))

Updated Feature: Play of the Game
Overall, the Play of the Game feature has been a lot of fun and well-received by the community. However, there are still a lot of improvements we’d like to make so that the gameplay highlighted at the end of each match is more varied and interesting to watch. 

To that end, we will now be capturing different types of gameplay during a match—based on four new categories—and then comparing those moments against each other to find the best Play of the Game for that round of play. The new Play of the Game categories available in this patch are as follows:

High Score: This category is intended to feature large multikills and quick killstreaks. The larger the multikill, the quicker the kill streak, and the closer one is to an objective will all increase a player’s “High Score” score. (Note: This is the category under which all existing Plays of the Game would fall.)
Lifesaver: This category is intended to feature situations where one player is able to save another player (or players) from imminent death. For example: If a Reinhardt has an enemy pinned, and that enemy’s teammate stuns or kills the Reinhardt, the teammate would be awarded a large amount of “Lifesaver” score.
Sharpshooter: This category is intended to feature difficult or skillful kills. For this category, the game will be looking at factors like movement speed, the distance at which the attack occurred, whether or not the attack was a headshot, and if the victim of the attack was in the air at the time, etc. Each of these variables will increase a player’s “Sharpshooter” score.
Shutdown: This category is intended to feature moments in which one player kills another player (or players) right as they were about to do something particularly impactful. An example of this would be if a Widowmaker snipes a Lúcio in the middle casting Sound Barrier for his team. In this instance, the game will predict how impactful that Sound Barrier would have been and then award the Widowmaker player an appropriate “Shutdown” score in return.


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Igrao sam juče malo sa Zaryom, i dalje mislim da nije dobar tenk izbor, ali nema veze.

Ono što su konačno ubacili jer brojač koji pokazuje koliko ti je pojačan primary u skladu sa "kupljenjem" dmga, pa sad makar čovek zna gde je.

btw2, route 66 aka team fortress 2 :))

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MP detalji:

Providing players with a sense of progression is an important part of any competitive system—in Overwatch's Competitive Play mode, advancement comes through a system of divisions and tiers.

Competitive Play features four distinct tiers: Challenger, Advanced, Expert, and Master. Each tier also has five divisions, ranked 1 through 5. Challenger 1 is the lowest tier and division (all players will begin here) and Master 5 is the highest tier and division. To progress, you'll need to earn a specific amount of points. You’ll gain points for winning competitive matches and, depending on the which tier you're in, lose points for being defeated. The number of points awarded or deducted varies depending on the tier and the specific win/loss condition.

With this, while you can always be promoted to a new division or tier by earning enough points, you can never be demoted out of a tier once you've reached it—regardless of how many points you may lose, you can only ever move to a lower division.

Additional details:

Players will start at Challenger 1 with 0 points
Players will earn 20 points for a victory
Players will lose 20 points for a defeat
Progressing from one division to next requires 100 points
Progressing from one tier to the next requires 100 points while at that tier's final division
While in the Challenger tier, players will not lose points for a defeat
While in Challenger, Advanced, or Expert tiers, players will earn 40 points (instead of 20 points) for consecutive victories
While in Advanced or Expert tiers, players will lose 10 points (instead of 20 points) for a defeat if the match is lost during a tie-breaking round
Players may only queue as a group if they are within 10 divisions of one another
Players at Master 5 will also have the opportunity to advance to a special fifth tier: Heroic! This tier has no divisions—instead, every player who reaches Heroic will receive a unique numeric rank* relative to other players in the tier. In the future, we also want to provide in-game leaderboards to showcase the top-ranked players in Heroic each season. Learn more about our plans for seasons below.

Što će reći, biće opet zanimljivog matchmakinga :)) A već vidim ovo boldovano kao potencijalni problem.

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Zanimljiv je ovaj fazon što su ubacili da kad bilo ko baca ulti, ako je u tvom timu onda priča na engleskom, a ako je protivnik onda je na originalnom "stranjskom" - osim kad je i u domaćem timu "englez" onda daje samo standardni info da baca ulti a ne onaj "sad ću sve da vas pobijem" poklič. 

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