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General Movie News Thread #3

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28 Years Later is officially happening and we now know that it'll be arriving in cinemas next summer.

Sony has confirmed that the terrifying rage virus will be back in cinemas in June 2025, with filming set to begin imminently on the long-awaited movie.

The movie was officially confirmed in January 2024 with Boyle directing and Alex Garland also returning to write the threequel. The duo worked together on 28 Days Later, but only served as executive producers on sequel 28 Weeks Later.

What's more, 28 Years Later will mark the start of a new trilogy of movies set in this world. The sequel will again be written by Garland, but Boyle will only be a producer with Nia DaCosta set to direct.


We've got good news and bad news. Cillian Murphy is involved with the new movie, but not currently set to star in it.

Murphy will act as an executive producer on 28 Years Later and nothing has been confirmed as to whether he'll reprise his role as Jim. He didn't return for the sequel due to other commitments, but Jim was still alive at the end of the first movie.

Jim's return seems unlikely with the new movie set so long after the first movie, but it sounds like he could be persuaded if they find a way.


pogrešan topik 🙂 neka prebaci neko u najave filmov

Edited by manson
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haha opet neka mrsava lepojka, milfara, koja mlati sve muskarce puca leti skace... pa dokle jbt, ovo nije ni over the top fazon 

a sad zamislimo film u kojem ide neki  muzijak, i mlati nadrkane besne zene koje skacu na njega !





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  On 5/22/2024 at 10:44 AM, manson said:

Odakle su ovu Džesiku izvukli, nisam je video 100 godina 🙂 



i meni je to palo napamet pre x meseci kad sam video na tvu spot za pesmu iz prvog fantastic 4 gde je ona i kao - šta se sa njom dogodilo prosto je nestala, tipa 10 godina je nigde nije bilo 🙂

  On 5/22/2024 at 10:41 AM, manson said:


pogrešan topik 🙂 neka prebaci neko u najave filmov


bukvalno ne znam šta da očekujem 🙂 28 nedelja posle je bio ok, ali nije baš bio na nivou prvog filma, tako da se nadam da će da se dobro zamisle kad budu pravili scenario 🙂

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  On 5/30/2024 at 11:10 AM, G!!! said:

kako bre lose 🙂 

ti si obrnuo igricu po ko zna koji put, idi gledaj 4.2/10 horore 😛


smatram da trejler ima samo najbolje delove te da idu na preveliki fokus toga da će ova dvojica da iznesu film, i da su u trejler ubacili sve komično što su mogli.

možda je termin "baš loše" zapravo prejak, pa evo korigovaću - loše 🙂 

isto kao što smatram 4.2/10 horore lošim, ali poneki i pogledam, pogledaću i ovo i voleo bih da me praksa demantuje te da ispadne bolji film nego što sam mislio!

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  On 6/12/2024 at 2:27 PM, G!!! said:

mislio sam vise nesto kao ovo 🙂


haha, naravno, znam 🙂 pazi, siguran sam da je to blizu dosta, ovo sve što gledamo su neki amaterski poduhvati, kada bi se neko okrenuo tome da uleti sa dosta keša, samim tim ljudstva itd, iskidao bi. a plus sve ovo svakim danom napreduje sve više i više, pa i ovo što su pravili pre 6 meseci danas je već "zastarelo".

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