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kalis gonna kal

Realno, ribe vole da se jebu, i trebaju da se jebu, a sto im vise brane da se jebu sa strane, one se vise trude da se jebu sa strane i vise se trude prilikom jebanja. A lik je samo trebao da se baci u promet i onda bi se verovatno gdjica osetila ugrozenim, a ako nije u tom fazonu, onda je trebao da menja partnera. Ovako, em mrtvo celjade, em lik u kurcu.

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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Malo matoro, al mrzi me da trazim nesto svezije. U svakom slucaju baljezgas.

Industrialized Countries


● 29% of women (a nationally representative sample of 12,300 women) reported being physically assaulted by a current or former

partner since the age of 16.


● 59% of 796 women surveyed in 1993 reported being physically abused by their partner.

New Zealand

● 20% of 314 women surveyed reported being hit or physically abused by a male partner.


● 20% of 1,500 women reported being physically assaulted according to a 1997 survey.

United Kingdom

● 25% of women (a random sample of women from one district) had been punched or slapped by a partner or ex-partner in their lifetime.

United States

● 28% of women (a nationally representative sample of women) reported at least one episode of physical violence from their partner.

Asia and the Pacific


● 16% of women (a nationally representative sample of women) reported being physically abused by a spouse; 8% report being injured.


● Up to 45% of married men acknowledged physically abusing their wives, according to a 1996 survey of 6,902 men in the state of

Uttar Pradesh.


● 38% of wives reported being physically abused by their spouse, based on a survey of a random sample of women.


● 20% of husbands (a representative sample of 619 husbands) acknowledged physically abusing their wives at least once in their marriage.

Middle East


● 35% of women (a nationally representative sample of women) reported being beaten by their husband at some point in their marriage.


● 32% of women reported at least one episode of physical abuse by their partner and 30% report sexual coercion by their husbands in

the previous year, according to a 1997 survey of 1,826 Arab women.



● 42% of 612 women surveyed in one district reported having been beaten by a partner; of those 58% reported that they were beaten

often or sometimes.


● 41% of women reported being beaten or physically harmed by a partner; 41% of men reported beating their partner (representative

sample of women and their partners in two districts).


● 32% of 966 women in one province reported physical abuse by a family or household member since the age of 16, according to a

1996 survey.

Latin America and the Caribbean


● 26% of women (representative sample of women from Santiago) reported at least one episode of violence by a partner, 11%

reported at least one episode of severe violence and 15% of women reported at least one episode of less severe violence.


● 19% of 6,097 women surveyed have been physically assaulted by their partner in their lifetime.


● 30% of 650 women surveyed in Guadalajara reported at least one episode of physical violence by a partner; 13% reported physical

violence within the previous year, according to a 1997 report.


● 52% of women (representative sample of women in León) reported being physically abused by a partner at least once; 27% reported

physical abuse in the previous year, according to a 1996 report.

Central and Eastern Europe/CIS/Baltic States


● 29% of women aged 18-24 fear domestic violence, and the share rises with age, affecting 52% of women 65 or older, according to

a 1994 survey of 2,315 women.


● 60% of divorced women surveyed in 1993 by the Centre for the Examination of Public Opinion reported having been hit at least

once by their ex-husbands; an additional 25% reported repeated violence.

Russia (St. Petersburg)

● 25% of girls (and 11% of boys) reported unwanted sexual contact, according to a survey of 174 boys and 172 girls in grade 10 (aged 14-17).


● 23% of 550 women aged 18-40 reported physical abuse, according to a survey.


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Pa da sam Poljak hejtovao bih Poljake, ovako mi je manje stalo do njih nego do nas. Nisam ja rekao da druge drzave nisu u kurcu po tom pitanju, vec da Srbija jeste. Babe i zabe

Poenta je da si krenuo da analiziras to u stilu kako mali perica zamislja drustvenu sociologiju. Stvar je mnogo kompleksinija. Pogledaj samo Japan gde je nasilje nad zenama bilo na 60%.

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A i napisao sam muskarci u Srbiji, ne znam kako taj post nije jasan, zaista sam sad posumnjao u tvoje kognitivne sposobnosti.

Ducky pls

Kapiram da ventilišeš neke frustracije, ali mi nemamo pojma šta se desilo u stanu. Možda se ona navukla na pajdo? Možda je pokušao da je odvrati od prostitucije? Možda je ona bila bolesno ljubomorna i pratila ga u stopu?

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Немој бити исфрустриран, сигуран сам да и ти можеш да бијеш рибе само кад би хтео, није он бољи од тебе!


brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Немој бити исфрустриран, сигуран сам да и ти можеш да бијеш рибе само кад би хтео, није он бољи од тебе!


"Kučke idu na džezersajz i aerobik, ne možeš ih više ni pošteno istući" :tf:
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Бели лук на цени :)


Kako prenosi AP, tužilac Tomas Alstrand je izjavio da su šverceri prvo poslali 1,2 tone belog luka brodom u Norvešku, odakle su ga kamionima ilegalnim putem prebacili u Švedsku, izbegavši time plaćanje carinskih dažbina u vrednosti od 10 miliona evra.

Edited by Kal1mero

Нема  будућности без истине.

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