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There's a video making its way around Birmingham social media that appears to show a shocking thing: a postal worker standing outside his delivery van launching packages into a kudzu-covered Southside ravine.

That video led to the resignation of the postal worker on Thursday, according to Office of the Inspector General Special Agent Kenneth D. Smith.

The video, which you can view here, was filmed on Monday, according to the person who posted it to YouTube (who asked that his name not be used). The poster, who said a co-worker's boyfriend actually filmed the incident, said the incident occurred on 17th Avenue South on Birmingham's Southside – a very hilly area overlooking Birmingham's skyline.
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Kad smo kod toga, gde se mogu kupiti šipke za zgibove ali da ne iziskuju bušenje, već da se samo zategnu ključem u štok?

U Sport Depotu imaju samo ove što traže bušenje


ja sam to video ovde u starom merkatoru, ona sportska prodavnica čim se popneš uz stepenice kod stanice, pa desno.

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