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zanimljivi video klipovi


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To preserve batteries, the cameras only took footage for minutes at a time over the course of roughly a week. After that, the rubber attachments degraded enough that the cameras fell off the birds, and the scientists retrieved the devices from the forest floor. In these videos, above and below, you can see the range of activity that they captured. We can see the birds feeding just using their beaks, interacting with baby crows, and using tools. What's especially remarkable is that we now have solid evidence that crows make hooked tools. Humans are the only other animal on Earth to make these kinds of tools, which require several steps of preparation before they can be used. The crow must find a branch of the right dimensions, trim leaves and bark from it, and shape the hook itself. Only then can the bird insert the hook into rotted wood, snaring larvae and insects for a delicious meal. Crows also appear to use the hooks to muck around in the leaves on the forest floor, hoping to uncover more bugs.




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Ball Lightning Filmed


Prvo sam mislio da je očigledan fejk, ali sam proguglao loma i našao da je poznat ali neobjašnjen fenomen.




Svakoga dana, novi klipovi, učimo zajedno!

Slično, s tim što smo imali to isto na forumu pre x godina zajedno sa onim loptastim oblacima - isto su ljudi mislili da su fake :)

nešto ovog tipa:


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Sad me podseti, pre jedno nedelju dana možda sam blejao tu u kraju i uhvatio jednu brutalno kul sliku, ali na slici sam uhvatio i nešto što ne bi baš trebalo da bude tu...


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Iznad desnog chemtrail-a.

Da predupredim pitanja, nije bilo prljavo sočivo :)

Lepa ti je njiva!


also mesec!



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