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Svi mastoviti kritici, eno vam RSI forum pa delite ideje :) Tako barem radite nesto konstruktivno i doprinosite igri. Cinjenica je da slusaju dosta toga sta fanovi pricaju.


Star Citizen je naslednik Wing Commandera i Freelancera, kome se taj koncept ne svidja, tamo su vrata.

S tim sto ce dodati detalje iz svakog drugog Sci Fi filma sto vredi nesto :) Ja bih platio blanko chekom za Firefly transport model.


Cilj nije surva realnost, aka MS Flight Simulator, i ne treba da bude. Nek potrefe da je gejmplej i dogfight izbalansiran, i puna kapa.


Sad kad smo pokrili sta je igra, i sta joj je cilj, mozemo da prekinemo sa vajnovanjem i da pricamo o produkciji, artu i kreativnim idejama?

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Cilj nije surva realnost, aka MS Flight Simulator, i ne treba da bude. Nek potrefe da je gejmplej i dogfight izbalansiran, i puna kapa.

Ako im gameplay bude dobar, ima da vozim i mig29 u svemiru i da pitam imaju li i model iljushina ;)

A firefly model kada bi ubacili kao paket sada, zgrnuli bi bar jos 3miliona samo od toga ;)


"And Shepherds we shall be.

For thee, my Lord, for thee."


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"Enhanced Capital Ship Systems – In addition to the command and control systems we’ve already outlined, we’re going to expand capital ship functions! Lead a damage control team to fight fires and repair key systems during battle, control internal bulkheads to slow boarders and man a number of consoles, like navigation and engineering, that will make commanding a capital ship feel even more immersive."


Haha zamisljam scenu iz Robotech-a, kad rucno pomeraju shield points da se zastite od projektila.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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"Enhanced Capital Ship Systems – In addition to the command and control systems we’ve already outlined, we’re going to expand capital ship functions! Lead a damage control team to fight fires and repair key systems during battle, control internal bulkheads to slow boarders and man a number of consoles, like navigation and engineering, that will make commanding a capital ship feel even more immersive."


Haha zamisljam scenu iz Robotech-a, kad rucno pomeraju shield points da se zastite od projektila.


Jedna od scena iz Robotecha koje se kao klinac najviše sećam :)

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Ja sam sebe pocastio sa "Origin 325a Fighter" u sklopu "Arbiter - LTI" paketa.

I sada se nerviram sto je osvetljenje lose u diskount hangaru a brod je crne boje pa se ne vidi skoro nista.



[EDIT] 25 MIlki


Enhanced Alpha – We will use additional funding to build a wider alpha test than we had originally intended for the first phase of Star Citizen’s launch. The initial plan was to first launch servers in North America and then expand to areas such as Europe and Australia to decrease latency in these areas, perfecting the game as we improve the experience around the world. This funding will allow us to invest in a wider infrastructure for our early testing, spinning up remote servers earlier. Hitting this goal will also allow us to increase the number of remaining alpha slots. Extra alpha slots not only means more Star Citizens will travel the ‘verse at launch, but that we will receive more feedback and more stress testing. This in turn will allow us to better balance and enhance the Star Citizen experience!

Edited by stator
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$27 million

  • Banu Merchantman Unlocked – Banu traders are renowed for their merchant prowess, traveling the spacelanes and trading with everyone from humans to the Vanduul! Their sturdy, dedicated trading ships are prized beyond all other transports, sometimes passing from generation to generation of Banu. At $23 million we dedicated additional resources to making Xi’An spacecraft a unique experience. At $27 million, we will expand that same thinking to the Banu! Starting with the merchant ship, the design team will expand Banu technology to offer players a completely different way of experiencing their universe.

Uh uh, jedva cekam da posedujem ovaj brod.

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Ja se radujem sto ce biti AUS server za alfu i betu, u sklopu 25mil goal :)


Seo sinoc u Avenger, bem ti koji filing. A kokpit skroz otvoren, gde god da pogledam sve vidim, pa zamisljam koji ce to filing biti u svemiru. Steta sto ne mogu iz kabine u cargo bay, al jbg i ovako puna kapa.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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zar neces moci kroz igru da zaradis pare za drugi brod ? zasto bi preskakao igranje i jos davao pare za to :)


Ne preskacem nista, nego podrzavam igru u razvojnom procesu. Btw, teske reci od nekog ko je kupio najskuplji Origin :)

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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