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uporedna vremena instalacije igara za PS4 i XBONE (instalacija igara, konzole... svašta) - http://bit.ly/IjuMix


Detaljnije na linku, ali u biti:


Assassin's Creed IV: 
Xbox One (offline, no update): 5 minutes 50 seconds
Xbox One (with update, fastest connection): 7 minutes 2 seconds
Xbox One (with update, 10Mbps connection): 10 minutes 32 seconds
PS4: 42 secondsP


The rest of these were tested on our office Wi-Fi which is around 9-11Mbps. It may have been faster on a wired connection, but you can compare your own connection speed here. These are our results:P


Need For Speed Rivals: 
XBO: 09:25 (including update)
PS4: 00:32P


Just Dance 2014: 
XBO: 08:48 (including update)
PS4: 00:45P


NBA Live 14: 
XBO: 16:26 (including update)
PS4: 00:35P


FIFA 14:
XBO: 16:06 (including update)
PS4: 00:34P


Madden 25:
XBO: 9:38 (including update)
PS4: 00:38P


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Ima opcija da igraš igru dok se skida ,taj feature reklamiraju od početka,zato su ova vremena tako mala i tačna su ali ne vazi isto za MP komponentu gde mora čitava igra da je spremna. Imala je ona reklama ali nikako ne mogu da je nadjem.


Eo oba opisa a  i gamespot je napravio najbolji cover sto se tiče console launcha,prvo za ps4 a onda za xone i dan nakon toga imali su 29 sati dug live stream,bacali igre svi iz offica.Sve su opcije prikazali odmah,kako strimovati preko twitcha,ova opcija gore a i svidja mi se sto nisu bili blagi na opisima igara.





Eo i klip sa laucha u San Francisku,prvi ovaj matori neki,obaro je ovaj rekorde na arkadama ja msm sedamdesetih xD


Edited by SteXmaN
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inače, pikao sam malo FEAR Online u zatvorenoj alfi, nije loše, nije ni nešto posebno. Onako, osrednji ripoff Left4Deada, bukvalno, samo sa manje šarma i manje protivnika i nejasnim ciljem. Inače igru pravi Aeria games, oni su zaslužni za onaj apsolutni krš od pre koju godinu, Alliance of Valiant Arms ili kako već. Ovo je bolje. Vidim sad da su oni nekako iza i AirMecha, NFS Worlda i Battlefield Heroesa, što su sve ok f2p igre. Mislim da se i dalje možete prijaviti ovde za testiranje - http://fearonline.aeriagames.com/

Eo i klip sa laucha u San Francisku,prvi ovaj matori neki,obaro je ovaj rekorde na arkadama ja msm sedamdesetih xD


uh  :fp:


imam flešbekove na Noobz... najgore ostvarenje ikada.


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Mozda treba da ide u software ali nema veze.Spekulisalo se dosta o ovome još prije izlazska conslola zbog slične arhitekture i konačno jedan lik daje intervju

The Quest to Build Xbox One and PS4 Emulators  [jupi]

“It would be easier to create a PS4 or Xbox One emulator within the next year or so than it would be to create a PS3 or Xbox 360 emulator that ran at the speed of the device,”


Emulacija je sasvim moguća ali u neku ruku to nebi ni bila,samo treba "emulirati" software,tj. način na koji konzole pokreću igru,sve ostalo je na hardweru koji je u suštini isti.


“I see an emulator for these next-gen systems being similar to a piece of software like VMware or Xen or Hyper-V, where you’re actually building the machine to run as if it was a virtual machine. Normally, emulators are software executables that prop up their own little environment and play in a little sandbox,” he said. Hardware-assisted virtualization could help run emulator code “natively on the machine with hardware acceleration.”



Takodje govori o njegovom projektu,xbox360 emulatoru koji još nije gotov ali ima nameru da ga zavrsi i objavi.



Uglavnom,    GLORIUS   PC MASTER  RACE [roflmao]

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The rich combat system in the game is matched only by the player's freedom of action; he will be confronted with numerous decisions and different choices throughout the quest that could dramatically change how the plot unfolds. The player is possessed by a flame demon and will face a constant dilemma: should he allow the demon to exert its influence to use its mighty powers of fire, or reject its influence and develop his own heroic skills?





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