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ne znam, meni je jedno od merila kvaliteta igre kada na kraju mogu da ocenim da li bih je kupio ili ne. Nevezano za to dal imam pare ili ne. I protekli spajdermeni su mi bili nako bezveznjikavo ok ali nikad ne bih dao pare za njih. Mrzi me da proveravam, ali ovi likovi ako se sećam su radili X Men destiny koji je takođe bio šit, a da ne pominjem da kao ovaj spajdermen izlazi da pokupi ostatak para posle filma... ima mnogo mesta za sumnje tu. Možda ovaj open word koncept izgleda dobro, a ostalo sve u igri je sranje, možda i ne. Zaintrigiran sam u svakom slučaju.


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BAFTA nagrade:

Best game: Portal 2

GAME award (voted by public): Battlefield 3

Design: Portal 2

Action: Batman: Arkham City

Story: Portal 2

Online Multiplayer: Battlefield 3

Mobile & Handheld: Peggle HD

Game Innovation: Little Big Planet 2

Family: Little Big Planet 2

Strategy: Total War: Shogun 2

One To Watch: Tick Tock Toys

Online Browser: Monstermind

Artistic Achievement: Rayman's Origins

Sports/Fitness: Kinect Sports 2

Debut Game: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Original Music: LA Noire

Audio Achievement: Battlefield 3

Performer: Mark Hamill for Batman: Arkham City

Special award: Markus "Notch" Persson (Minecraft's creator)

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My Dad (yep, the same guy who composed the music for the original Karateka and Prince of Persia) called from New York to tell me he was doing some spring cleaning and had shipped me a carton of old games and other stuff of mine he’d found in the back of a closet.

The carton arrived yesterday. My jaw dropped when I saw what was inside.

No, I don’t mean the stacks of Spanish Drosoft versions of POP and Karateka (though those are cool too, especially if you have an Amstrad computer with a cassette player). I mean those three little plastic 3.5″ disk boxes nestled among them… which appear to contain the ORIGINAL APPLE II SOURCE CODE OF PRINCE OF PERSIA that I’ve been searching for, off and on, for the past ten years, pestering everyone from Doug Carlston to Danny Gorlin and everyone who ever worked at Broderbund, and finally gave up hope of ever finding.

I KNEW it wasn’t like me to throw stuff out!

Koliko li je on bio samo oduševljen :))


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Evo ponešto:

Orcs Must Die 2, now with coop

Stasis, izometrijski point and click:

I pet minuta gejmpleja

+ Kickstarter maniju nastavlja gospodin Larry Laffer u projektu Make Leisure Suit Larry come again!

+ za one koji još nisu videli SimCity glassbox engine

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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