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Aparat za kafu

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Longli, kad sam bio u NS-u proteklog vikenda u Merkatoru (baš u samom hipermarketu) je bila promocija tog dolce gusto-a, mislim da je nedelja baš bila, pa ono, long shot ali ako te ne mrzi idi danas, možda bude opet :)

inače mislim da je patrona skuplja od tih 36 din, nešto sam ja računao kad sam u DIS-u video, da je 36 din to je još i "ok", mislim da je išlo bliže ka nekih 60-70.

To deluje kao kul fora za nekoga ko recimo radi od kuće i treba mu 7 min do centra, da se ne smara sa kafom, ali i dalje mi je, ako već daješ "tol'ke pare" za patronu, siđi do omiljenog kafića i popij za 100 din espreso :) posebno ako imaš 5 kafića u 2 minuta hoda.

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super su ove spravice, steta sto volim samo najobicniju crnu kafu. imao sam filter aparat na staroj gajbi, kafa je sjajna, ali je problem sto sam se nalivao sa po litar kafe dnevno. nazalost, ne isplati se praviti male ture. ok je ako imate nekoliko ljudi kuci od kojih svi ujutru piju filter kafu...

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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  • 2 months later...

Evo malo da oživim temu :)

Yes, from what it is written and the picture, it is a faucet. It is a faucet that will have all your favorite coffees right on tap, including espressos, macchiatos, cappuccinos, lattes, americanos, and even hot chocolate, frothed milk, and fruit juice.

The tap is stainless steel and has three dispensers – one to extract coffee, one to dispense the frothed milk, and the other to deliver non-coffee related drinks. You can adjust the height of the tap to accommodate the side of the glass or mug.

What you will not see is that all the “heavy work” is done underneath your counter, not only reducing space, but also reducing noise. It can also be fitted with a refrigeration unit to store juice and milk. TopBrewer uses a stainless steel disc grinder along with a stainless steel brew piston on rotary vane pump to continually deliver professional, consistent results. Want an espresso? Just wait 25 seconds!

I naravno:

The best thing about it is that you can control it with your iPhone or iPad. It has a touch screen interface that enables you to operate the unit. But you can do it with your iPad or iPhone as well. Place your mug under the faucet the night before and when you wake up in the morning, press the button to make your favorite coffee. As soon as you hit the kitchen, a fresh cup of coffee is waiting for you!
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Ali, zar nije ovo samo ko da si masinu za kafu/kapucino koja ti stoji na kuhinjskom elementu prebacio direktno u taj element i sproveo cev da sipa pice gore? Mislim, nisi nista ustedeo prostor vec samo prebacio masineriju ispod pulta. Zasto bi dao 5000 funti za ovo bre? Koliko obicnih aparata mogu da kupim? Da cim se istrosi filter da bacim ceo aparat i izvadim nov, najverovatnije.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Ali, zar nije ovo samo ko da si masinu za kafu/kapucino koja ti stoji na kuhinjskom elementu prebacio direktno u taj element i sproveo cev da sipa pice gore? Mislim, nisi nista ustedeo prostor vec samo prebacio masineriju ispod pulta. Zasto bi dao 5000 funti za ovo bre? Koliko obicnih aparata mogu da kupim? Da cim se istrosi filter da bacim ceo aparat i izvadim nov, najverovatnije.

pa jes' pogledao video? nije obichna mashina za kafu :)

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Pa da li je lakse u 40 naci jedan koji ti odgovara ili u 3?

Cek, zar nije po 16 ukusa u obe varijante?

Lepo mi izgleda, ali je malo skupo. Ja pijem iz velikih solja :)

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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