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Добро јутро свима!

Морам да признам да ми више лежи радно време од 7 до 3, него од 9 до 5.

Овако лагано стигнем гајби око 3:15, једем, тушнем се и већ у 4 могу да блејим и да радим шта-год хоћу.

Иначе треба да узмем неко напајање ових дана...

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Got some minuses for free?

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uzeo malo pre konačno eReader u ruke (Nook Simple Touch), onaj E-Ink displej je čista perverzija...

Konačno sam našao stvar sa koje mogu da čitam PDFove. Jedino što se sad tripujem da nikad u životu više neću kupiti knjigu :/

Oh noes, knjižarska mafija će propasti!

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ne, a ne generise ni onaj zvuk pri promeni stranica :(

ima mod za to kladim se

Edited by dvnitycker

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Jaoming da nije ovako dosadna igra, pa da sednem i obnavljam ruski uz nju

Jedno godinu dana sam pičio Starcraft na ruskom svojevremeno, koliko je to bilo bizarno i carski istovremeno

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Sad end for photography icon

Eastman Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Thursday, marking the end of the line for the 131-year-old photo outfit.

Kodak spent the past couple of decades struggling to keep up with competition from Japan, but the shift to digital photography was the final nail in the coffin for the iconic brand.

Kodak pioneered affordable point and shoot cameras, but it was also at the forefront of photography technology for decades. Kodak engineers and boffins invented the first 35mm colour film, the first digital camera, first megapixel sensor and numerous other technologies and features that we use to this day.

Sadly, the company failed to properly adapt to the new digital era and despite some early, pioneering moves, Kodak spent the better part of the last decade in the back seat, while the competition thrived. In 2010, Kodak employed more than 18,000 souls and they obviously face tough times ahead.

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