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Al Bundy

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Ja sam skakao sa vrha planine i to sa zicare sa padobranom, jer sam bio svorc, a voznja zicarom (10$). Skocio sam po mraku, ali je bilo potpuno ludo, jer se udaljini videla svetla grada nocu i svi automobili u tom trenutku koji se krecu u gradu. Potpuno ludilo sta su uradili, a  ja mislio da ce sve biti samo staticno u daljini.

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Igra je već u BETA fazi testiranja,a za release date ćemo vidjet xD


Eo od loga koji je nadjen na PS3 verziji

•985459 – PC - [PT][PB] Crash - > game_win32_beta_dx11.exe!strRequest::Release() Line 47 + 0xf bytes C++
•985425 - [PT] DH1 - Mission does not progress after following Floyd
•Loading asserts. – 983464, 983402
•968514 - Stunt Jumps should be exactly the same in SP + MP. Doing them in either should count towards any achievements etc.
•957132 - Tattoos did not sync to remote Freemode players.
•946312 - PC - Cannot use the phone after saving a photo and the media folder won't open.
•861298 - Remote player is seen shooting three times from cover, when they only fired once.
•954822 - Loading screens do not appear after "You are not signed in." message
•860217 -  Swimming anims do not sync to remote clients while in shallow water.
•964912 - If a local player switches from a weapon to unarmed while using stealth, the transitional anims between the stealth stance and idle do not sync to remote players.
•917210 - Only the driver is thrown through the windscreen during a collision.
•987310 - Everything tinted yellow in last gen mode
•987209 - Character was gone after signing out of and then back into xbox live.


Edited by SteXmaN
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Bio je neki leak informacija, ne mogu sada da ae setim sa kog sajta je potekla ta informacija, ocekuje se da ce GTA V izaci zajedno sa next-gen edicijom. Ali ipak i cena na sajtu mi nije realna ( cak i da je stvarno ).

Nadjite me na YouTube @ AaAaSRB


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