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OMG Team Fortress 2 Free to play!

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Valve je upravo objavio da je uz Uber update, Team Fortress 2 postao - free to play!

Team Fortress 2 is now Free to Play

June 23, 2011 - Valve, creators of bestselling game franchises (such as Half-Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), announced today that after four years and over 200 updates, its popular and critically-acclaimed online action game Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is now Free To Play (F2P).

The F2P announcement comes as part of the "Über Update". Released today, it is the largest content pack delivered to TF2 since it shipped in 2007.

New players interested in experiencing what PC Gamer calls "the most fun you can have online" will have access to training and offline practice modes, so they can hone their skills before jumping into the ever-expanding TF2 universe.

To celebrate the launch of the Über Update, Valve has released "Meet the Medic," the latest in its series of TF2 animated shorts.

TF2 is now Free to Play for PC & Mac players via Steam.

For more information on Free to Play, please visit http://www.teamfortress.com/freetoplay.

For more information on the "Über Update" and "Meet the Medic", please visit http://www.teamfortress.com/uberupdate.

Uz gomile unapređenja koje ljude koji nisu pikali TF2 neće puno interesovati, a stari mogu da bace pogled (gomial novih oružja, mapa, etc) stiže i - besplatnost igre :)

Ono što ne znam je:

a) šta dobijaju oni koji su platili igru, ako išta dobijaju

b) kako će ovo uticati na broj nublarskih servera.

Ali jedno je sigurno, jedan od najvrh MP naslova je sad besplatan!

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Apsolutno. Samo instaliraj to što imaš na disku, oko 4-5GB ispadne ja mislim, i onda će on povlačiti nadalje patcheve koji mu trebaju. Od retail verzije do danas ih je bilo tipa preko 200, ali ne verujem da je preko giga updatea.

Inače, evo razlika free i premium naloga:

Free Premium

Backpack: 50 slots 300 slots (expandable up to 1000)

Items: Standard Standard, Rare and Cosmetic

Crafting: Limited blueprints All blueprints

Trading: Receive items only Full trading

Gifting: Can receive gifts Can give and receive gifts

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Ja da budem iskren nisam još pikao otkad je free, planiram sutra, možda i večeras malo, pa ću javiti.

doduše, probao sam juče, pa mi je prijavio da je igra "nedostupna", a evo i sada je, jel ima još neko taj problem?

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