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Istorijske pitalice :) take 2

BarcaS take 2

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Ne znam ni sta bih pitao. Ajde nesto o mom omiljenom vojskovodji.

Protiv koga se borio Austrougarski general Oskar Pocorek (inace Slovenac, koji je iz dna duse mrzeo Srbe)? Cak je i "slomio" srpsku vojsku, osvojio Beograd, otisao u Bec da primi orden za pobedu, ali tada je usledila kontraofanziva i Beograd je oslobodjen 15.12. ako se ne varam i austrougarska vojska primorana na povlacenje. Pocorek je smenjen, a na njegovo mesto je doveden Mekenzen koji je napokon slomio vojsku Kraljevine Srbije, ali ako me pamcenje sluzi, digao je neke spomenike srpskim borcima.

Borio se protiv Vojvode Radomira Putnika? Lose ti je formulisano pitanje jer odgovor moze da bude - Putnik, Misic, Bojovic, Srbi, srpska vojska, Sloveni, Sile Entante, Balkanci, moj pokojni deda (koji je ucestvovao u WWI) itd itd.

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Ok, ok, jeste lose formirano. Putnik je bio nacelnik staba vrhovne komande srpske vojske, ali ko je bio vojskovodja koji je vodio 1. 2. i 3. armiju? Posle bitke je dobio cin vojvode.

Zivojin Misic.

A inace Mekenzen je podigao spomenik pali srpskim borcima u odbrani Beograda na Topcideru, neko je kacio sliku istog. A da parafraziram njegove reci o nama "Borili smo se protiv vojnika za koje smo mislili da postoje samo u bajkama"

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E to ne znam ni ja gde je tacno (na zalost). A pitanje... hmmm smisljam

EDIT: Ne pada mi na pamet nista striktno istorijsko, ali evo jedno iz "opste" kulture - termin "will be back in a jiffy" (Grandpa Simpson je znao to da kaze vrlo cesto) - sta je u stvari jiffy? :)

EDIT2: Setio sam se! Najveca pljacka banke - desila se kad, gde i koliko je uzeto?

Edited by BarcaS take 2
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Jiffy je najmanja (najkraca) teoretski moguca jedinica vremena.

Za pljacku banke ne znam :)

Skoro - ali ne i tacno ;)

Jiffy je ime vremenske jedinice od stotog dela sekunde :) 1/100 s je jedan jiffy ;)

A pljacka banke od OKRUGLO 1 MILIJARDE americkih dolara - sto iznosi najvecu sumu iznetu iz banke desila se nekoliko sati pre pocetka drugog zalivskog rata u Iraku kad je iz nacionalne banke nepoznati pocinilac izneo doticnu sumu ;)

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Hmm pa bas sad gledam online, i vidim da ima vise definicija za Jiffy. Jedna prica o fizici, druga o elektronici, a jedna o ovome sto sam ja rekao:

Sometimes a jiffy is used as a synonym for the Planck interval, about 5.4 × 10−44 seconds, which is the time it takes light to traverse the smallest meaningful length, the Planck length. In this quantum mechanical definition, a jiffy is the shortest theoretically possible time period that can be measured within one standard deviation of accuracy.

Toga se ja secam iz skole :)

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Tvrdi se da je u kesu :)

About $1 billion was taken from Iraq's Central Bank by Saddam Hussein and his family, just hours before the United States began bombing Iraq, the U.S. State Department said Tuesday.

Spokesman Richard Boucher said the government doesn't know yet where the cash might have ended up, and U.S. agents are hunting down these and other "assets stolen by the regime." "We do know from Treasury Department officials in Baghdad that approximately $1 billion was taken from the Iraqi Central Bank by Saddam Hussein and his family just prior to the start of combat operations," Boucher told reporters.

"We'll actively follow up on all the leads," he said.

In Baghdad, George Mullinax, a U.S. Treasury Department official who's in Iraq to help in the rebuilding of the Iraqi economy, said the incident took place March 18, just before the United States launched its bombing campaign to remove the Saddam Hussein regime. His main sources of information are Iraqi banking officials. Residents of the area around the Central Bank in Baghdad told CNN they saw three or four trucks backed up to the bank at that time and that people appeared to be loading money onto the trucks.

Large amounts of money have been found in the war's aftermath, including $650 million recovered at one of Saddam's palaces. However, it is unclear if that money was from the Central Bank. Citing an unnamed bank official with knowledge of the removal, The Times reported that Qusay and Abid al-Hamid Mahmood, Saddam's personal assistant, were involved in the withdrawal from the Central Bank. The newspaper quoted the official as saying Qusay and Mahmood carried a letter signed by Saddam authorizing the removal.

Fears have been raised that the money is helping finance senior members of Saddam's government, many of whom are believed to be in hiding in Iraq, according to the Times.

Vest sa CNN sajta

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