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Game of Thrones - zvanični topik o TV seriji i knjigama

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bio sam našao dobru mapu celog sveta, al je nisam sačuvao, i sad nema leba da je pronađem opet

zato mi je ova mapa westerosa odlična, nije pretrpana jer mislim da prikazuje samo lokacije koje su do sada spominjane u seriji.

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Glupi imageshack, ne mog da okačim mapu u full rezoluciji ovu što je Ivan možda tražio

Edit: našao, mada je samo Westeros


Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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I mi imamo drugačiju mapu :)


Došlo vreme da se opet rola konverzija za devet igrača.

U osnovi je prvo izdanje stone igre sa većom mapom (pedesetak teritorija, veličine metar sa metar i po) i Tulijima, Erinima i Targarjenima.

I da, Targarjeni imaju zmajeve.

Ostala su dva slota za partiju u ponedeljak. Najverovatnije se igra u klubu kod Fontane, zainteresovani neka cimnu na PM.

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Nema, sve više sam zagovornik teorije, tj prakse da serija iritira kada se poredi sa knjigom. Samostalno solo je megakul

True dat.

Ne gledam na seriju kao na ekranizaciju knjige nego kao drugacije pripovedanje iste price, i kao tako je sjajno.

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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ja sam knjigu citao malo posle izlaska i pola sam zaboravio, meni do jaja :)

trebali su dzenos vs tirion bolje da urade, i asha mora da bude malo veci zajebant, to su mi sad najvece zamerke. i smeta mi sto asha nije jbj! (iako se iz knjige ne da zakljuciti)

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slazem se za ashu sto nije jbj, ja sam bas kontao da ce biti dobra sojka, sa druge strane mala mardzori klinka om nom nom xD

takodje "preobrazaj" theona je sjajno uradjen

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Misliš na Mardžori Tajrel? Marteli su iz Dorna. Ili te nisam razumeo? Inače je epizoda pola-pola, ima smor delova ali ima i zanimljivih.

Ajrinu avanturu su očekivano skratili i osiromašili ali je odlično napravljena fora sa zamenom Lomija i Džendrija. Mislio sam da neće ni biti scene sa ubistvom Lomija ali ipak su ispoštovali, jedino što je trebao kopljem da ga probode umesto iglom ali i ovako je ok.

Edited by psaras
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HBO just sent forth a raven bearing good news for all the realm! King Joffrey slipped in the shower and broke his neck! Well, not really. But the next best thing: The network has renewed Game of Thrones for a third season! File this under "unsurprising news," as Season 2 has gotten off to a fantastic start both critically and ratings-wise, but everything is better when it's written in stone.

Early ratings data suggests that Game of Thrones isn't done growing and is on the same sort of trajectory that True Blood was on after its first season, and we all know where that show ended up. HBO says the Season 2 premiere of Game of Thrones has amassed a cumulative 8.3 million viewers and is on pace to exceed the average audience of Season 1.

The best part of this news is that if things stay on the current track, Season 3 will delve into the third book of the A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels that Game of Thrones is based on, A Storm of Swords. That book—considered by many fans to be the best of the series so far and I concur—is a beast in every conceivable way, and producers have considered splitting it into two seasons. That would allow them to tackle the entire story and would also give author George R.R. Martin a little more time to write the books so HBO doesn't catch up to him with the television series (book five of seven was released last year; the first book was published in 1996).

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